Deconstructing Psychiatric Diagnoses

Based on my past experience both as a therapist and client in the mental health field, I have learned that when therapists or psychiatrists give you the following diagnoses all too often here is what they really mean: 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:  Your obsessive nature is thwarting my compulsion to reorganize your life.

Paranoid Personality Disorder:  The way I perceive you staring at me when I ask you extremely personal questions about the most painful experiences in your life really makes me uncomfortable.

ADHD:  Your teachers don’t understand you, your parents suck, and I am on their side.

Bipolar Disorder:  You’re going through a rough time, and now that I’ve found a biologically inherent justification for it, your insurance company will allow me to bill all year for your sessions.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder:  I didn’t spend nine years getting this damn license just to listen to you blather on about YOU YOU YOU.  How about ME for a change?

Antisocial Personality Disorder:  You sicko — you actually DO the things my husband masturbates about on the internet.

PTSD:  Since I can’t bill your insurance company for just writing “PTS,” I’ll compromise with psychiatry and add that little “D” to the end…

Generalized Anxiety Disorder:  There doesn’t seem to be anything noticeably wrong with you, but you are here so you must be fucked up somehow.

Histrionic Personality Disorder:  If you keep pushing it, sweetie, I’m going to diagnose you Borderline.  So lower your voice, okay?

Cocaine Dependence:  Fool!  Adderall is legal, cheaper, covered by your health insurance, and works on the same neural pathways!

Anorexia:  They’re models on television.  You’re not.

Dependent Personality Disorder:  We both need to accept that psychotherapy was never intended to last indefinitely.  Well….unless of course you can pay full-fee, in which case I can cook up a more serious diagnosis for you…

Avoidant Personality Disorder:  Thank God you pay out of pocket, because your insurance company doesn’t allow me to bill for all your missed sessions.

Alcohol Dependence:  I probably drink just as much as you do, but since you’re paying and I have a degree I might as well pin an extra label on you.

Dissociative Identity Disorder:  I know, everyone else has diagnosed you with schizophrenia, but I want a really juicy case to present at next year’s conference…

Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy:  Finally I get a chance as a therapist to treat someone who’s just like my mother!!

1,888 thoughts on “Deconstructing Psychiatric Diagnoses

    • And watch out for their “Diagnosing” –
      They can’t see anything worth a damn –
      They’re just sizing you up in a nasty way –
      With their picky-picky-ever-so-sticky DSM –

        • Psychiatry is an insult to science –
          How so?


          So what’s all this talk about them about them having found a genetic link to all their crazy “Disorders”?
          That’s just the latest example of their junk science – where they grasp at ANYTHING they see. And lately they’ve jumped on the Genetic Bandwagon! So now they’re blaring their very own genetic horn – and hitting all the wrong notes, as usual.

          Science is held in high regard, as it should be. Psychiatrists want to be card-carrying members of this deservedly esteemed club; they think this would give them the credibilty they sorely lack.

          But Psychiatry isn’t science, nor is it an “art”, (as the most self-deluded would have you believe). It’s a shitload of wrongheaded psychological theories, dangerous pharmacuetical tinkering, all led by a staggering number of mindless “Psychiatric Diagnoses/Disorders” –

          Psychiatrists should stop pining after science – it’s like an ill-fated romance they can’t get over –
          But their scientific dalliances do serve a purpose; it sheilds them from reality – emotional reality – the kind of reality they’re ill-equipped to handle in any meaninful way. And getting immersed in science is like putting their heads in the sand –

          And what affects emotional reality? Childhood trauma – primarily – as well as horrific tragedy, difficult circumstances, and the vicissitudes of daily living.

          So meaningful answers aren’t to be found in “biological science” – not in any stupid lab test, not in any cruelly indifferent statistic or study, not in any fantastically dazzling magnetic imaging, and ESPECIALLY NOT not in any zombifying psychiatric “drug” –

          Answers are found in the act of living – in serious reflection, valid consideration and fair minded compassion –

          • Psychiatrists are unthinking people would disregard their most basic professional responsibilty –


                • POCKET FULL OF POSEY –

                  What about “therapists” bugs you most?

                  They’re a bunch of fuckin’ posers too damn sure of themselves –

                • STRIKE UP THE BAND –
                  It’s time for (drumroll) DIAGNOSTIC BINGO!!!

                  There was a Doc who was a Crock and FAKE-O was the name, oh!
                  And LIAR is the name – NO!!!

                • CLOSE UP SHOTS –

                  People who look at others through diagnostic lenses need to get another outlook on life –

                  And as for why people would want to “diagnose” others in the first place is anyone’s guess –
                  So here’s one –

                  “Diagnosing” is their way of overcompensating for difficulties in their early lives. It gives them a feeling of mastery. But these feelings – while good – have a way of blinding them to the bigger picture –

                • SECRET SAUCE –

                  What’s all this “vulnerability” bullshit?

                  It’s the word “therapists” use to get you to develop an unhealthy attachment to them –

                • RUN FOR COVER –

                  Gotta watch out for those “psych diagnoses” –
                  What’s a “psych diagnosis”?
                  It’s an MD-AHA, a
                  Medically Disguised Ad Hominem Attack –

                • EGO STRENGTHS???

                  Why are psychiatrists and therapists so hung up on “diagnoses”?
                  Because without them their whole world would fall apart –
                  They can’t last one week without thinking up another one –
                  Hummm…. sounds like addiction….

                • AD – VANTAGE POINTS –
                  What’s the major flaw in psychiatry and psychotherapy?
                  The fact it’s created from a therapist’s point of view –

                • MIND GAMES OR MIND FRAMES –

                  People don’t have “mental illness” –
                  They have MENTAL STATES –

                  People don’t have “personality disorders” –
                  They have PERSONALITY PATTERNS –

                • LOST THEIR WAY –

                  I think you’re ridiculous!
                  My therapist comes from a good place –

                  That may well be, but they’re on the wrong path –

                • BOILING MADNESS –

                  “Psychiatric diagnoses” aren’t biological –
                  Because in the final analysis, what do they boil down to?
                  SUBJECTIVE OPINION –
                  Doubt that?

                  Then trace back as you follow the logic from –
                  Psych diagnoses >>>>
                  Generic labels >>>
                  Name calling >>
                  Insults >
                  And what’s left????

                  SUBJECTIVE OPINION!!!!!

                • What are “therapists”?

                  A distressingly common collection of fundamentally immature and secretly insecure people who’ve never outgrown their need for external validation, a need they unconsciously seek to gratify through their “clientele”, sickeningly devoted cadre of remarkably uncritical and woefully dependent customers –

              • And ANYONE who dares call “psychotherapy” an “art” is self congratulatory, card carrying fool –
                With ego to spare –
                That no one should take –

                • EQUIVOCATION EDUCATION –

                  What are “therapists” trained to do?

                  To rationalize the existence of “therapy” –

                • THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW –

                  What do psychiatric diagnoses do?

                  UNDERMINE HUMANITY –

                • SHOTS FIRED –

                  Gotta watch out for those “psych diagnoses” –
                  What’s a “psych diagnosis”?
                  It’s an MD-AHA, a Medically Disguised Ad Hominem Attack –

                • PRICE TAGS –

                  What’s up with these “therapists”? Every other word out of their mouth’s a fuckin’ “diagnosis”! Will they ever stop?

                  Nope – not as long as there’s a price tag on it –
                  Geeez! They’re like a dog with a bone –

                • SEARCH AND SEIZURES –

                  What’s one of the most evil things a person can do to another?

                  Hijack someone’s personhood with a “psychiatric diagnosis” –

                • What’s wrong with psychiatric diagnoses?

                  They destroy one’s sense of dignity and assault the human soul –

                • OUTLIARS AND TOWN CRYERS –

                  What are “therapists” forever out to prove?
                  That THEY’RE always right –
                  And YOU’RE always wrong –

                  And they’re screaming it all over town (radio, tv, Internet) –

                • STRIKE UP THE BAND (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  I got no drugs in me –

                  Hi-ho the me-ri-o,
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be –

                  I got no pills, oh yes, I’m done –
                  I’m not tied up to anyone –
                  Docs have strings as they well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • SPEAK YOUR MIND –

                  What do most “psychiatrists” “therapists” do to their “patients” and “clients”???

                  MUZZLE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              • Nor is “Psychotherapy” an “art” –

                And though it’s a far less sterile pursuit than Psychiatry aims and claims to be, it remains miserable enterprise that falls neatly and vividly into the strikingly unique category universally known as “SHARTS” –

                • TAKE A BOW –

                  Ready to quit “therapy”?
                  Good –

                  For a last hurrah, quit kissing up and go head to head with that “thing” you call a “therapist” –
                  One adult to another –
                  And oh my, they won’t like that –
                  Ohhh, no!

                  But you’ll see a whole side of them you’ll never forget –

                • OFF BALANCED –

                  What’s the therapist-client “power imbalance”?

                  It’s the WELL-HEELED walking all over the UNHEALED –

                • CHEW ON THIS –

                  How do “therapists” “treat” their “clients”
                  LIKE GUM ON THEIR SHOES –

                • AND THEY CALL IT “THERAPY” –

                  What do “therapists” do???

                  CHEW YOU UP AND SPIT YOU OUT –

                • THEY CALL THAT “THERAPY”???

                  What do therapists do?

                  CHEW YOU UP AND SPIT YOU OUT –
                  (all for a price, of course) –

                • EQUIVOCATION EDUCATION –

                  What are “therapists” trained to do?

                  TO SPEAK WITH A FORKED TONGUE –

                • OFF KILTER –

                  The “power imbalance” in “therapy” is, by its own name, UNHEALTHY –
                  It’s a dynamic where the well-heeled walk all over the unhealed –

                • THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW –

                  What do psychiatric diagnoses do?

                  UNDERMINE HUMANITY –

                • JUST BE YOURSELF???

                  The strangest thing happened in “therapy” today –
                  And what was that?
                  I finally decided to be “authentic” and the turd threw me out!

                • SMALL TALKS –

                  It’s impossible to have constructive conversations with “therapists” –
                  How so?
                  Because every time you disagree with them, they give you another “diagnosis” –


                  It’s been quite a day –
                  Really? Do tell!
                  Well, you know how hard I’ve tried to quit “therapy”, so I…so I…
                  So you what?! So you what?!
                  So I made up my mind to be my true self and the therapist threw me out!

                • MISNOMERED –

                  What’s wrong with psychiatric diagnoses?

                  They destroy one’s sense of dignity and assault the human soul –

                • PLAYTIME –

                  What’s two games “therapists” never outgrew?
                  Simon Says and Follow the Leader –

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED (ode to psych diagnoses sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi -ho! the me-ri-o, it’s the only way to be –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no drugs, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  Drugs are drags, as you all know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  I got no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o –
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be!

                  I got no Docs, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  Docs have strings as they well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be –

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings” –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  I got no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”)

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED –
                  Ode to Psych Drugs –
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  I got a drugs in me –

                  Hi-ho! the mer-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be!

                  I got no “Docs”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun!
                  “Docs” are drags, as a you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • BEGGERS’ BANQUET –

                  What do most “therapists” demand from their “clients”?

                  ABJECT SUPPLICATION –

                • SEAWORTHY –

                  What’s “dyadic psychotherapy”?
                  Rearranging deck chairs –

                  What’s self therapy?
                  The voyage back to yourself –

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o, it’s the only way to be –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no drugs, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  Drugs are drags, as you well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • LOST THEIR WAY –

                  I think you’re ridiculous! My therapist comes from a good place –

                  That may well be, but they’re on the wrong road –

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me –

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no “Docs”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

              • MIND GAMES OR MIND FRAMES –

                People don’t have “mental illness” –
                They have MENTAL STATES –

                People don’t have “personality disorders” –
                They have PERSONALITY PATTERNS –

                • DON’T TAKE DICTATION –

                  Don’t let some stupid “therapist” write you off –
                  Write your own damn story –

                • DON’T TAKE DICTATION –

                  Don’t let some stupid “therapist” write you off –
                  WRITE YOUR OWN DAMN STORY!!!

                • WITHOUT A DOUBT –

                  What’s your problem with therapy and therapists?

                  The fact that it’s an artificial relationship based on a power imbalance and is established and maintained through financial means are my reasons for concern.

                  I fail to see how these dynamics create anything resembling a healthy relationship between adults. A power imbalance by its very nature only serves to foster a client’s dependence, a dependence intensified by therapists who are trained to view themselves as the experts rather than their clients. This kind of dynamic can lead to clients getting stuck living out a therapist’s narrative rather than following their own instincts and intuition. And while this dynamic is by no means limited to psychotherapeutic relationships, society’s relentless promotion of therapy as the ideal only serves to further such dependence.

                  Another drawback is the mistaken notion that the benefits psychotherapy are the sole province of psychotherapy. This only serves those who stand to benefit financially and professionally, which should be a source of concern, but this is not the case.

                  It seems therapists have had their greatest success promoting themselves more than anything else. Their genius for creating needs where none exist while satisfying their own is nothing less than remarkable. However, in spite of such resourcefulness, therapists fail to see how clients would be best served knowing that therapy is by no means the only way to health. But therapists reluctance and/or failure to inform clients of such vital information can only be explained by the fact that they’ve a financial incentive, which only proves their motives are selfish –

                  And of this I have no doubt –

                • HERO WORSHIPPED –

                  Why is seeing a therapist a bad idea?

                  Because therapists think THEY know you better than YOU know you, because therapists are trained to think therapists know better than anyone who isn’t a therapist –

                  But it’s also because therapists, no matter how thoughtful and considerate they may seem, have the following:

                  Massive egos –
                  Manipulative natures –
                  Exploitive and greedy characters –
                  And harbor an intense but unconscious desire to be seen as “the savior,” or “the hero” –

                  And what does all this mean?
                  That therapists are people to avoid IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY –

                • SCARED SHITLESS –

                  What scares the shit outta “therapists”?


              • WRONG PLACE
                WRONG TIME
                ALWAYS A CRIME

                “Being vulnerable” is way oversold –

                What do you mean? Therapists say being vulnerable is healthy –

                Being vulnerable is healthy – but only with the right people –

                And who are the right people?

                Well it isn’t therapists –

                Then who is it?

                It’s not people you have to pay, and it’s not people you can’t get to know well personally, which leaves the old standbys called close friends, and if you’re lucky, family –

                So therapists aren’t trustworthy?

                No. Why would trust someone who’s required to label you, or can force you to take “medication”, or maybe even lock you up against your will in some so-called “treatment facility” for an indefinite period of time? And this can happen to anyone –

                Wow…so why do therapists want you be vulnerable?

                Because it sells well and pays even better, in other words, “being vulnerable” makes people vulnerable/susceptible to a therapist’s manipulative machinations. And in case you hadn’t noticed, the word “vulnerable” has proven to be an especially marketable word on the publicity circuit, making the pushiest and most publicity-crazed “therapists” mouth it every time they turn on a microphone –

                • WET BEHIND EARS –

                  What do therapists crave?

                  TREATMENT NAIVE CLIENTS –

                • CARRIED AWAY –

                  Therapists love the word “vulnerable”. They’ve even made it a buzzword. They got carried away because they think it makes them sound convincing, when all it really means is being unguarded with the people you trust – which, btw, shouldn’t be therapists. But the word “vulnerable” fits right in with the rest of therapists’ touchy-feely garbage routine, and really adds to their generally touchy-feely brand of creepiness –

                • LIE, LIE OR PACIFY???

                  Hi! What’s new with you?

                  Hi! Well…I just met with the strangest therapist –

                  What? Haven’t you heard?? ALL therapists are strange – it’s a job requirement!

                  Well this one sure fit the bill –

                  Really? Tell me about it –

                  Well, first the weirdo talked to me in the softest voice, almost like I was their kid or their lover, but once they saw THAT wasn’t gonna work, they got angry!

