My Films (subtitled)

My films on healing from psychosis/schizophrenia, now all free on Youtube, have been subtitled in the following languages (including English for the hearing impaired), in part thanks to a grant from The Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care:

日本語 (Japanese)
Deutsch (German)
Español (Spanish)
Français (French)
العربية (Arabic)
עברית  (Hebrew)
简体中文  (Simplified Chinese)
繁體中文  (Traditional Chinese)
Ελληνικά (Greek)
Italiano (Italian)
Português (Portuguese)
Hrvatski (Croatian)
Subtitled English
Svenska (Swedish)
Dansk (Danish)
Suomi (Finnish)
Polski (Polish)
Norsk (Norwegian)
Lietuvių (Lithuanian)
Русский (Russian)
Čeština (Czech)
Български (Bulgarian)

Meanwhile, if you’re a native speaker of a language that is not represented on this list, are also fluent in English and have interest in translating one or more of my films, contact me!  Maybe we can work together.  I have all the files ready to go, and a lot of passion for the project, and as soon as we’re done I’ll put it up on Youtube for the world to watch — and give you credit for the translation.

2 thoughts on “My Films (subtitled)

  1. Hi

    A Dutch translation is missing on the list. I am a psychiatrist working in a comm mental health care team in Holland, my dad was from the US, my mom Dutch and I am from New Jersey, moved to Holland many years ago. When needed I am willing to help to translate the movie. We are here trying to spread the POD word so there is a benefit for us too ; )

    Warm regards,
    Anne-Marie Grube

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