A big part of why I was originally inspired to create this website was to share my point of view on, and my criticisms of, Alice Miller, my favorite well-known writer in the psychology field.
I presently have two main essays about her: a short one and a long one.
I wrote the long one, my full critique of Alice Miller and her work, first — in 2006.
- Here it is: An Analysis of the Limits of Alice Miller
This is the essay that Alice Miller herself read and commented upon. It’s a big essay, and thankfully I think it’s clear and flowing enough to be readable — or at least that’s the feedback I’ve gotten from a lot of people over the years.
But other readers have said they wanted a shorter version, so in late 2009 I wrote the shorter version. I wrote it as a sort of Q & A — to make it most optimally readable.
- Here it is: Alice Miller in a Nutshell: A Brief Critique
I also created two videos on Alice Miller in 2009:
Greetings Daniel. I am interested in knowing if you facilitate any therapeutic groups these days. I know you have changed your focus professionally, or at least your expression of your profession. I have really gotten a lot out of your youtube videos as I have begun to explore the works of Alice MIller. I work as a licensed acupuncturist here in Israel, where there are so many people in need of therapy, from generations of pain that have been perpetuated by the cultures here. Do you ever give lectures or workshops in person? And do you ever come to Israel? Please be in touch and have a wonderful Pesach!!! chag sameach!
greetings michaela — thank you for your comment. i don’t really give lectures or do workshops. mostly i live off the grid these days, at least mostly off the internet…. meanwhile, funny that you would mention israel. i am actually coming to israel in 11 days (my first visit). i will be around the area for six weeks, more or less… i hope to meet some interesting people! daniel
Hi Daniel, I´m really interested in reading more on Alice Miller´s work in the original language/s in which she wrote… Do you know if she wrote in different languages (german, english, french) during his life? And how to know in which specific language did she wrote each of his books?
hi Rayco—her original written language was German, but she also wrote in her website in French and i believe also at times in English. but her books were originally published in german, and her son’s book about her was written in German too…….. daniel
Danke sehr Daniel…thanks a lot 🙂
bitte 🙂
Hello. I need some help. I hope I reached a place for an answer.
In Alice Millers original English publication and the 1981 copyright version of the Drama of the Gifted Child, the social aspect of depression (page 59) says “to find support within himself.” This was just removed from the audio book and a open void was there. In the revisited edition, the social aspect says “to find support within himself” was not there. Does anyone know why the difference between the different copyright versions and the removal of the concept of “to find support within himself” and the revisited version.
Thank you for any help and for taking the time to read this.
Denis Harkins