                  Oh yeah, been there – But let me guess – the jackass thought they had you ALL figured out before you even opened your mouth, and once you did, they got pissed!

                  More than pissed – they got pissed AND acted entitled – you’d think I committed a crime or something –

                  Oh yeah – and don’t tell me – they started scolding you with the word “vulnerable” –

                  How did you know?? And I don’t EVER want to hear THAT word again –

                  Got it – but it’s their old standby – they haul it out whenever they realize someone’s onto their shit –

                  But what’s the deal with this “therapy”? All I’m trying to do is be myself –

                  But that’s JUST what therapists DON’T want you to be – YOURSELF –

                  Then what DO they want?

                  Therapists want you to be what THEY want you to be –

                  Wow… I think you’re right…wait – just like my parents!!!

                  I think you’re catching on –

                  Catching on??

                  Yes, therapists are out to be everyone’s parent –


                  Because they’re insecure people who need to throw their weight around –

                  Well who wants that? I just wouldn’t want to be stared at all day –

                  But that’s EXACTLY what therapists want – to be stared at all day –


                  Because it’s something their own parents didn’t do enough of for them, or if they did, it wasn’t in the right way –

                  So what you’re saying is, therapists charge people to be their human pacifier –

                  You got it!

                  But why do people keep going to “therapy”?

                  Because the pacifier thing works both ways –

                  Well I wasn’t put on this earth to be some idiot therapist’s human pacifier, that’s for sure – and I sure as hell can figure out how to be MY OWN goddamn pacifier –

                  Good – and you won’t be sorry once you do!!!

              • POWER HUNGRY –

                Psychiatrists act out –
                EVERY CHANCE THEY GET –

                Every time they “diagnose” a “patient” or write a prescription, they act out – again and again and again –

                It’s their very own time-honored loop of repetition compulsion that suppresses their memories of when they felt powerless –


                  All it takes is a dime’s worth of common sense and a dollar’s worth of self respect to avoid the money pit called “psychotherapy” –

                  So don’t let some trauma-happy “therapist” talk you into burning a hole in your pocket –
                  NOTHING THEY SAY is worth that much –

                  BTW, did you know how much those fat-headed fools charge these days???
                  Upwards of three hundred bucks a pop – JUST FOR ONE SITTING!!!

                  OMG – I’d rather be shitting –

                • SHIT OF FOOLS –

                  Do you mean to tell me those goddamn “therapists” can charge three hundred bucks a pop??

                  Yep, they sure can –

                  WTF!!! That’s emotionally piracy! I ain’t boarding that ship of fools – and what the hell are they doing anyway?? Wiping their asses with gold leaf toilet paper???

                • SHIT OF FOOLS –

                  Do you mean to tell me those goddamn “therapists” can charge three hundred bucks a pop??

                  Yep, they sure can –

                  WTF!!! That’s emotional piracy! I ain’t boarding THAT ship of fools – and what the hell are they doing anyway?? Wiping their asses with gold leaf toilet paper???

                • ADVANTAGE POINTS –

                  What’s the major flaw in psychiatry and psychotherapy?
                  That it’s created from a therapist’s point of view –

                • PLAYTIME –

                  What’s two games “therapists” never outgrew?
                  Simon Says and Follow the Leader –

              • POWER HUNGRY –

                “Psychiatrists” act out –
                EVERY CHANCE THEY GET –

                Every time they diagnose a patient, and every time they write a prescription, THEY’RE ACTING OUT –

                It’s their way of suppressing their memories of when they were POWERLESS –

                • UTOPIA OF MYOPIA –

                  Psychiatrists’ near-sighted obsession with “diagnoses” and “drugs” is their way of denying the existence and influence of emotional trauma –

                  They need to take a bird’s eye view –

                • POWER HUNGRY –

                  Psychiatrists act out –
                  EVERY CHANCE THEY GET –

                  EVERY time they “diagnose” a “patient” –
                  EVERY time they write a prescription –
                  THEY’RE ACTING OUT –
                  It’s THEIR way of suppressing THEIR memories of when THEY were powerless –

                • SHIT OF FOOLS –

                  Do you mean to tell me those goddamn “therapists” can charge three hundred of a pop?

                  Yep, they sure can –

                  WTF!!! That’s emotional piracy! I ain’t boarding THAT ship of fools – and what the hell are they doing anyway???


              • SACRED COW-ARDS –

                Why are “therapists” so defensive about “therapy”?

                Because deep down, they know it’s an overpriced, overdone and oversold TROJAN HORSE –

                • KNEE JERKS –

                  What are “psychiatrists”?

                  Know-nothing know-it-alls, trained in the fine art of BR – Biological Reflexology –

                  Biological Reflexology?? What’s that?

                  It’s where they’re trained to reflexively name, diagnose, and dole out pills for WHATEVER ails you in ten minutes or less –

                  Is THAT all they do?

                  Pretty much – but some schools of Reductionism have branched out to include the sub specialties of Blow-Hard and Brow-Beating, which appeals to those without an M.D –

                • WHAT’S WHAT??

                  What’s “psychiatry”?
                  Knee-Jerk Medicine –

                  What’s “psychotherapy”?
                  Academic Fortune-Telling –

                • JOB DESCRIPTIONS –

                  What are “psychiatrists”?

                  Biological Bozos –
                  Diagnostic Diehards –
                  Pharmaceutical Pimps –

                  What are “therapists”?

                  Pompous Windbags –
                  Breathless BlowHards –
                  Emotional PiggyBackers –

                • HANDY DANDY –

                  Is there anything “therapists” can’t handle?


                • ROOT CAUSE –

                  How does the nightmare of “therapy” get started?

                  By believing you need an “expert” –

                • IDLE CHATTER –

                  What’s a “therapist’s” favorite activity?

                  FLAPPING THEIR JAWS –

                • DOES MIGHT MAKE RIGHT???

                  It does according to “therapists” –
                  ‘Cause THEY make all the rules!

                • DOES MIGHT MAKE RIGHT?
                  It does according to “therapists” –

                  ‘CAUSE THEY WRITE ALL THE RULES –

                • SACRED COWARDS –

                  Why are therapists so defensive about “therapy”?

                  Because deep down, they know it’s an overrated, overpriced, oversold TROJAN HORSE –

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  It’s the only way to be –

                  Hi-ho, the me-ri-o, it’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be –

                  I got no pills, oh yes I’m done –
                  I’m not tied up to anyone –
                  Docs have strings as they well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

              • INSULT TO INJURY –

                Is there anything worse than the crap you’ve already been through?
                Indeed there is –

                And what could THAT be?

                Letting your misfortunes finance some “therapists” expensive tastes –

                • DAYS OF PLUNDER –

                  What are “therapists”?

                  Profoundly arrogant people who’ve no qualms enjoying their ill-gotten gains –

                • LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE –

                  What’s one of today’s BIGGEST LIES???

                  That seeing a “professional” is the only and “best” way to get better –

                • What are “therapists’” most insufferable characteristic???

                  THEIR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS –

                • HOLIER THAN THOU –

                  What’s a “therapist’s” most insufferable characteristic???

                  THEIR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS –

                • GOT THEIR GOAT YET?

                  “Therapists” seem so unflappable – doesn’t anything ever bother them??

                  Just watch their faces turn red when you start contradicting them –

                • LOST IN HINTERLAND –
                  Be ready to lose your way in “therapy” –


                • HANDS FREE –

                  Stay out of a “therapist’s” emotional clutches –


                • LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE –

                  What’s one of the biggest lies told today?

                  That “seeing a therapist” is the only and “best” way to get better –

                • CHIEF COMPLAINT –

                  “My therapist acts
                  holier-than-thou – what should I do?

                  TELL THE GRIFTER TO GO EAT A COW –

                • KNOW THE SCORE –

                  Your average “therapist” is a tone-deaf Jonny One Note –

                  WHO CAN’T FACE THE MUSIC –

                • OH NO, MAESTRO –

                  Most therapists are Two-Tone Charlies who think they’re writing a symphony –

                • INSULT TO INJURY –

                  Is there anything worse than the crap you’ve already been through?
                  Indeed there is –

                  And what would THAT be?

                  Having your misfortunes fund some asshole therapist’s expensive lifestyle –

                • HANDS FREE –

                  Stay out of “therapists”
                  emotional clutches –

                  They want to be your emotional crutches –

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings” –
                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the-me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no”Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • GIDDY-UP AND PITY-UP –

                  Why do “therapists” get so defensive when people criticize “psychotherapy”?

                  Because deep down they know it’s nothing more than an overrated, overpriced, and oversold TROJAN HORSE –

                • WITHOUT A DOUBT –

                  Why in the world do you dislike dyadic psychotherapy and psychotherapists so much?

                  Because it’s an artificial relationship based on a power imbalance that favors the clinician over the client, and that it’s established and maintained through financial means. I fail to see how these dynamics can create anything resembling a healthy relationship.

                  A power imbalance by its very nature creates a dependency in clients that is only intensified by therapists who are trained to view themselves as the experts rather than their clients. Dynamics like these can lead to clients getting stuck living out a therapist’s narrative rather than following their own instincts and intuition.
                  And while these dynamics are by no means limited to dyadic psychotherapeutic relationships, society’s relentless promotion of dyadic psychotherapy as the ideal furthers clients’ dependency.

                  Another drawback is the mistaken notion that the benefits of dyadic psychotherapy are the sole province of dyadic psychotherapy.
                  Add to this the inescapable fact that psychotherapists stand to benefit both financially and professionally from their reckless spreading of this wholly erroneous information.

                  And although discouraging, it seems therapists have great success promoting themselves more than anything else, as their genius for creating needs where none previously existed coincides beautifully with satisfying their own. Their ability to fashion two such brilliant manifestations simultaneously can only be described as truly remarkable.

                  However, in spite of their resourcefulness, therapists universally fail to see that clients would be better served knowing that dyadic psychotherapy is by no means their only path to healing.

                  And it seems therapists’ reluctance and/or refusal to inform clients of such vital information can only be attributed to the fact that therapists have financial incentive for maintaining their status quo, which only goes to prove their motives are selfish.

                  And of this I have no doubt –

                • CLARIFICATIONS –

                  What is “emotional distraction”?
                  Something “therapists” indulge in to keep from focusing on themselves (i.e. “therapy”) –

                  What is “professional distinction”?
                  Something obnoxious people (i.e. “therapists”) think makes their opinions matter more than others –

                  What are “therapists”?
                  A group of laughably pretentious people unable to distinguish between grandiosity and altruism –

                • TRUTH OR DARE –

                  What’s the one thing “therapists” never tell you?
                  HOW TO HEAL ON YOUR OWN –

                • TRUTH OR DARE –

                  What’s the one thing therapists never tell you?

                  THAT YOU CAN HEAL ON YOUR OWN –

                • SCARE-CROWED –

                  Therapists seem so unflappable –
                  Does anything rattle them?
                  You’ll see their look of astonishment when you start contradicting them –

                • SMALL TALKS –

                  It’s impossible to have constructive conversations with “therapists” –
                  How so?
                  Because every time you disagree with them they give you another “diagnosis” –

                • CANCEL CULTURED –

                  So what’s the difference between grandiosity and altruism?

                  Well, for “therapists”, there’s NO difference –

                  No difference? How so??

                  Because “therapists” EXPECT PAYMENT – which cancels out their grandiose claims of altruism – but DOES prove their unconscious grandiosity –

                • CANCEL CULTURED –

                  So what’s the difference between grandiosity and altruism?

                  Well, with therapists
                  there’s NO difference –

                  No difference? How so??

                  Because therapists DEMAND PAYMENT – which immediately cancels out any claims of true altruism –

                  And since most therapists show enough temerity to make such outlandish claims, their actions make it very easy to see evidence of therapists’ unmistakable, defining ultimately overriding grandiosity –

                • IDENTITY CRISIS –

                  Psychiatry is neither here nor there –

                  It’s forever caught in an academic turf war, a “diagnostic” no-man’s land, clumsily straddling the rotting fence between psychiatry’s Great Divide of psychology and biology, nature and nurture, or science and soul –

                  And after a century, it’s still talking out of both sides of its mouth, determined to continue its Diagnostic Mission Creep, creating its nasty heap of Diagnostic Miasma –

                  But Neurology’s saved the day!
                  Dangling scientific cachet psychiatrists have always dreamed of –

                  But alas, it’s not to be – It’s just another shallow psychiatric slide-show side-show –

                • IDENTITY CRISIS –

                  Psychiatry not only can’t figure out what it “is” –
                  It can’t figure it what it “was” –
                  Because it never “was” an “is” to begin with –

                • FUTILITY CRISIS –

                  Psychiatry’s neither here nor there –

                  It’s forever fighting an academic turf war, living in its “diagnostic” no-man’s land as it clumsily straddles the rickety fence between psychiatry’s Great Divide of psychology and biology, nature and nurture, science and soul –
                  Yet after a century it’s still talking out of both sides of its mouth, determined to continue its pointless Diagnostic Mission Creep, perpetually increasing its nasty heap of Diagnostic Miasma –

                  But hurray!!! Neurology’s saved the day, dangling its bouquet of scientific cachet that until now psychiatrists could only dream of –
                  But alas, it’s not to be,
                  as it’s just another of psychiatry’s useless slide-show side-shows –

                • IRK THE JERK –

                  What rankles “psychiatrists/therapists” more than anything?

                  When you suddenly announce you’ve found another therapist – a better one – that happens to be YOU!

                • SCARE-CROWED –

                  Therapists seem unflappable – does anything rattle them?

                  Watch their eyes bug out and their face do contortions whenever you contradict them –

                • GOTTA DANCE –

                  What’s up with
                  these “therapists”? Those twits get all bent outta shape cuz I won’t do what they tell me to!

                  I know what you mean – they get aggravated when you don’t and won’t dance to their scratchy tunes –

                  And what’s with these friggin’ “checklists”?

                  Oh – that’s their “dance card”, so to speak – if it ain’t full, they get all twitchy –

                  Twitchy?? Damn! Feels like I’m babysittin’ THEM! And they shouldn’t be “dancin’” in the first place cuz all they do is stomp on me with their two left feet! And get this – I felt fine ‘til I let ‘em mess with my head –

                  That’s what they do, alright, fuck up your head so they don’t have to deal with their own – but it didn’t use to be this way – you know, everywhere you look they’re “diagnosing” this and pathologizing that –

                  Why in hell do they do it?

                  To keep up with the rate of inflation – the lives they lead don’t come cheap –

                  THAT’S for sure – I DID get the feeling this motherfucker likes livin’ the life of Riley a little too much –

                  Yep, and they get used to it, REAL FAST –

                • PRICE TAGS –

                  What’s up with “psychiatrists”? Every other word out of their mouth’s a fuckin’ “diagnosis”!
                  Won’t they ever quit?

                  Nope – not as long as there’s a price tag on it –
                  Geeez! They’re like a dog with a bone –


                  It’s been quite a day!
                  Really? Do tell!
                  Well, you know how hard I’ve tried to quit “therapy”? So I… so I…
                  So you what? So you what?
                  So I made up my mind to be myself and the “therapist” threw me out!

                • EGO STRENGTHS???

                  Why are psychiatrists and therapists so hung up on “diagnoses”?
                  Because without them their whole world would fall apart –
                  They can’t last one week without thinking up another one –
                  Hummm….sounds like addiction….

                • FACE UP AND PHASE OUT –

                  What’s the one thing most “therapists” can’t bring themselves to admit?

                  That the world would get along just fine and even better without their ridiculous “DSM” –

                  It’s something they refuse to believe because it would mean the end of their endless world-wide word-hustle, as their “DSM” essentially functions to preserve their two most prized possessions: their egos and wallets –

                  So what does that make most “therapists”?

                  A group of overfed, overdressed, and overpaid paid liars and crooks –

                • NAKED TRUTHS –

                  What are most therapists too cowardly to admit, too weak to withstand, and ultimately too stupid to ever even begin to appreciate?

                  BRUTAL HONESTY –
                  Something in short supply and in stark contrast to their crazy world of “psychotherapy” –

                • What do “therapists” like doing??

                  Charging a lot and living larger —

                • If psychiatry were legitimate, neurology would have absorbed it long ago –
                  Which goes to show HOW FAKE PSYCHIATRY IS –

                • LASER VISION –

                  What enrages “psychiatrists”?

                  When they know you see right through them –

                • CORNERED THE MARKET???

                  What’s the one thing “psychiatrists/therapists” can’t stand to hear?

                  That “talk therapy” isn’t for everyone and it’s certainly not for you –
                  AND IT’S NOT THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN –

                • JUST GOES TO SHOW –
                  If psychiatry’s “diagnoses” were legitimate, neurology would have absorbed it long ago –
                  Which goes to show JUST HOW FAKE “psychiatry” is –

                • What infuriates “psychiatrists”?

                  When you tell them you’re not interested in being their guinea pig –

                • WATCH YOUR STEP –

                  What’s it like seeing a “therapist”?

                  It’s like stepping in a pile of dogshit –
                  THEIR DOGSHIT –

                • IRK THE JERKS –

                  What rankles “psychiatrists/therapists” more than anything?

                  When you finally announce you’ve found another therapist – a good one that just so happens to be YOU!

                  But what will they say?!
                  It won’t matter – you’ll nothing but radio silence –

                • IRK THE JERKS –

                  What rankles “psychiatrists/therapists” more than anything?

                  When you finally announce you’ve found another therapist – a good one that happens to be YOU!

                  But what will they say?
                  It won’t matter cuz at long last you’ll hear nothing but radio silence –
                  Good! It’ll be the eighth wonder of the world –

                • FUCK IT TO THE BUCKET –

                  The next time Dr. Pootileehoots say you need a “bucket list”, you’ll tell that overrated, overripe, overpriced motherfucker THEY’RE number one on your “fuck it” list as you waltz out the door, never to return –

                • FANCY FOOTWORK –

                  What’s up with those therapists? For crying out loud, you’d think they’d never met a real person before –

                  I gotcha – put a foot wrong and they got drugs and diagnoses up the fuckin’ wazoo –

                • GOTTA DANCE –

                  What’s up with these “therapists”? Those twits get all bent outta shape cuz I won’t do what they tell me to –

                  I know what you mean – they get aggravated when you don’t and won’t dance to their scratchy tunes –

                  And what’s with these friggin’ “checklists”?

                  Oh – that’s their “dance card”, so to speak – if it ain’t full, they get twitchy –

                  Twitchy? Damn! – feels like I’m babysittin’ THEM – and they shouldn’t be “dancin’” in the first place cuz all they’re doin’ is stompin’ on me with their two left feet! AND GET THIS – I felt fine ‘til I let ‘em mess with my head!

                  That’s what they do alright, fuck with your head so they don’t have to deal with their own – but it didn’t use to be this way – you know, with them “diagnosing” this and pathologizing that, all up and down the yin yang –

                  So why in the hell do they do it?

                  To keep up with the rate of inflation, cuz the lives they lead don’t come cheap –

                  That’s for sure, and I get the feeling this motherfucker likes living the life of Riley a little too much –

                  Yep, and they get used to it, REAL FAST –

                • SHALL WE DANCE?

                  I’m so fuckin’ tired of hearin’ those motherfuckin’ fools rattle off one shit “diagnosis” after another! And they won’t stop!

                  And they never will. They’re like the piped-in music at the goddamn grocery store – and won’t leave you alone til you start tap-dancing to their racket!

                • GUINEA PIGS –

                  What enrages “psychiatrists”?

                  When you tell them you’re not interested in being their mouse on a treadmill –

                • SWINE AND DINE –

                  What enrages “psychiatrists”?

                  When you tell them you’re not interested in being their guinea pig –

                • SWINE-AND-DIME –

                  What enrages “psychiatrists”?

                  When you tell them you’re not interested in being their guinea pig –

                • DR. GUINEA PIG –

                  What enrages “psychiatrists” more than anything?

                  When you tell them you’re not interested in being their mouse on a treadmill –

                • THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW –

                  What do “psychiatric diagnoses” do?

                  UNDERMINE HUMANITY –

                • HOG -TIED –

                  What a day I’ve had – you won’t believe what happened to me!
                  Try me –
                  Well, I finally got the guts to tell them therapists just what I think of ‘em, and whadya know? They started sqealin’ like a stuck pig!!
                  Well I’ll be damned –

                • AD HOMINEM –

                  Why do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                  Because they get to insult people –
                  AND GET AWAY WITH IT

                • SMALL TALKS –

                  It’s impossible to have a constructive conversation with “therapists “ –
                  Really? Why?
                  Because every time you disagree they give you a “diagnosis” –

                • PRICE TAGS –

                  What’s up with these “therapists”? Every other word out of their mouth’s a fuckin’ “diagnosis”! Will they ever stop?

                  Nope – not as long as there’s a price tag on it –
                  Geeez! They’re like a dog with a bone –

                • CALLING DR. AD HOMINEM –

                  What do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                  Because they get to insult people and get away with it!

                • SEARCH AND SEIZURES –

                  What’s one of the most evil things a person can do to another?

                  Hijack their personhood with a “psychiatric diagnosis” –

                • SELL DOWN THE RIVER –

                  What’s up with them “therapists”? You’d think they never met a real person before –

                  I getcha it! Put one foot wrong and they got drugs and diagnoses up the fuckin’ wazoo –

                • BAD FAITH –

                  Psychiatry’s not science.
                  Psychiatry’s not medicine.
                  It’s a religion –

                  Because psychiatrists change “diagnoses” like people change religions, and it only “works” if you believe in it –

                • FULL DISCLOSURE?

                  Here’s two things “therapists” will never tell you:

                  That “therapy’s” not for everyone and it may not be for you, and that –
                  IT’S NOT THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN –

                • DREAM A LITTLE DREAM???

                  Hey – everything okay with you? You look loaded for bear!

                  Loaded for bear??? I’m loaded for BITCH!!!

                  Loaded for bitch…humm…well THAT’S a new one – so what’s going on with you?

                  Well I finally walked out of that asshole therapist’s office for the last time –

                  Well that’s great! But I thought that’d make you feel better –

                  Oh, it does , for sure – but I was just thinking about the last question the idiot asked me –

                  And what was that?

                  The damn fool asked me what I’d dreamt of being when I was growing up, but after I told ‘em, the nitwit gave me another “diagnosis” –

                  For shit and for sure?

                  Yes – for SHIT and for SURE –

                  Well what’d the heck you tell ‘em???

                  That I dreamt of being ONE BADASS BITCH –

                  Well after today, I think your dream finally came true –

                • LOST CAUSE –

                  Psychiatrists and therapists are hopeless cases – they’re virtually drowning in “diagnoses”!

                  Well don’t wait for them to come up for air –
                  You’ll be waiting a millennia –

                • STEP RIGHT UP –

                  You’re NOT a “diagnosis” –
                  And neither is anyone else –
                  So stop listening to the psychiatric carnival barkers –

                • GO AHEAD, LOSE YOURSELF –

                  What do “psychiatric diagnoses” do?
                  Alienate you –
                  FROM YOUR SELF –

                • STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND –

                  Don’t “psychiatric diagnoses” make the world a better place?

                  Not if you’re on the receiving end –
                  They make you a stranger to yourself –

                • Everything feels so strange these days because
                  everywhere you go is full of “psychiatric diagnoses” – some people don’t even use their own name anymore!
                  What’s become of this world?
                  It’s become one big ALIEN-NATION –


                  Forget all those “diagnoses” –
                  You’re NOT a “diagnosis” –
                  And neither is anyone else –
                  No one belongs under their BIG TENT –

                • CAT CALLS AND SPITBALLS –

                  It’s impossible to have a constructive conversation with a therapist –
                  Really? How so?
                  Because anytime you disagree with them, they spit out a “diagnosis” –

                • CALLING DR. AD HOMINEM –

                  Why do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                  Because they get to insult people and get away with it!

                • STRANGER IN STRANGE LAND –

                  I thought psychiatric diagnoses made the world a better place –
                  Not if you’re on the receiving end –
                  They make you a stranger to yourself –

                • STEP RIGHT UP –

                  You’re not and never were a “diagnosis –
                  And neither is anyone else –
                  So “treat” yourself by not listening to “therapy’s” Carnival Barkers –

                • ALIEN-NATION –

                  Everything feels so strange these days –
                  Everyone’s become a walking-talking DSM!
                  You’d think they forgot their own name –

                  They just about have –

                • MISNOMERED –

                  What’s written with psychiatric diagnoses?

                  They destroy one’s sense of dignity and assault the human soul –

                • KNOW THE DIFFERENCE –

                  Why should psychiatry be demolished?

                  Because life and living are creative endeavors and not a scientific formula –

                • STEP RIGHT UP –

                  You’re not and never were a “diagnosis” –
                  And neither is anyone else –

                  So “treat” yourself by not listening to “therapy’s” carnival barkers –

                • KNOW THE DIFFERENCE –

                  Why should “psychiatry” be demolished?

                  Because life and living are creative endeavors –
                  NOT A SCIENTIFIC FORMULA –


                  You’re not a “diagnosis” and never were – and neither is anyone else –

                  So “treat” yourself by tuning out “therapy’s” carnival barks –


                • IS IT OVER YET?

                  What are “therapists”?

                  A group of over processed, overconfident,
                  overeducated, overbearing Professional Complicators –

                • CAT CALLS AND SPIT BALLS –

                  Why is it impossible to have a productive conversation with a “therapist”?

                  Because any time you cross them they toss out an insult and spit out a label –

                • Define “BADASS” –

                  It means knowing your own worth and not letting anyone, especially some “therapist”, mess with that –

                • TALKER STALKERS –

                  What will “therapists”
                  NEVER understand?

                  The value in being alone –
                  The wisdom of keeping to oneself –
                  The beauty in silence –

              • SCOTT FREE –

                Why do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                Because they get to insult people –
                AND GET AWAY WITH IT –

                • BRICKBATS –

                  Hi there! You okay?
                  Not really –
                  Tell me about it – I’m all ears –
                  Well, when I told my therapist I’m learning to follow my gut, I expected to get some good advice –
                  And what did you get?
                  Another “diagnosis” –

                • BRICKBATS –

                  Why do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                  Because they get to insult people –
                  AND GET AWAY WITH IT –

                • AD HOMINEM –

                  Why do “therapists” like being “therapists”?
                  Because they get to insult people –
                  AND GET AWAY WITH IT –

                • ALL IN A DAY’S WORK –
                  What are “therapists”?

                  People who are paid to break the Golden Rule –

                • CHEAP SHOTS –

                  What’s up with you? You look upset –

                  Well I took your advice and stood up to that jackass of a therapist today –

                  Good for you!

                  But then the jerk called me a “bully” –

                  A bully? Now wait – I know you, and you’re no bully, – but I think I know what’s going on –

                  What’s going on?

                  Whenever a “client” stands up to their “therapist” the jackass can’t handle it calls ‘em a “bully” –

                • WASH, RINSE, REPEAT –

                  What happens in “therapy” every time there’s a disagreement?

                  ANOTHER DIAGNOSIS –

                • CLOSE-UP SHOTS –

                  People who look at others through diagnostic lenses need to get a better outlook on life –
                  And as for why people would want to “diagnose” in the first place is anyone’s guess –
                  So here’s one –

                  “Diagnosing” is their way of overcompensating for the difficult times in their early lives. It gives them a feeling of mastery. But these feelings – while good – have a way of blinding them to the bigger picture –

                • IT STANDS TO REASON –

                  Do you have a good reason for not liking “psychiatric diagnoses”?

                  Yes, I think I do –

                  And what would that be?

                  Because they hurt people. Now isn’t that a good enough reason???

                • PLAYTIME –

                  What are two games “therapists” never outgrew?
                  Simon Says and Follow the Leader –

                • DO AS THEY SAY –
                  NOT AS YOU DO –

                  What are two games “therapists” never outgrew?
                  Simon Says and Follow Their Leader –

                • STRIKE UP THE BAND (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me –

                  Hi-ho the me-ri-o, it’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be –

                  I got no pills, oh yes, I’m done –
                  I’m not tied up to anyone –
                  Docs have strings, as they well know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED – (an ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only way to be!

                  I take no pills, oh yes, I’m done!
                  And I’m not tied to anyone –
                  “Docs” have strings, as well they know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”)

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know its the only place to be –

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

              • GREAT EXPECTATIONS –

                Why is it a bad idea to see a “therapist”?
                Because they see “clients” through a glass darkly and like it that way –

              • PARTY FAVORED –

                Hi! Do you go to that therapist’s party last night?
                Oh, yes, I went alright…
                Sounds like you didn’t have a very good time –
                Not in the way I’d hoped, but turned out to be kind of amusing –
                There was a gaggle of therapists, so many it seemed like a convention, so every other word they spoke were things like “vulnerability”, “authentic”, “empathic”, “healed”, “committed”, “core”, “outcome”, and of course their three favorites: disease, disorder and dysfunction –
                Wow – some party –
                No kidding! So much bullshit was served they didn’t need any party favors –

                • GAG ORDERED –

                  How can you tell if someone’s a “therapist”?

                  By the stupid words they use:

                  And what are the two stupidest??
                  The two words synonymous with stupidity –

                  “THERAPY” AND “THERAPIST”

                • SAID A MOUTHFUL –

                  Hey – what’s wrong with you and “therapy” words anyway??!!

                  Now calm down – and please don’t pick a fight with me – there’s nothing wrong with me or the words – they’ve just been overused and misused by “therapists” who every so often get their heads and mouths full of a few too many and ruin it for everybody –

                  Oh – so l see – you think it’s a case of misuse abuse?

                  Yes – now shall we call a truce?

                  Truce –

                  Wow – and ALL this because “therapists” don’t bother to know and respect a word’s true meaning –

              • CALLER “ID” –

                What happens when you call out a “therapist”?

                They get angry and call you another “diagnosis” –

                • KISS UP? OR PISS UP?

                  What happens when you don’t kiss up to a “psychiatrist”?

                  They get pissed off and give you another “diagnosis” –

                • SLAYED? OR FAIR PLAYED??

                  What happens when you don’t play up to “therapists”?

                  They call foul on you with another “diagnosis” –

                • GOTTA PROBLEM???

                  There are no “problem” children –

                  Only problem parents –
                  AND “therapists” –

              • POVERTY SLIMED –

                How much do “psychotherapists” make a year?

                The average income is well over two times the poverty line, while the upper echelons make well over nine times the poverty line –
                And JUST for listening to people!!!
                And LOTS of people can do JUST THAT just as well and even better than many an asshole with some idiot “charge-a-fee” “degree” –

                • PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS –

                  What’s wrong with “therapists”?

                  Their lives are all about problems –

                  Seeing problems, talking problems –
                  Eating, sleeping, dreaming problems –
                  Anything but solving problems –


                  Because they live by the DSM, their book of “problems” –

                  So what does that make “therapists”?

                  ONE BIG PROBLEM –

              • IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING –

                Hey, look over there! The sun’s come up!
                Is it ego boosters? or just crowing roosters?

                There are some people who build careers out of stating the obvious –

                Which goes to show that at a certain point, education begins to make you stupid, and technological advances just give you more toys to play with.

                The “science of trauma” serves as a perfect example.

                The fact that trauma affects you physically (including areas of the brain) should come as no surprise – or haven’t you heard stories about people who, after hearing bad news, lose their hair or drop dead of a heart attack? Or others who literally die of a broken heart?
                Amazing, isn’t it?

                But truly smart people, many of whom have had little to no “advanced education”, already know that no one needs extreme examples, and especially not some idiot’s “scientific proof” to state the already obvious.
                And in any case, I seriously doubt the usefulness of any such “proof”.

                And what are MY qualifications?
                Oh, it’s just a little something called COMMON SENSE –

                • COARSE STUDIES –

                  I’m so excited! I just applied to GBNBFPU!

                  GBNBFPU? I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with that –

                  Oh you know, it’s Great Big Name Brand Fancy Pants University – surely you must have heard of it –

                  Oh – oh – now I know –
                  Well! you must be looking forward to lots of learning. And what do you plan to study?

                  Oh, let me see – oh yes – psychology, neurology, you know, brain science is all the rage!

                  That does sound exciting! Well do keep me posted –

                  I will!

                  (silently) To bad that place doesn’t teach courses in ingenuity, nuance or common sense –

              • RISE AND SHINE?
                NOT ON MY DIME –

                You’re right about “therapists”, you know, them being so stuck on themselves –

                Well ya can’t say I didn’t warn ya –

                Damn right. Ya know, they’re so damn full of themselves, you’d think they made the sun rise!

                • COARSE LOAD –

                  I’m so excited! I just applied to GBNBFPU!

                  GBNBFPU? I’m sorry –
                  I’m not familiar with that –

                  Oh, you know, it’s Great Big Name Brand Fancy Pants University – surely you must have heard of it –

                  Oh – oh, yes – now I remember. Well, you must be looking forward to lots of studying! And what do you plan to study?

                  Brain science, you know, things like psychology, neurology – it’s all the rage!

                  That does sound interesting – do keep me posted!

                  I will!

                  (silently) Too bad that place doesn’t teach courses in ingenuity, nuance or common sense!

              • RISE AND SHINE?
                NOT ON MY DIME –

                You’re right about “therapists”, ya know, them being so stuck on themselves –

                Well ya can’t say I didn’t warn ya –

                Damn right. Ya know, they’re so damn full of themselves you’d think they’d made the sun rise –

                • POVERTY SLIMED –

                  How much does a psychotherapist make a year?

                  The average yearly income is WELL OVER TWICE the poverty line –
                  While the upper echelons make WELL OVER NINE TIMES the poverty line –
                  And JUST for listening!!!
                  And LOTS of people can do JUST THAT just as well AND EVEN BETTER than some overeducated asshole with some damn fool “charge-a-fee” “degree” –

                • DUMPSTER DIVING –

                  You know you’re ready to dump your “therapist” when you’re ready to ask them one question –

                  Oh really? And what’s that?

                  SHUDUUP!!!! WHY DON’T CHA???!!!

              • BITTER-SWEET –

                The “therapist” –
                I think you sound bitter –

                The “client” –
                Bitter? Bitter?? You BET I’m “bitter”!!! And what’s wrong with being “bitter”??? I guess THAT’S not on your bullshit “checklist”, or should I say your “SHIT-LIST”??? So listen and learn, you asshole – feeling “bitter” is how a lot of people feel once they’ve wised up to the crap you’re pulling!!! And my goodness – it’s part of the “process” (one of your favorite words) now isn’t it???
                And listen to one more thing, you STUPID, SMUG, SELF-SERVING, MOTHER-FUCKING, BLOOD-SUCKING BOZO –
                feeling “bitter” FEELS GREAT — and it’s one of the BEST THINGS that’s happened to me as far as YOU and your BULLSHIT THERAPY is concerned!!! And as for my feeling “bitter” – let’s see who’s “bitter” once I walk outta here for the last time —which happens to be TODAY — YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!!!

                • CHEAP SHOT???

                  Hey – you okay? You look upset –

                  Well I finally took your advice and stood up to that jackass “therapist” today –

                  Good for you!!

                  But then the jerk called me a “bully” –

                  A “bully”? Now wait – I know you, and you’re no “bully” – so don’t let some therapist’s cheap shot get you down – and anyway, I think I know what’s going on –

                  What’s going on???

                  Whenever a “client” stands up to their “therapist” the jackass calls ‘em a “bully” –

                  Well that’s what happened – but the jerk still handed me a bill!!!

              • CRINGE BENEFITS –

                You’d think if therapist’s knew how much damage they do with their labeling they’d stop –

                No – I wouldn’t –

                Why? I thought you believed in giving people the benefit of the doubt –

                I do, but therapists don’t see or care enough about the damage they do, which shows what kind of people they are –

                What kind of people are they?

                The kind that aren’t to your benefit –

                What does that mean?

                That means if they heard this conversation they’d label BOTH of us –

                • PERSONA NON GRATA GRATIS –

                  Why do you think “therapists” hide behind a persona?

                  They say it’s for the “power imbalance” –

                  “They” say? “They” say”?? What else do “they” say???


                  Okay – listen up – the “power imbalance” is just a bullshit word to keep “clients” in the dark –

                  In the dark?

                  Yes, so they don’t become persona non grata in your eyes –

                  Persona non whadda??

                  So you won’t see what they’re like behind the scenes – because if you DID, you wouldn’t pay them a DIME!!!

            • GREAT EXPECTATIONS –

              Why is it a bad idea to see “therapists?”
              Because they see “clients” through a glass darkly and like it that way –

                • WHAT’S WRONG WITH “THERAPISTS”?

                  They misuse the power of words, gleefully and blatantly –

                  So what does that make “therapy”?

                  A nasty game of words –

            • BAD ACTORS –

              Therapists are dull people who love drama and live to be at the helm of other people’s drama –

              In the theater of their minds, they’re forever conjuring up a never ending series of one dimensional characters of good or bad, right or wrong, sick or well –

              They fail to see that real life offers many more options –

              • THIRD EYE BLIND –

                Many people, if left to their own devices, are capable of finding better and safer ways of healing than subjecting themselves to the intrusive, invalidating, infantilizing and soul sucking “process” of “dyadic psychotherapy”, their avoidance of which allows them to protect their privacy, dignity, personal agency and pocketbooks from the prying and stifling grip of a “therapist”.

                So people who say they’re “healed” but still want to be a “therapist” not only have a lot to learn, but should stop and ask themselves just who in the heck needs healing anyway, as having such desires reveals they’re still seeing things through THE WRONG END of a telescope –

                • KID STUFFED –

                  How do “therapists” “treat” their “clients”?

                  LIKE CHILDREN –

                • EMOTIONALLY DISTURBING –

                  It should come as no surprise that many people find the very idea of confiding in total a stranger (who not only demands payment, but complete personal anonymity) a disturbing prospect. For them, such arrangements are not only disturbing, but completely untenable.

                  But even more disturbing is the fact that these so-called “clinicians” use “psychiatric diagnoses”, which not only aren’t “scientific” in any realistically meaningful way, but are actually and actively harmful. Their “diagnoses” amount to nothing more than narrow and negative definitions/evaluations which permanently pigeonhole people to negative stereotypes, which negatively affect not only their self-concept, but the very trajectory of their very lives.

                  But not nearly enough, if any, skepticism is ever used in questioning the value or necessity of these so-called “psychiatric diagnoses” and/or “clinical evaluations” which is disturbing because in the final analysis, these “instruments” (i.e. “psychiatric diagnoses” and “therapeutic” “modalities” /“treatments” (i.e. “dyadic psychotherapy” or “psychotherapies” of any kind)
                  are merely the inarguably QUESTIONABLE results of someone’s inarguably CULTURAL and someone’s inarguably SUBJECTIVE BIAS –

            • INVISIBILITY –

              What are hypocrites?

              That’s another word for “therapists” –

              How so?

              Because they offer to take the speck out of your eye while failing to see the log in their own –

              • THAT’S THAT –

                What’s the most irritating thing about therapists?

                They think their degree makes them all that and more –
                But all they are is one big bore –

              • TERMS AND CONDITIONS –

                People don’t have “mental illnesses” –
                They’re experiencing emotional difficulties –

                People don’t have “personality disorders” –
                They have difficult personalities –


                  Would you be willing to sacrifice life’s inevitable pain for life itself?

                  So how do psychiatrists see “their patients”? And what about the rest of the world’s population??

                  Psychiatrists see “their patients” as a reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant, and easily fooled mass of docile receptacles for their ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous psychoactive “psychiatric pharmaceuticals” –

                  In plain language –

                  And psychiatrists see the rest of the world’s population in the same way, as an untapped future supply chain FOR THEIR DRUGS –

                  But what psychiatrists really need are willing bodies –
                  And why are you willing to be one of those???

                • What do you say to a psychiatrist who wants to prescribe you drugs?

                  Tell them you forgot how to swallow and run out the door –


                Why would you be willing to sacrifice life itself for life’s inevitable pain?

                So how do psychiatrists see their “patients” – well as the rest of the world’s population??

                They see “their patients” as a reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant and essentially unthinking mass of docile receptacles for their vast and ever-increasing array of dangerously poisonous psychoactive “psychiatric pharmaceuticals” –

                In plain language –

                And they see the rest of the world’s population in much the same way, only as a yet untapped future supply chain –
                FOR THEIR DRUGS –

                But all they need are bodies –
                And why are you willing to be one of those???


                  Why are you willing to sacrifice the fullness of life itself just to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?

                  That’s a question you’re unlikely to ever hear come out of the mouth of a “psychiatrist” –


                  Because “psychiatrists” are too busy being greedy seeing “their patients” as their reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant, and easily fooled mass of docile recipients for their vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous psychoactive “psychiatric pharmaceuticals” –

                  In plainer language –

                  And how do psychiatrists view the rest of the world?
                  As a potentially willing and easily duped dumping ground for their “psychiatric drugs” –

                  But what are the four things psychiatrists’ count on that only YOU can give them????

                  Your closed mind –
                  Your closed ears –
                  Your open pocketbook –
                  AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –


                  How much are you willing to sacrifice to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?
                  Could it be life itself?

                  These are questions you’re unlikely to hear from the mouths of psychiatrists.
                  And why is that?

                  Because psychiatrists are too busy being greedy seeing their patients as their reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant, and easily fooled mass of docile recipients whose minds and ears have been closed to considering anything other than than psychiatry’s vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous “psychiatric”
                  pharmaceuticals –
                  In plainer language –

                  And how do psychiatrists see the rest of the world?
                  As their untapped, potentially compliant, and therefore easily duped and therefore potentially lucrative mass of future F.P.S.’s (Future Pill Swallowers) –
                  But what are the four things psychiatrists count on that only YOU can give them????

                  Your closed mind –
                  Your closed ears –
                  Your open pocketbook –
                  AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –

            • COARSE STUDIES –

              I’m so excited! I just applied to GBNBFPU!

              GBNBFPU?? I’m sorry – I’m not familiar with that –

              Oh, you know, it’s Great Big-Name Brand-Fancy Pants University – surely you must have heard of it –

              Oh – oh – now I know – Well, my goodness, you must be looking forward to lots of learning! And what do you plan to study?

              Psychology, neurology – you know, brain science is all the rage!

              Sounds exciting! Well, good luck and do keep me posted!

              Thank you – I’ll do that!

              (silently) To bad that place doesn’t have courses in ingenuity, nuance or common sense) –

              • COARSE LOAD –

                I’m so excited! I just applied to GBNBFPU!

                GBNBFPU? I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with that –

                Oh, you know, it’s Great Big Name Brand Fancy Pants University – I’m sure you’ve heard of it –

                Oh – yes, now I remember. Well, you must be looking forward to lots of studying! And what do you plan to study?

                Brain science, you know, things like psychology, neurology – it’s all the rage!

                That does sound exciting! Well do keep me posted!

                I will!

                (silently) Too bad that place doesn’t have courses in ingenuity, nuance, and common sense –

                • COARSE LOADED –

                  I’m so excited! I just applied to GBNBFPU!

                  Oh, I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with that –

                  Oh you know, it’s Great Big Name Brand Fancy Pants University –

                  Oh, yes, now I remember – well, you must be looking forward to lots of studying. What courses to your plan to take?

                  Psychology, neurology, you know, lots of stuff about brain science – it’s all the rage!

                  That does sound exciting – well do keep me posted!

                  I will!

                  (silently) Too bad they don’t have courses in ingenuity, nuance or common sense)


              The next time you think you “need a therapist”, just remember the following proverb –

              “Those who go looking for trouble will always find it” –
              (Truer words were never spoken) –

              Just remember those words as you picture your half-cocked “therapist” fumbling through their bulging DSM –

              • VOLLEY FOLLY –

                What makes you say therapists haven’t grown up?

                Because therapists HAVEN’T grown up –

                Okay – but HOW haven’t therapists grown up?

                They’re STILL on the playground, bullying kids and calling them names, only now they use their “diagnoses” –

                Oh…so what you’re saying is, well adjusted people don’t grow up to be name callers –

                Exactly –

                But why do therapists want to be name callers?

                Because on an unconscious level, THEY’RE STILL KIDS ON THE PLAYGROUND who haven’t learned the folly of labeling others –

                Oh…yes…but wait a moment – maybe, just maybe, THERAPISTS were the kids who were name called, so they grew up unconsciously wanting to be name callers!

                Yes – grownup name callers –

                You mean therapists!

                Yes, I mean “therapists” – but either way, their game’s the same –

                And a game that never ends –

                Not for “therapists” –

                • GOOD FOR THE GOOSE???

                  What do therapists do when clients stop taking their shit and stand up for themselves?

                  Therapists label them bullies and narcissists –

                  And what does that make therapists?

                  Bullies and narcissists –

                • EASY QUEASY –

                  It’s amazing how fast people automatically suggest “therapy” without giving it a second thought. And since “therapists” are are trained to dismiss people’s healthy reluctance, which they refer to as “resistance”, (one of their bullshit words), it’s easy to see how easily people fall into the black hole of “psychotherapy” –

            • FACT FINDERS

              I’m looking for research for my paper on psychiatry. Any suggestions?

              Try these:
              1. Read “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
              2. Watch “The Wizard of Oz”
              3. Watch the movie “What About Bob”
              4. And for a deeper dive, read “The Little Prince”

              You’ll learn all you need to know –

              • WORSE FOR WEAR –

                What’s one the worst things you can do for yourself?

                Enter a “psychotherapeutic” relationship –

                • UNDUE INFLUENCED –

                  The very nature of the “psychotherapeutic relationship” is abusive –
                  Because it declares the “therapist” as “the authority” –

            • UTOPIA OF MYOPIA –

              “Psychiatrists” obsession with “diagnoses” and “drugs” is their way of denying the influence of trauma –

              They need to get a Bird’s Eye View –

              • TYPE CAST OR ICONOCLAST –

                How are therapists just like parents?

                Because – just like your parents – they see YOU as “the sick one” –

            • BEE IN THE BONNET –

              What’s the matter with you?
              Ain’t you never gonna quit your harpin’ and carpin’?

              I don’t know – but believe you me –
              I’m not mistaken in my bellyachin’ –

                • ABUSE EXCUSE –

                  “Dyadic psychotherapy” is an abusive relationship –

                  How so?

                  Because “therapists” are trained to see clients as children, and therefore discount the clients’ perspective –

                • JUST CAUSES –

                  Just what causes “mental illness”?

                  Unresolved traumas, unexpressed creative energy, and unrealized spiritual growth –

              • DECEIT AND DEFEAT –

                Oh my, I’ve just had the most awful afternoon…

                What on earth happened??

                I saw a psychiatrist and it was like being eaten alive!

                Well I’m not surprised –


                ‘Cause everyone knows “psychiatry’s” modern medicine’s BLOODLESS BLOODSPORT –

                Well sadly now, I’d have to agree, but do think therapists are any better?

                Hell no – they’re just a slightly more palatable version of the same PSYCHIC POISON –

                • KICK THE HABIT –

                  What’s one of the WORST things anyone can do for themselves?

                  START seeing a “psychotherapist” –

                  What’s one of the BEST things anyone can do for themselves?

                  STOP seeing a “psychotherapist” –

                • CRINGE BENEFITS –

                  You’d think therapists would stop labeling if they knew how much damage they do –

                  I wouldn’t –

                  Why? I thought I believed in giving people the benefit of the doubt –

                  I do – but therapists don’t see, or if they do, don’t care about the damage they do, which shows what kind of people they are –

                  What kind of people are they?

                  The kind that don’t benefit you –

                  Meaning what?

                  Meaning if they heard this conversation they’d label us both –

          • Psychic healing is NOT found in a Psychiatric Diagnosis, but in the act of living – in serious SELF reflection, valid consideration, and fair minded compassion –


              Psychiatrists are Compart-Mentalists –
              They live to compartmentalize –
              They do it all day long with their Mighty Checklists –

              It’s what Psychiatry is all about –

              Psychiatrists are more than just Diagnostically Deluded – they’re mentally rigid and emotionally frigid – which makes them ideal Compart-Mentalists –

              And Compartmentalizing is extremely rudimentary – it’s not scientific or biological at all –
              But Psychiatrists fool everyone (including themselves) by passing it off as “scientific”, with their endless array of arbitrarily idiotic checklists and downright bizarre labels –

              So what’s behind psychiatrisits’ obsessive compartmentalizing? What’s the psychology going on in their own hollow heads?
              It’s FEAR – THEIR fear – their fear of expressing, or seeing others express, any honest thoughts or real emotions.

              And more than anything else, they’re unknowingly terrified of showing any of their own dissociated vulnerability –
              Because that would mean the end of their power over you –

                • What in the world is a “Psychiatric Patient”?

                  Some asshole Psychiatrist’s reliable ATM machine –

                  What’s the DSM?
                  Psychiatry’s precious book of cryptic cacophony –


                Psychiatrists are hopelessly DISSOCIATED – meaning their terror is unconscious. Their controlling “treatment” of “their patients” is their own disturbing brand of acting out buried conflicts and trauma – the two things which account for their controlling/abusive behavior in their professional role – a role that satisfies their compulsive drive to have so much unreasonable power over others. Their career is one of continuous projection on others – they’ve never faced, been able to face, or been forced to face their own feelings of powerlessness. They may believe they’ve udealt with this – but their pursuing their kind of career points to a different conclusion.
                And their being among the traumatized (as everyone is to one degree or another) should not garner anyone’s sympathy.

                • How to protect yourself from those considered to be trustworthy?

                  Trust your gut – And remember that the devil wears many masks

                • It can be somewhat amazing when realize you have to be careful even about those people you might have automatically considered to be trustworthy
                  (doctors, psychiatrists specifically)

                • It’s one thing to learn to protect yourself from obvious threats –
                  But it’s quite another when you realize the devil wears many disguises –

                  Welcome to the world of Psychiatry

                • Psychiatry (and its assorted cousins) attracts people who, both consciously and unconsciously, refuse to face their own feelings of powerlessness. Their being in power, their “having authority” alleviates these feelings of powerlessness.
                  They believe their motivations are altruistic, but the POWER reveals their true motivations –

                • POWER OF ATTRACTION –

                  Psychiatry (and its assorted cousins) are careers that attract people who refuse, both consciously and unconsciously, to face their own feelings of powerlessness.

                  Their job title, which gives them authority and POWER over others, alleviates their feelings of powerlessness.

                  They believe their motivations are altruistic, but their POWER reveals their true motivations –

                • HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL –

                  Psychiatrists are profoundly dissociated – meaning their terrors are unconscious.
                  Unconscious or not, their dissociation nevertheless leads to any number of profoundly damaging consequences – FOR THEIR “PATIENTS” –

                  In their dissociated state, psychiatrists act out their own buried traumas – ON THEIR “PATIENTS” – which explains their controlling and abusive attitudes, behaviors and “treatments” TOWARDS THEIR “PATIENTS” –

                  Psychiatry provides its “doctors” with a unique role – one that satisfies their compulsive drive to always be in POWER –

                  In their dissociated states, they fall into the diabolical practice known as “projection” – the “what I can’t see in myself, I see in YOU” syndrome.
                  It’s the only thing these professional goons ever truly “practice” –

                  Most psychiatrists believe (wrongly) that they’ve long since faced any such uncomfortable feelings – but their having chosen such a toxically power-centric line of work leads to a different conclusion.

                  And dissociated or not, such states provide NO ADEQUATE EXCUSE for their cruel behavior.

                  And while there is no denying that psychiatrists are among traumatized (like everyone else), this does not make them – in ANY way, at ANY time – deserving of ANYONE’S sympathies.

                • Unfortunately, the road to psychological health and well being is fraught with dangers – where the ones believed to be harmless are actually SNAKES IN THE GRASS –

                  Welcome to the world of psychiatry –

                • A WORLD OF EMPTY WORDS –

                  Psychiatry’s a con game –
                  That plays with your perceptions –
                  and DEPENDS ON THEIR DECEPTIONS –

                  Talk is cheap, but integrity’s priceless –

                • It’s easy to protect yourself from obvious threats –
                  But what about those you’ve been conditioned to trust?

                  Welcome to Psychiatry –

                • TIME FOR SOME REFLECTION –

                  The next time some idiot psychiatrist (or ANY type of “therapist”), says you LACK INSIGHT, you tell that high-priced, life-sucking MOTHER FUCKER to look in the mirror –

                  And you can BET it’s CRACKED!!!


                What’s a “psychiatrist”?

                Someone who emotionally exterminates using emotional insecticides, i.e. “psychiatric” “medications” –


                  “Psychiatric diagnoses” aren’t diagnoses –
                  They’re ACCUSATIONS that attack people’s character –

                  They’re damaging assertions, assumptions, opinions –
                  They’re negative charges, claims and contentions –
                  And it’s “symptoms” aren’t symptoms, they’re not “signs” of “illness” –
                  They’re REACTIONS to negative experiences/environments/traumas –

                • What are “psychiatrists”?

                  CHARACTER ASSASSINS –
                  SMALL-MINDED CHICKEN SHITS –

                • NAKED TRUTHS –

                  What’s the one thing most “therapists” are too cowardly to appreciate, too weak to withstand, and ultimately just too stupid to ever even begin to grasp???

                  BRUTAL HONESTY –
                  Something in short supply and in stark contrast to their fundamentally fraudulent world of “psychotherapy” –

                • WHY OH WHY –

                  Why do “therapists” become “therapists”??

                  To satisfy their infantile need to be admired, adored and looked up to by a sickeningly devoted cadre of reliably uncritical fans a.k.a. “clientele” –

                • CAT CALLS AND SPIT BALLS –

                  It’s impossible to have a constructive conversation with a “therapist” –
                  Really? How so?
                  Because the minute you disagree with them, they spit out a “diagnosis” –

                • MIND GAMES OR MIND FRAMES –

                  People don’t have “mental illnesses” –
                  They have MENTAL STATES –

                  People don’t have “personality disorders” –
                  They have PERSONALITY PATTERNS –

              • STRIKE UP THE BAND –
                It’s time for (drumroll) DIAGNOSTIC BINGO!!!

                There was a Doc who was a Crock and FAKE-O was the name, oh!
                And LIAR is the name – NO!!!

                • FACE UP AND PHASE OUT –

                  What’s the one thing most “therapists” refuse to admit?

                  That the world would get along just fine and even better without the DSM.

                  It’s something they refuse to believe because it would mean the end of their endless world-wide word-hustle as their DSM essentially functions to preserve their two most prized possessions: their egos and wallets –

                  And what does this make most “therapists”?
                  A greedy pack of well-dressed and overpaid liars and crooks –

            • WHAT ARE “THERAPISTS”?

              People with an unhealthy need to be in control –

              People unable to meet their emotional needs through ordinary means –

              People who live with a remarkable degree of unawareness as to how much their personalities are affected by their unconscious, and have no desire to explore this fundamental reality –

                • What are “therapists”?

                  People who profoundly lack sensitivity and have zero concept of other people’s fundamental need for privacy –

                • What are “therapists”?

                  People whose profound lack of sensitivity (and basic brains) leaves them unable to understand and respect people’s need for emotional privacy –

            • SILHOUETTES –

              What makes therapists so obnoxious???

              I don’t know – I think they’re just born that way, you know, with obnoxious personalities –

              Yes, personalities obsessed with “fixing” people they wouldn’t bother being friends with, but are sure they know, like they’re a bunch of mind readers –

              Uh huh, or know-it-alls, like the cocky kids in high school whose own lives were so screwed up but wouldn’t stop telling you how to live yours but wouldn’t tell you anything about theirs –

              Yes, the ones always into in everyone’s life, almost like they wanted to live everyone’s life –

              And always so sure they knew all about yours –

              And just from the outlines of your life!!

              And just from the outlines of your life –

              Yes…wait – JUST like “therapists”!

              That’s right – just like “therapists” –
              The most unconsciously self seeking, unconsciously self important, pseudo-reflective, pseudo-compassionate, flat-out misguided and secretly bossy people out there –


                Why would you sacrifice living a full life just to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?

                That’s a question you’re unlikely to ever hear come out of the mouth of a psychiatrist –


                Because psychiatrists are too busy being greedy seeing their patients as a reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant and easily fooled mass of docile recipients for their vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous psychoactive “psychiatric pharmaceuticals” –

                In plainer language –

                So how do psychiatrists view the rest of the world???
                As an untapped, potentially compliant, and therefore easily duped dumping ground for their “psychiatric” poisons –

                But what are the four things psychiatrists count on that only YOU can give them????

                Your closed mind –
                Your closed ears –
                Your open pocketbook –
                AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –


                How much are you willing to sacrifice to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?
                Could it be life itself?

                These are questions you’re unlikely hear from the mouths of psychiatrists –
                And why is this?

                Because psychiatrists are too busy being greedy seeing their patients as their reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant, and easily fooled mass of docile recipients whose minds and ears have been closed to considering anything other than psychiatry’s vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous “psychiatric” pharmaceuticals –
                In plainer language –

                And how do psychiatrists see the rest of the world?
                As their untapped, potentially compliant, and therefore easily duped dumping ground for their “psychiatric drugs” –

                But what are the four things psychiatrists count on that only YOU can give them?

                Your closed mind –
                Your closed ears –
                Your open pocketbook –
                AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –


              Why are you willing to sacrifice a full life just to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?

              That’s a question you’re unlikely to ever hear come out of the mouth of a “psychiatrist” –


              Because psychiatrists are too busy being greedy seeing “their patients” as a reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant and easily fooled mass of docile recipients for their vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous, psychoactive “psychiatric pharmaceuticals” –

              In plainer language –

              And how do psychiatrists view the rest of the world???
              As their potentially willing and easily duped dumping ground for their “psychiatric drugs” –

              But what are the four things psychiatrists count on that only YOU can give them????

              Your closed mind –
              Your closed ears –
              Your open pocketbook –
              AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –

              • DEFINE BADASS –

                It means knowing your own worth and not letting anyone, ESPECIALLY SOME THERAPIST – mess with THAT –


                How much are you willing to sacrifice to numb yourself from life’s inevitable pain?
                Could it be life itself?

                These are questions you’re unlikely to hear from the mouths of psychiatrists –
                And why is that??

                Because psychiatrists are too busy being greedy seeing their patients as their reliably trusting, conveniently ignorant, and easily fooled mass of docile recipients whose minds and ears have been closed to considering anything other than psychiatry’s vast and ever-expanding array of perilously poisonous “psychiatric” pharmaceuticals –
                In plainer language –

                And how do psychiatrists see the rest of the world? As their untapped, potentially compliant, and therefore easily duped and therefore potentially lucrative source of F.P.S.’s (Future Pill Swallowers) –
                But what are the four things psychiatrists count on that only YOU can give them????

                Your closed mind –
                Your closed ears –
                Your open pocketbook –
                AND YOUR OPEN MOUTH –

                • LOOK TO THE FUTURE –

                  What did you bring a child into the world to become?

                  A happy and healthy person??

                  Or an F.P.F.F.? A Future Permanent Financial Fixture in some “therapist’s” office –

                  Or maybe even a P.F.P.S.? A Psychiatrists’ Future Pill Swallower –

                  And until your child grows up, the choice is yours – NOT your child’s –

            • PARTY FAVORED –

              So how was that therapist’s party last night?
              Oh…it was alright…I guess…
              You guess? You either had a good time or you didn’t –
              Well, I guess it’s a toss up, but I should have known there’d be a lot of therapists there –
              Oh gosh – lots of “therapists”???
              Yeah, “therapists” – and you know what THAT means –
              Well, I know I don’t have to ask, but what?
              It means every other conversation revolves around them, and every other word they use is one of their touchy-feely “therapy” words like vulnerable, healing, empathic, authentic, embrace, commit, core, process, and their four favorites: diagnose, disease, disorder and dysfunction – it got so bad I almost had to vomit!
              Good thing you didn’t leave with any party favors –

            • LOOK TO THE FUTURE???

              How do you see your child’s future?

              One that is happy and healthy?

              Or maybe you’re a parent who prefers having trauma, abuse and neglect determine your child’s future, so you see it turn out something like this – Your child becomes a P.F.F., a Permanent Financial Fixture in some “therapist’s” office –

              Or perhaps your tastes are more exotic, so you’re drawn to dramatic scenarios, meaning you see your child’s future play out like this –
              Your child becomes one of psychiatry’s L.L.P.S.’s, Life-Long Pill Swallowers –

              But in each case, the choice is yours –
              AND ONLY YOURS —

          • If you want to “treated” by someone who plays to your weaknesses,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be “treated” by someone who EXPECTS YOU TO FAIL – and who stands to GAIN from your “failure” again and again and again,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be “treated” by someone whose job security depends on your being “sick” AND STAYING THAT WAY,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to trust someone whose judgment about you is soaked in conflict of interest (financial gain, reputation management),
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to take advice from someone who’s trained to disbelieve WHATEVER YOU SAY,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be “treated” by someone who’s trained to see pathology in DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING you say and do,
            By all means see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be in a relationship that depends on an unhealthy power imbalance,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to take advice from someone whose skill set amounts to little more than a vending machine,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be around someone who believes in “illness” more than YOU,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to listen to someone whose blunted intellect is incapable of nuance –
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be on the losing side of a relationship that permanently damages your reputation personally, professionally and legally,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be in a relationship where what you thought was confidential is actually recorded and accessible TO ANYONE,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be in a relationship with someone who reinforces your insecurities,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be in a relationship with someone who believes the worst about you,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want trust a relationship where someone’s opinion could mean losing your freedom,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to trust someone who lies for a living,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            • If you want to be in a relationship YOU’RE TOLD IS CONFIDENTIAL, but actually ISN’T,
              By all means, see a psychiatrist –

              If you enjoy being lied to,
              By all means, see a psychiatrist

                • If you want to be in a relationship with someone whose opinion of you could COST YOU YOUR FREEDOM,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you’re willing to lose your privacy and personal freedoms,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you want to be Psychiatry’s unwitting lab rat,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

              • If you want to be in a relationship you think is confidential BUT ACTUALLY ISN’T,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be in a relationship with someone WHO GETS OFF ON THEIR POWER OVER YOU,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                • LET THE GAMES BEGIN?

                  What happens in those oddly secretive DSM conferences??

                  It’s “psychiatry’s” ONE BIG SHOW –

                  Their “diagnostic” Olympic Games –
                  Their “diagnostic” Hoedown-Showdown –
                  Their very own dressed up version of “diagnostic” Horse Trading –
                  Their very own “diagnostic” carnival of dangerously specious Letter Games interspersed amid Big Pharma’s strategically placed cotton candy and other favors (think product samples/swag) –

                  And it’s “secrecy” makes psychiatrists” feel special, (which is why “psychiatrists” become “psychiatrists” in the first place) and it reminds the snobbiest of their college days (think of fraternities/sororities) –

                  But “psychiatrists” primarily rely on their strictly enforced “secrecy” to hide the fact that their “diagnoses” – despite their persistent and long held claims – ARE NOT biologically based – that their “diagnoses” amount to little more than AKGT (ass-kissing groupthink); that they’re essentially picking labels out of a hat, no more, no less, much to the detriment of every “patient” they happen to see –

                  It’s where an especially overweening (but nevertheless confused), klatch of “psychiatrists” get together to unabashedly compete in various tit-for-tat feats of “diagnostic” one upmanship –

                  It’s where “psychiatrists” (depending on their level of “diagnostic” delusion), invariably descend into various stages of DA (Diagnostic Agitation) or DD (Diagnostic Delirium) –

                  It starts when a mess of colluding yet glad handing “psychiatrists” get together in some pharmaceutically sponsored office/convention center –
                  After opening statements, psychiatrists start playing one DFLG (diddly-fart letter-game) after another while excitedly anticipating their next big PDKO (psych drug kick-off) –

                  Eventually, competing factions of the most diagnostically deluded find themselves engaging in fervid and feverish bouts of D-BSBSBW – (Diagnostic BackScratching/BackStabbing/ BrainWashing) –
                  This usually devolves into one massive Diagnostic Grudge Match (characterized by carefully concealed fits of professional jealousy) –
                  The stalemate is broken only after a hefty game of DAW (Diagnostic Arm Wrestling), which, if need be, is accompanied by the reliable echoing of their pharmaceutical cohorts, or more excitedly(!), by the dazzling (but startlingly vacant) claims of neuroscience, “psychiatry’s” newest and latest darling –

                  More civil – yet still confounding – rounds of “diagnostic” letter trades/swag switches continue until “psychiatrists” finally tire of each other, or more accurately of themselves –
                  Whereas they reluctantly agree to vote upon their newest and most stupefying batch of letter arrangements –

                  After announcing the results of their most tawdry letter tally, the majority of participating “psychiatrists” report experiencing varying levels of DE – Diagnostic Euphoria –

                  The evening eventually subsides in due course with “psychiatrists” collectively toasting to their universally supposed “diagnostic” brilliance in a most irritating and shamelessly self congratulatory way –

                  And after an interminable succession of concluding remarks, their “diagnostic” convention summarily ends, with the most enthused bidding their “colleagues” a heartfelt “adieu” as they hastily depart, dreaming dreams of renewed Diagnostic Dominance until their NEXT cherished and long awaited DSM “Diagnostic” conference!

                • The diagnostic acronym D-BB/BW/BS/BS
                  (Diagnostic BrowBeating/BrainWashing/BackScratching/Backstabbing) is a bit much, wouldn’t you say?
                  Yes, so why not call it what it is?
                  And what’s that?

                • What’s all the fuss about neuroscience?

                  It’s a branch of medicine that – unlike “psychiatry” deserves respect –

                  And because “psychiatry’s” claims of “scientific evidence” continue to flounder, “psychiatrists” have latched onto neuroscience, making it it their newest and dearest professional “darling” –

                • WILL LOVE EVER FAIL?

                  What’s neuroscience?

                  It’s “psychiatry’s” newest and fondest “diagnostic” sweetheart –

                • FOR THE LOVE OF GOD –

                  Where can you find the love of God?

                  In the loving gaze of parents seeing their newborn for the first time –

                  Where can you see the face of the devil?

                  In the cold, “clinical”, callous stares of “psychiatrists/therapists” –

                • What’s “psychiatry”?

                  A sick world of “DIAGNOSTIC” SELF INDULGENCE –
                  “Practiced” by a series of self seeking, self important sycophants –
                  Chronically contemplating writing their very own book –
                  Highlighting their own perceived acts of “diagnostic”/“therapeutic” wizardry –

              • If you like trusting someone else’s judgment more than your own,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you believe a total stranger is able know YOU better than YOU know YOU,

                • SWEETHEART DEALS –
                  Is “psychiatry” influenced by Big Pharma?
                  You bet – “psychiatry’s” beholden to their “psychiatric” drug lords –
                  They work together lovingly, like a hand in glove – and with Big P’s generous handouts, (including substantial financial renumeration) “psychiatrists” are putty in their hands, so
                  truth be damned –

                • CONTRADICTION IN TERMS –

                  What is “psychiatry”?

                  A strangely solipsistic exercise in DGT – Diagnostic Group Think –

                • SWEETHEART DEALS –
                  Is “psychiatry” influenced by Big Pharma?

                  You betcha – Big Pharma’s made “psychiatry” utterly beholden to its “diagnostic” drug lords –
                  They work together lovingly, like a hard in glove with Big P’s lavish handouts (not to mention their substantial financial remunerations), “psychiatrists” become putty in their hands –

                  So truth be damned –

                • JUST LOOK IN THE DSM –

                  The DSM is written by “doctors” who fanatically insist on plastering over trauma with “diagnoses”, “drugs” and diagnostically infested “psychotherapy” –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  It all starts with “psychiatry’s” sickeningly long list of “diagnostic” invective –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  And “psychiatrists” love patronizing others –
                  Yet are fundamentally unable to face their own strategically hidden insecurities –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  And in order to distract themselves, they project their own insecurities onto their “patients” –
                  It’s a form of emotional off loading –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  “Diagnosing” is psychiatry’s” chronic preoccupation, an irritatingly twiddlesome task characterized by their inability to see things contextually and objectively –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  Yet for all their textually voluminous “diagnostic” prattle, they’ve solved NOTHING and helped NO ONE –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                  But “psychiatry” has, of course, managed to help itself –
                  By compounding the troubles and complicating the lives of essentially “normal” people –
                  Just look in their DSM –

                • HOWDY, FRIENDS –

                  Roll out the welcome mat for the “mental health industrial complex’s” three-headed monster –

                  “Psychiatry”, Pharmacology, and (drumroll) Neurology –

                • WHAT’S PSYCHIATRY?

                  A “diagnostic” SHITSTORM –

                  A “diagnostic” drug den –

                  An endless game of “you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” played by “drug” companies and their sycophantic “psychiatrists” –

                • IT’S IN THE GOOD BOOK –

                  Psychiatrists have become secular priests –
                  And as devout followers of their “sacred” DSM, they fervently preach the gospel of illness and disability –

                  They’re forever preaching their “diagnostic” and prescription-filled victim narrative –

                  But they not only regard themselves as “priests”, they also think they’re god –

                • INSTANT GRATIFICATION –

                  What are “Psychiatrists”?

                  They’re people who’ve never grown up –
                  They’re toddlers dressed up as “doctors” –
                  They’re wannabe scientists who insist on playing their dangerous game of DMB – Diagnostic Make Believe –

                  They see only what they want to see –

                  They think only what they want to think –

                  They say only what they want to say whenever they want to say it –

                  And use “diagnoses” and “drugs” to pacify themselves –

                • HAIL, HAIL, THE GANG’S ALL HERE –

                  What’s a “DSM” conference?

                  “Psychiatry’s” days-long shindig of “diagnostic” self indulgence –

                  A nauseating exercise in “diagnostic” hedonism where “psychiatrists” get to dream up countless new ways of duping the public –

                • SWEETHEART DEALS –
                  Are psychiatrists influenced by Big Pharma?
                  You bet – they’re Big P’s promotional pimps –
                  Big P showers “psychiatrists” with all kinds of perks –
                  To fatten their pockets and blow up their egos –
                  They’re putty in its hands –

                • CRUEL FOOLS –

                  What are “therapists”?
                  Job snobs –

                  What are “therapists” who call themselves “artists”?
                  Cruel job snobs –

                  What is “psychotherapy”?
                  Covert cruelty –

                • KINKS, JINX, AND FORTY WINKS –

                  How can you say therapists are cruel??? MY therapists aren’t cruel – they say they’ve done their OWN work!

                  Well good for them –

                  What do you mean “good for them”?

                  I mean that’s one of their standard lines –

                  Meaning WHAT?

                  Meaning they’re asleep on the job!!!

              • TAKE A LOOK –

                “Psychiatrists” love looking at their precious DSM –
                But this is wrong –

                Really? Well, then where “should” they be looking?

                IN THE MIRROR –

                • CHICKEN FEED –

                  What are “psychiatrists” so afraid of?
                  Confronting TRAUMA –

                  They’re chicken shits who have chicken fits whenever they hear the word –

                  So they “treat patients” by tossing them handfuls of DCF, Diagnostic Chicken Feed (labels, “drugs”) –
                  Then henpeck them with lines like, “psychiatric diagnoses are real”, or “you have a chemical imbalance”, or here’s their clincher, “you need medication the rest of your life” –

                  It’s one big load of DCS – Diagnostic Chicken Shit –

              • CHICKEN FEED –

                What are “psychiatrists” so afraid of?

                Confronting TRAUMA –
                They’re chicken shits who have chicken fits whenever they so much as hear the word –
                So they “treat patients” by throwing them DCF “diagnostic” chicken feed (labels, “drugs”) and henpeck them with “diagnostic” lies such as, “diagnose are real” or “you have a chemical imbalance” – and here’s their clincher – “you need treatment the rest of your life” –

                Which is a lion’s load of DCS –

                • APOSTASY HYPOCRISY –

                  How can you tell when therapists are frauds?

                  When they say they’ve done self therapy – but are still seeing “clients” –

              • THE NAME OF THE GAME –

                Who are the high priests of the “mental health industrial complex”?

                It used to be the APA and it’s hotshot “psychiatrists” –
                But ever since big money entered the game it’s become BIG PHARMA which has the APA eating out of its drug-filled hands –

                • SEND A POSTCARD –

                  I don’t get it – every year around the holidays and the beginning of summer my therapist hands me a more “serious” diagnosis – sometimes more than one!

                  And ones that charges more, I’ll bet –

                  Yes, but why?

                  Get a clue – what does everyone want around those times?

                  Time off?

                  Anything else?

                  More money?

                  Bingo –

                • BOOK CLUBBED –

                  I think you’re just horrible! You say such awful things about therapists!

                  That’s what they are in my book –

                  Not in mine!

                  Well I’m not reading yours so fuck off –

              • GOD ALMIGHTY???

                “Psychiatrists” have made themselves secular priests –
                And as devout followers of their “sacred” DSM, they fervently preach the gospel of illness and disability –

                They incessantly preach their “diagnostic” and “drug”- filled narrative –
                A victim narrative they arrogantly expect “patients” to reverently parrot back to them –
                And they not only regard themselves as priests –
                They also think they’re God –

                • THE SKY’S THE LIMIT –
                  “Psychiatrists” are out of control –
                  They can’t stop adding to the DSM, their ever-expanding book of diagnostic indulgence –

                  They’ve a bad case of DID, Diagnostic Indulgence Disorder –

                • What are “Psychiatrists”?

                  DIAGNOSTIC GLUTTONS –

                  What’s the DSM?

                  The book of DIAGNOSTIC GLUTTONY –

                • What are “Psychiatrists”?
                  There’s two varieties:

                  AKAS’s – Ass-kissing Ass-sniffers – or more to the point,
                  ASAK’s – Ass-sniffing Ass-kissers –
                  (whichever suits their purposes) –


                  What’s “psychiatry’s” most sought after position?

                  To be courted by the pharmaceutical industry –
                  They know they’ve made it when they’re offered a contract to do BIG PHARMA’S BIDDING –

                • THE SKY’S THE LIMIT –
                  Psychiatrists are OOC!
                  It’s their latest diagnosis – Out Of Control – it’s become an epidemic!
                  They’ve just GOT to stop adding to that witless book of Diagnostic Indulgence –
                  They’re headed for a full-blown case of DID –
                  Diagnostic Indulgence Disorder –

              • I fart, you fart –
                EVERYBODY FART-FARTS!!!

                Except, of course, “psychiatrists” –
                Because according to them, they don’t even have assholes –

                Which is strange when you consider how their “careers” center around ass-sniffing their “patients” –

                They’re absolutely determined to catch a whiff of their “patients” emotional farts/hemorrhoids (think life’s ordinary ups and downs) –

                And with one fell “diagnostic” swoop, they turn even THESE into “illnesses”; their flying leap of a conclusion “validated” by that messy collection of “diagnostic” fabrications they so solemnly call the DSM –
                Which they impulsively open to start playing their favorite game of “eeny, meeny, miney, moe, which “diagnosis” makes the most DOUGH??!!”

                “Psychiatrists” are almost maniacal in their self-centered quest to make “patients” fart on command, blithely imperviousness to anyone’s pain or embarrassment –
                Or coerce them into recounting the last time they farted –

                But what’s stranger still is when “patients” DO fart, “psychiatrists” balk at the smell, and THEN assign them the impossible task of producing ONLY odor-free farts from then on, aided (of course!) by “psychiatry’s” large and ever-growing assortment of emotional fart-suppressing pharmaceuticals –

                But strangest of all is “psychiatrists” never admit to farting themselves – to ever having farted AT ALL –
                As such an admission would blow their “professional” fart-free grandiosity into an unmanageable mess of “diagnostically” farty smithereens –

                • PARTY TIME –

                  What games do “psychiatrists” play at their DSM conferences?
                  It varies – but there’s usually lots to choose from:

                  For the bombastic, there’s Name that Diagnosis –
                  For the adventuresome, there’s Pin the Tail on the Diagnosis –
                  For the incurious, there’s Diagnostic Tic Tac Toe –
                  For the wordy, there’s Diagnostic Scrabble –
                  For the unassuming, there’s Diagnostic Checkers –
                  For the most lively, there’s
                  Diagnostic LeapFrog –
                  For the plodding, there’s
                  Diagnostic Backgammon –
                  For the ponderous, there’s
                  Diagnostic Chess –
                  For the boastful, there’s Diagnostic Monopoly –

                  But the real POWER PLAYERS play one thing and one thing only – DIAGNOSTIC POKER –

                • POPULARITY CONTEST –

                  What’s the most popular game at “DSM” conferences?
                  It’s a tie between –

                  DIAGNOSTIC DOMINOES, (because one “diagnosis” always leads to another), and

                  MAKING MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLEHILLS (which produces an endless supply of brand new psych “diagnoses”) –

                • What’s the DSM?

                  A book of rambling, repetitive, “diagnostic” VERBOSITY –

                  A book of scientifically turgid RHETORIC –

                • What are two games therapists never outgrew and still play on their clients?

                  Simon Says and Follow the Leader –

                • ALL IS NOT LOST –

                  And while many people share many of the same personality addictions/flaws/foibles/quirks/kinks/peccadilloes or just plain peculiarities as their beloved “therapist”,
                  the danger remains in the fact that therapists have the authority to downgrade with labels, strip people of their rights and freedom, and that therapy itself is a fundamentally false relationship built on flawed dynamics. No less appalling is the sad fact that therapists rarely if ever inform clients that therapy isn’t their only option.

                  And as to how or why something so inherently skewed as therapy and therapists has managed to achieve and maintain such widespread popularity, only speaks to how dissociated and indoctrinated people allow themselves to be.

                  But all is not lost. Less well known is the positive fact that many people when left to their own devices manage to find better and safer ways of healing with their privacy, dignity and personal agency intact –

              • What’s “psychiatry”?
                DIAGNOSTIC GLUTTONY –

                What are “Psychiatrists”?
                DIAGNOSTIC GLUTTONS –

                What’s the DSM?

                • What’s the difference between “psychiatrists” and other kinds of “therapists”?

                  There’s not a lot of difference, as most are narcissistic fools, terrified of seeming “ordinary” –

                  But generally, “psychiatrists” are the arrogant fools who think they’re scientists, whereas “therapists” are the romantic fools who think they’re artists –
                  And BOTH have the bad habit of romanticizing themselves and “psychotherapy” –

                • What do “psychiatrists” and “therapists” have in common?

                  Both are intolerable idiots who idealize themselves and that bullshit they call “psychotherapy” –

                • PLEASE BE SEATED?

                  Quit sitting and listening to “therapists” and their costly bullshit –
                  That “therapy chair” is waaaay too expensive –

                  So before sitting down, imagine that “therapist” taking a shit with a simpy grin on their face –

                • WHERE TO HEAD IN –

                  What do you say to the stupid motherfuckers who “don’t like your voice”?
                  That you don’t give a damn and you don’t like listening to them either –
                  AND IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT DON’T LISTEN, ya stupid motherfucker –

                • SPLITTING THE DIFFERENCE –

                  What’s the difference between “psychiatrists” and other “therapists”?

                  Not much, as being either one means you’re dealing with a group of incurably narcissistic fools, wholly terrified of seeming ordinary –

                  Their main difference lies in the fact that “psychiatrists” claim to be “scientists”, whereas “therapists” view themselves as “artists”, whatever the fuck THAT means –

                • VISION CHECK –

                  Many people if left to their own devices manage to find better and safer ways of healing than turning to the insulting, intrusive, infantilizing and soul sucking “process” of “psychotherapy” and allowing their privacy, dignity, personal agency and pocketbooks to stay intact –

                  So anyone saying they’re healed yet still wants to be a “therapist” not only has a lot to learn, but needs to ask themselves just who in the heck needs healing anyway as such a desire essentially means they’re still seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope –

                • EMOTIONALLY DISTURBING –

                  It should come as no surprise that many people find the very idea of confiding in a total stranger (who not only demands payment, but personal anonymity) a disturbing prospect.

                  But more disturbing is the fact that these so-called “clinicians” use “psychiatric diagnoses”, which not only aren’t “scientific” in any realistically meaningful way, but are actually and actively harmful. These “psychiatric diagnoses”
                  amount to nothing more than a narrow and negative “evaluation” that is made without bothering to consider the context of the situation. Actions such as these only serve to pigeonhole people with negative stereotypes which negatively affect not only their self-concept and confidence, but also the very trajectory of their very lives.

                  Also disturbing is how precious little, if any, skepticism is ever used if anyone ever even bothers to questions the value or necessity of these so-called “psychiatric diagnoses”. This should be of paramount concern, because any “psychiatric diagnoses” and/or “psychological evaluation” is, in the final analysis, merely the inarguably questionable result of someone’s inarguably limited cultural and isubjective BIAS –

              • HAIL, HAIL, THE GANG’S ALL HERE –

                What in the world is a “DSM conference”?

                It’s “psychiatry’s” days-long shindig of “Diagnostic Indulgence”, a nauseating exercise in diagnostic hedonism where “psychiatrists” dream up new ways to “diagnostically” dupe the public to pad their pockets –

                • TICKET MASTERS –

                  Psychiatrists are such idiots – they think a “diagnosis” is your ticket to ride –
                  BUT IT’S NOT –
                  It’s your ticket to slide –

                • “SPLITTING” THE DIFFERENCE –

                  What’s the difference between “psychiatrists” and other “therapists”?

                  Not much, as being either one means you’re dealing with a group of incurably narcissistic fools, wholly terrified of seeming ordinary –

                  The main difference becomes apparent whenever you hear “psychiatrists” claim they’re “scientists”, and then – wonder of wonders – hear “therapists” conceitedly anoint themselves “artists”, whatever ever the fuck THAT means –

                  Makes you wonder who in the hell “needs therapy” –
                  FUCK yeah….

                • RUE THE DAY –

                  Oh! Today I feel just awful!!
                  Awful? Why?
                  Well, you know how I promised myself I’d never go back to that awful “therapist”, you know, the one who said I’d “need therapy” the rest of my life?
                  Oh yeah…THAT one – don’t tell me – you went back, right?
                  Well don’t feel too bad – I hear that one manages to charm the pants off most “clients” and practically runs a fuckin’ harem –
                  Harem…that’s it! At the very least I felt like a conscripted member of some stupid fan club –
                  FAN club? That wasn’t no “fan club”- that horse’s ass made you a fuckin’ GROUPIE –

                • SO THERE –

                  What are most “therapists’” egos too cowardly to submit to, too weak to withstand, and ultimately just too stupid to ever even begin to appreciate?

                  BRUTAL HONESTY –
                  Something in short supply and in stark contrast to their crazy world of “psychotherapy” –

                • A CATERED AFFAIR –

                  People who use the “mental health” industry as their gravy train oughta get the heck out of people’s lives. They’re parasites who need to quit hijacking the common language with their garbage terminology, which only serves to poison the collective consciousness and dialogue. Take for example one of their favorite words, “depression”. All this means is a pervading sadness which may or may not be life altering. But in either case, it should be recognized that sadness and other painful feeling states are NOT “medical conditions”. Sadness, heartbreak, and grieving are normal reactions to painful events and/or circumstance that ought to be kept away from clutches of the so-called “mental health industry”, something that seeks to pathologize emotions in order to justify catering to itself –

                • “SPLITTING” THE DIFFERENCE –

                  Is there a difference between “psychiatrists” and other “therapists”?

                  To a certain extent, yes. “Psychiatrists” are drug pushers and have the legal might to lock people up, but beyond that minor distinction, meeting either one means you’ve had the good fortune of stumbling across a uniquely dispiriting group of tiresomely narcissistic fools, which, not surprisingly, explains why both types harbor the bad habit of needing to be seen as having some sort of exalted status, which they seem to think is accomplished by referring to themselves as either “artists” or “scientists” –

                • PERSONALITY TYPES –

                  So what type of person becomes a “therapist” –

                  Oh, just imagine the time you met someone you thought you liked, but once you realized what the heck was going on you couldn’t get away from them fast enough –

                  Oh, well that tells me a lot – could you please be more specific?

                  Alright – “therapists” are not only too curious about you, but don’t hesitate to voice their opinions about your life and how you should live it while never doubting the accuracy of their conclusions –

                  So “therapists” are obnoxious –

                  “Therapists” are BEYOND obnoxious –
                  they’ve a massive sense of entitlement fueled by their garbage “education” that makes them think “therapists” know everything –

                  Okay, so “therapists” are nosy, obnoxious, entitled, umm….anything else?

                  Invasive, aggressive, conceited, greedy, dishonest, manipulative, yeah…that about covers it –

                  What a mess….

                  Well, you know what they say, “it takes what it takes”,

                  Apparently so….

                  But I haven’t mentioned the worst –

                  You mean there’s worse?!

                  Oh yeah, the nuttiest will tell you what you’re feeling and browbeat you ‘til they’ve talked you into it –

                  Browbeat you?! Wait – you’re talking about a bully!!!

                  Yep, that’s all a “therapist” amounts to, a bully with a price tag –

                • NAKED TRUTHS –

                  What are most therapists too cowardly to appreciate, too weak to withstand, and too stupid to ever even begin to comprehend?

                  BRUTAL HONESTY –
                  Something you won’t find much of in that circus called “psychotherapy” –

                • EASY QUEASY –

                  It’s amazing how people automatically recommend “therapy” without giving it a second thought. And “therapists” take advantage of this as they’re trained to discredit and dismiss someone’s healthy reluctance, which can make getting sucked into the black hole of “psychotherapy” all too easy –

              • THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING –

                But there is no pudding.

                So whenever some “therapist” tries telling/selling you their “diagnoses” are scientific, ask them the following question –
                What’s the proof???

                And without missing a beat, they’re rattling off their pablum of “studies and stats” that, in the grand scheme of things, mean little to you –

                And if that doesn’t work, they’ll make a galling attempt appealing to your emotions –

                But if you want to get them off your back for good, just say you lost your job, or filing for bankruptcy, or moving to a moon, and before you know it, you’re shown the door –

                Now, what does that prove?

              • GREAT EXPECTATIONS –

                Why is it a bad idea to see “therapists”?
                Because they see “clients” through a glass darkly and like it that way –

                • PERSONA NON GRATA GRATIS –

                  Why do therapists like hiding behind a persona?

                  They say it’s for the power imbalance –

                  “They” say? Okay – “therapists” say a lot of things, most of which aren’t true, and the “power imbalance” is just a bullshit word they use to keep clients in the dark –

                  In the dark?

                  Yes, so they won’t become persona non grata in your eyes –

                  Persona non whadda??

                  So you won’t see what they’re really like behind closed doors, because if you DID, you wouldn’t pay them a DIME!!!

              • STRIKE UP THE BAND – (ode to psych drugs sing-a-long) –

                I got no drugs to hold me down –
                To make me laugh or make me frown –
                I had drugs but now I’m free –
                I got no drugs in me –

                Hi-ho the me-ri-o, it’s the only way to be –
                I want the world to know it’s the only way for me –

                I got no pills, oh yes, I’m done –
                I’m not tied up to anyone –
                Docs have strings, as you all know –
                It’s really time to them to go!!!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”) –

                  I got no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs, but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • NO STRINGS ATTACHED
                  Ode to Psych Drugs sing-a-long
                  (Please refer to the song “I Got No Strings”)

                  I got a no drugs to hold me down –
                  To make me laugh or make me frown –
                  I had drugs but now I’m free –
                  There are no drugs in me!

                  Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
                  It’s the only way for me –
                  I want the world to know it’s the only place to be!

                  I got no “Doc”, oh yes I’m done –
                  And now I’m having lots more fun –
                  “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
                  It’s really time for them to go!

                • A CATERED AFFAIR –

                  People who use the “mental health industry” as their gravy train need to get the heck out of people’s lives. These “mental health professionals” are parasites who hijack the common language with their garbage terminology, poisoning the collective consciousness and dialogue with words like “depression”, “anxiety” and “narcissist”. One means sad, another means nervous or worried, and the last means selfish and manipulative, which begs the question – what good comes from making up formal-sounding labels that essentially single people out in a derogatory way, and not only a derogatory way, but a mediclaized way? And then these overconfident and ever-so-clever “mental health professionals” try their defend their sanitized mudslinging by saying they’re only “being descriptive”. But this shows how complacently and completely oblivious they are to the real harm they’re doing, which proves the following – that “therapists” are blatantly insensitive and grotesquely egotistical, and incapable of seeing the truth, which is that people’s feelings and behaviors are not “medical conditions” needing “treatment”, but some of the varied reactions to life’s painful events and circumstances. People should be kept away from the clutches of “mental health professionals”, unless they enjoy being pathologized by people paid to pathologize in order to cater to themselves –

                • BON VOYAGE?

                  What is “psychotherapy”?
                  Rearranging deck chairs –

                  What is self therapy?
                  The voyage back to yourself –

                • What’s a good description of “psychiatry”?

                  A surprisingly solipsistic form of DGT, “Diagnostic” GroupThink –

                • What’s “psychiatry”?

                  an endless game of SMB – “Scientific” Make Believe –

                  an endless series of DTTT – “Diagnostic” Tic Tac Toe –

                  a treasure trove of DGG’s – “Diagnostic” Guessing Games –

                • AD-VANTAGE POINTS –
                  What’s the major flaw in psychiatry and psychotherapy?

                  The fact it’s created from a therapist’s point of view –

                • What’s wrong with psychiatric diagnoses?

                  They destroy one’s sense of dignity and assault the human soul –

            • TIME TO REFLECT –

              The next time some idiot psychiatrist (or ANY type of “therapist”) says you “LACK INSIGHT” you tell that lazy, lousy, life-sucking, DRUG PUSHING MOTHER FUCKER to look in the mirror –


                • HIDE AND SEEK –

                  Think you can trust your “therapist”?
                  THINK AGAIN –

                  What makes you think you can trust someone you don’t know personally?
                  What makes you want to trust someone you don’t know personally??
                  If someone won’t tell you their shit, why would you tell them yours???

                  So get ready to hear an avalanche of evasive phrases like, “establishing trust”, or “rapport”, or get this –
                  establishing a “therapeutic alliance” –

                  Makes you wonder what they’re hiding….

                • HIDE AND SEEK –

                  Think you can trust your “therapist”?
                  THINK AGAIN –

                  What makes you THINK you can trust someone you don’t know personally?

                  What makes you WANT to trust someone you don’t know personally??

                  And if someone won’t tell you THEIR shit,
                  WHY WOULD YOU TELL THEM YOURS???

                  Makes you wonder what they’re hiding….

                • LOOK TO THE FUTURE???

                  What do you see for your child’s future?

                  One that is happy and healthy??

                  Or maybe you’re a parent who prefers having trauma, abuse and neglect determine your child’s future, so you see it this way –
                  Your child becomes a P.F.F., a Permanent Financial Fixture in some “therapist’s” office –

                  Or perhaps your tastes run to the exotic, therefore you’re drawn to more dramatic scenarios, so you see your child’s future play out this way –
                  As one of psychiatry’s F.L.L.P.S.’s, Future LifeLong Pill Swallowers –

                  BUT DON’T FORGET —
                  Until your child grows up, THE CHOICE IS YOURS AND ONLY YOURS –

              • MIRROR MIRROR ON THE BALL –

                The next time some idiot psychiatrist (or ANY type of “therapist”) says you “LACK INSIGHT”, you tell that lazy, lousy, life-sucking PILL PUSHING MOTHER FUCKER to look in the mirror –

                AND YOU CAN BET IT’S CRACKED!!!


                The next time you think you “need a therapist” remember the following phrase –

                “Those who go looking for trouble will always find it” –

                Think of that as you picture them fumbling through their bulging DSM –

                • YOU BE THE JUDGE –

                  “Therapists” claim to be “nonjudgmental” –

                  But this is part of their their grandiosity, their illusion of being above the rest –

                  Because being “nonjudgmental” is next to impossible, as everyone’s attitudes are culturally and subjectively biased, no matter their “training” –

                  Is it good judgment to place yourself in a small, enclosed space with someone you don’t know and assume they know more and better than you?

                  Is it good judgment to align yourself with those who lives revolve around dollar-driven ideas of “illness” and “health”??

                  Is it good judgment to willingly abdicate your adulthood to someone who has the power to legally control how you live your life???

                  YOU BE THE JUDGE –

                • GAME OF HEARTS –

                  Oh, I’m so excited! My therapists tell me they’re doing thought experiments, you know, for research and stuff – isn’t that grand?

                  No, no, not grand at all – all they’re doing is playing their mind games, for which you – I’ve no doubt – have already been the hapless victim of –

                  MIND GAMES!!! Goodness no!!!

                  Goodness YES!!! It’s time you realized “therapists” have degrees in exploitation, and their “thought experiments” are just a polite way of saying mind games –

                  So you’re saying I’m being played?

                  Like a fiddle – but therapists are just doing what comes naturally, you know, as they say, “it’s the nature of the beast” –

                  Nature of the beast?

                  Yeah, meaning they’re cunning, meaning they’re scavengers who like feeding off people’s pain –

                  That doesn’t sound very nice…

                  Oh, but they make it sound VERY nice, as they’ve been trained to do that VERY well, now wouldn’t you agree?

                  (Reluctantly)…yes…but, but my therapist says it was always in their heart to be a therapist!

                  Ohhh yeah, “in their heart”, if I had a nickel for every time they say that I could open my own bank! People who say things like that need to take a good hard look “in their heart” and ask themselves WHY IN THE HELL “their heart” thinks it’s okay to make a buck OFF PEOPLE’S PAIN, but asking that won’t do you one damn bit a good ‘cause all they’ll do is come up with some half-assed rationalization followed by one of their crackpot “diagnoses”, for which you have to ask yourself WHAT KIND OF HEART DOES THAT???

                • BLAME GAME –

                  How do you envision your child’s future?

                  As happy and healthy?

                  Or as a permanent fixture in some “therapist’s” office?

                  If it’s the former, then why are you letting trauma, abuse and neglect determine their future today?
                  This explains why they’re already a fixture in some “therapist’s” office –
                  And whose fault would that be?

                  Well one thing’s for sure –
                  IT’S NOT YOUR CHILD’S –

            • The phone rings –
              Hey Strom, it’s Boli!
              Hey Boli! Sorry I had to miss the BrainFart Conference. How’d it go?
              You didn’t miss much – it was one long DSF (diagnostic snooze fest) I could barely stay awake –
              That dull, huh? Even through Dr. Dinglenut’s presentation on co-morbidity?
              Yep, and wow – was that EVER one long lecture –
              What about Dr. Dickleshit’s talk on complex PTSDMDDBPDODDSADADHD?
              Oh, that made some minor waves – but I did manage to liven things up a bit –
              No kidding?
              Yep – I got so fed up during Dr. Okeedokee’s labyrinth of a speech I decided to let fly a cascade of FSPUF’s (foul-smelling pent-up farts) –
              Really? You must have made quite the impression –
              I did stir things up a bit, but Dr. Okeedokee’s just what you said, you know, “thick as a brick” –
              That I do – but maybe next time I’ll join you so we can fart acapella –
              Hey, thanks! Now THAT’S something to look forward to!

                • A MATTER OF DEGREES –

                  What do therapists have their degrees in?

                  Masters of Dissociation –

              • WHERE TO HEAD IN –

                What do you tell them motherfuckers who say they don’t like your voice?
                That I don’t give a damn and don’t like listening to them either – AND IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT, DON’T LISTEN, ya stupid motherfucker –

                • RULES OF THE GAME –

                  What are “psychiatrists” and “therapists”?
                  People who never learned to play fair –
                  Meaning what?
                  Meaning you don’t resort to name calling –

                • RULES OF THE GAME –
                  What’s the one thing therapists never bothered to learn?

                  How to play fair, which explains their disgusting penchant for name calling –

                • SHIT-EATING HUCKSTERS –

                  “Therapists” are so fulla shit they even manage to lie to themselves –

                  And here’s one of their favorites –
                  “We, as therapists, seek to establish a working relationship with each client” –

                  LET”S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT –

                  The ONLY ones “working” in that bullshit of a “relationship” are the “CLIENTS”, who spend most of their time WORKING REAL JOBS JUST TO SURVIVE but have been talked into paying some clown of a “therapist’s” OBSCENELY HIGH FEES –
                  The only “work” “therapists” do is sit on their ass, counting the minutes until they collect a check –

              • IN GOOD TASTE –

                Why are “therapists” the worst people to turn to in your hour of need?

                Because just from the outlines of your life they think they’ve got you pegged which tells you right off the bat you’re dealing with an egomaniac and since they’re being paid you can rightly assume they’re doing it for the money as much as anything which makes for some pretty foul-smelling dynamics –

                You know you’re right –
                The whole idea of “therapy” always did leave a bad taste in my mouth –

                Well you’ve finally hit on it!

                “Hit on it”? What do you mean?

                Being a “therapist” is the perfect job for people with big egos and absolutely NO taste –

                • SEAWORTHY –

                  What’s “dyadic psychotherapy”?
                  Rearranging deck chairs –

                  What’s self therapy?
                  The voyage back to yourself –

              • THE GRIPE IS RIGHT?

                What’s your gripe with “psychiatric diagnoses”?

                They hurt people –

                Shit, yeah…

                • WHY, OH WHY –

                  And just why do “therapists” become “therapists”?

                  To satisfy their infantile need to be admired, adored, and looked up to by a worshipful cadre of reliably uncritical fans a.k.a. “clientele” –

                • NAKED TRUTHS –

                  What’s the one thing “therapists’” egos are not only too cowardly to appreciate, but too weak to withstand?

                  BRUTAL HONESTY,
                  something in short supply and stark contrast to the fraudulent world of “psychotherapy” –

            • ALL IS NOT LOST –

              And while many people share many of the same personality addictions/flaws/foibles/quirks/kinks/peccadilloes or just plain peculiarities as their beloved therapist, the dangers remains in the brutal fact that therapists have the authority to downgrade with labels, strip away people’s rights and freedoms, and that therapy itself is a fundamentally false relationship built on lopsided dynamics. No less appalling is the sad fact that therapists rarely, if ever, inform clients that dyadic psychotherapy isn’t their only viable option.

              And as for why something so inherently skewed as therapy and therapists has managed to not only achieve but maintain such widespread popularity only speaks to how disconnected and dissociated people allow themselves to remain.

              But all is not lost. Less well known is the positive fact that many people, if left to their own devices, succeed in finding better and safer ways of healing instead of relying on the black hole of dyadic psychotherapy, their avoidance of which allows them to protect their privacy, dignity, personal agency, and pocketbooks from a therapist’s stifling grip –

              • **NEWS FLASH**

                Amazingly, if only left to their own devices, people are more than capable of finding their own ways of healing rather than letting some halfwit “therapist” finagle their way into their lives and pocketbooks –

              • NONSENSICAL –

                Why take someone into your confidence who won’t take you into theirs, yet thinks they’re entitled to your money?

                Makes no good sense, so don’t let some “therapist” run off with yours – AND your money –

                • TALENT SHOW –

                  My gosh – it sounds like all you care about is money!

                  Nope, nope – not true at all, but I sure as hell hope you learn how to not be talked out of YOURS, which is a therapist’s number one talent –

          • THEY’RE ALL THUMBS – (Dancing the Diagnostic Conga Line) –

            Psychiatrists aren’t committed to compassionate curiosity and ethical inquiry –

            They’re a deluded alliance of social hacks whose fondest wish is to dance their Diagnostic Conga Line –

            Picture this – their right thumb up the posterior of one psychiatrist, as their left thumb is used for their own anterior gratification – and off they go! dancing their conga line, spreading their words of Diagnostic Delusion all around the globe –

            Define social hack –
            those attempting to manipulate the outcomes of social behavior through orchestrated actions –

            Hummm….sounds like psychiatry….

            • Psychiatrists feverishly dance their conga line with Diagnostic Frenzy –
              Singing and chanting their newest “diagnoses” with psychiatric abandon –

              • Psychiatrists feverishly dance their conga line with psychiatric abandon –
                Singing and chanting their latest “disorders” in a Diagnostic Frenzy –


              Psychiatrists obediently form a Diagnostic Chain Gang –
              Diligently they line up –
              One and all –
              To perform the following directives:

              1. Their right thumbs up the posterior of one psychiatrist (for thought suppression) –
              2. Their left thumbs reserved for more prurient activity (jerking off) –

              This satisfies Psychiatry’s three main objectives –
              1. Thought suppression (their own and others)
              2. Self pleasuring (professional and prurient)
              3. Global indoctrination

              • THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH –

                Science is the search for truth –
                Psychiatry thinks it’s a science –
                But it isn’t –
                It uses science as a distraction from the truth –

                Its scientific efforts have been for naught – little to no good has come of it – but has created and continues to create much needless harm –

                • ECONOMIC INCENTIVE is the name of the game for the psychotherapeutic industry –

                  The only thing psychiatry does is invent more “disorders” – which enriches them in more ways than one –
                  It’s their cruel joke –
                  They’ve no desire to see you heal in any real way because there’s no money in it for them if they do –
                  No one needs what they’re selling –

                  So what’s the cure?
                  Self incentive
                  Self awareness Introspection

                • CALLING DR. SISYPHUS –

                  Psychiatrists practice Sisyphean medicine –
                  It’s their never ending cruel joke –

                  Just when you’re done with one thing, they give you another –

                  ANOTHER “diagnoses”
                  ANOTHER “disorder”
                  ANOTHER “drug”

                  And on and on and on………

                • Psychiatry uses science as a distraction from truth –

                  And what’s “the truth”?
                  The impact of childhood traumas – and the resolution of those traumas –

                • USE YOU IMAGINATION –

                  Need help quitting “therapy”?
                  Try visualization –

                  Just imagine that overpaid slob you call a “therapist” taking a fancy vacation –

                  FUNDED BY YOURS TRULY –

                  Worked for me –

                • WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN?

                  When you stop listening to any and all “therapists”:

                  M.D. (psychiatrist)
                  PhD (psychologist)
                  M.F.C.C. (marriage, family, and child counselor)
                  L.C.SW. (Licensed clinical social worker)

                • CRYSTAL BALL –

                  What will happen in”therapy” when I finally find the courage to be myself?

                  I see many things –

                  I see your “therapist” becoming bewildered –
                  I see your “therapist” feeling threatened –
                  I see your “therapist” getting angry –
                  I see your “therapist” frantically grasping for their despicable tools –
                  And now you’re surrounded by a dark cloud of “Diagnoses” and “Drugs” –

                  I see your future DISAPPEAR –

                • BRILLIANT DISGUISE –

                  Why is “therapy” so popular?
                  Because “therapists” are your parents in “clinical” disguise –

                  And there’s lots of unhealed people looking for the love and acceptance from the parents they never had –

                  So the question becomes –
                  Why would you want to see some weirdo parental imposter that you have to pay?

                  Which leads to the next question –
                  Who’s footing the bill THIS TIME AROUND?

                • FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE –

                  Why in the world do you make EVERY question a matter of money?

                  Because people often don’t understand their feelings –

                  But they sure as hell understand their money –

                • ENOUGH ALREADY –

                  You’ve already been hurt once (figuratively speaking) by your parents –
                  Isn’t that enough?

                  So why let society hurt you a second time with that ridiculous “construct” called “psychotherapy”?
                  You don’t need to hire a stand in –

                  Your can learn to parent yourself BY yourself –

                • PROCESS OF OVERWHELM –

                  “Psychiatrists” and other “therapists”, have the same objective, which is to overwhelm and thereby GAIN CONTROL OVER YOU by using their “therapeutically inspired” techniques of intimidation and seduction –

                  “Psychiatrists” bamboozle with their so-called “medical knowledge”, while “therapists” woo with words of synthetic “empathy” until people surrender their own inherent authority –

                • EQUALLY NEUROTIC –

                  How are “psychiatrists” and other “therapists” similar?

                  They’re all equally neurotic –
                  (But if you’re after “drugs”, you’ll need a “psychiatrist”) –

                  Equally neurotic? How so?

                  All have a neurotic need to see themselves as more than the next person –
                  All share the neurotic notion that being a “therapist” MAKES them more than the next person –

                  More precisely,
                  “Psychiatrists” neurotically claim to be “scientists”, while “therapists” neurotically envision themselves as “artists” –

                  But all neurotically cling to their neurotic belief in their neurotically inspired “psychiatric diagnoses” –

                • BRILLIANT DISGUISE –

                  Why do people trust “therapists”?
                  Because “therapists” are parents in a “clinical” disguise –

                  Because there’s lots of hurting people out there looking for understanding and acceptance from parents they never had –
                  So the question becomes –
                  Why would you PAY a parental imposter??
                  Who’s footing the bill THIS TIME AROUND???

                • WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN?

                  When you STOP listening to ANY “therapist” of ANY kind, which includes the following:

                  M.D. (psychiatrist)
                  PhD (psychologist)
                  MFCC (marriage, family, and child counselor)
                  LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) –

                  And ANY other god-forsaken GRIFTER who charges you ANYTHING just for lending a sympathetic ear –
                  Which is called being A DECENT HUMAN BEING –
                  Which NO ONE deserves to be paid for –
                  As it’s why we were put on this earth –
                  IN THE FIRST PLACE –

                • WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN?

                  When you STOP listening to ANY AND ALL “therapists”, of ANY kind, which includes the following:

                  M.D. (psychiatrist)
                  Ph.D (psychologist)
                  M.F.C.C. (marriage, family and child counselor)
                  L.C.S.W. (licensed clinical social worker),
                  AND ANY OTHER GOD FORSAKEN GRIFTER who charges you anything –
                  JUST FOR LENDING A SYMPATHETIC EAR, which is something NO ONE deserves to be paid for –
                  Lending a sympathetic ear should mean one thing and ONE THING ONLY –
                  Which means being A DECENT HUMAN BEING –
                  Which NO ONE deserves to be paid for –
                  As it’s why we’re put on this earth –
                  IN THE FIRST PLACE –

                • HIDE AND SEEK –

                  Think you can “trust” your “therapist”?
                  THINK AGAIN –

                  What makes you think you can trust someone you don’t know personally?
                  What makes you WANT to trust someone you don’t know personally??
                  If someone won’t tell
                  you THEIR shit, why should you tell them YOURS???

                  So get ready to hear an avalanche of evasive phrases like, “establishing trust”, or “rapport”, or get this, a “therapeutic alliance” –

                  Makes you wonder what they’re hiding –

                • And ALL “therapists” have the neurotic desire to have people look up to them as they hear their woes –

                • MARKET FORCES –

                  What’s “psychotherapy”?
                  A bad idea that grew like weeds –
                  How’d THAT happen?

                  Because one night after reading too much Freud, a few enterprising individuals got carried away with the idea that being part of the action could make them famous –

                  And since these were the days when few had access to information, the powers that be used it to their advantage and created a monopoly –

                  And then (wouldn’t you know it) ego, prestige, and money took over and voila! – it’s the mess it is today –

                • BRILLIANT DISGUISE –

                  Why is “therapy” so popular?

                  Because “therapists” are parents in “clinical” disguise who become the parents you never had to give you the support and guidance you never got –

                  So the question becomes,
                  Why would you pay a parental imposter?
                  Who’s footing the bill THIS time around?

                • GOTTA GET DEPROGRAM –

                  Want to escape the Scourge of Psychiatry/Psychotherapy?
                  Follow these steps:

                  1. Don’t call them –
                  2. Don’t see them –
                  3. Don’t zoom them –
                  4. Don’t read them –
                  But do:
                  1. Go online –
                  2. Search self-therapy –
                  3. Take it from there –

                  But here’s two caveats –
                  1. Avoid stereotypical “therapy” sites –
                  2. Be ready for people (especially “therapists”!) who’ll try to talk you out of it –

                • PERSONALITY TYPES –

                  What type of person becomes a “therapist”?

                  Oh, just imagine the time you met someone you thought you liked but once you realized what the heck was going on you couldn’t get away from them fast enough –

                  Well, THAT tells me a lot! Could you please be more specific?

                  Alright – “therapists” are not only too curious about you, but don’t mind telling you about your life and how you should live it while never doubting the accuracy of their conclusions –

                  Oh, so “therapists” are obnoxious –

                  “Therapists” are BEYOND obnoxious – they’ve a massive sense of entitlement fueled by their garbage “education” that leaves them thinking “therapists” know everything –

                  Okay, so “therapists” are nosy, obnoxious, entitled, umm….anything else?

                  How about invasive, aggressive, greedy, dishonest, manipulative, conceited…yeah, that about covers it –

                  What a mess….

                  Well, you know what they say, “it takes what it takes” –

                  Apparently so….

                  But I haven’t mentioned the worst –

                  You mean there’s worse?!

                  Oh yeah – the nuttiest will tell you what you’re feeling and browbeat you ‘till they’ve talked you into it –

                  Browbeat?? Wait – you’re talking about a bully!!!

                  Yep, that’s all a “therapist” amounts to – a bully with a price tag –

                • OVER A BARREL –

                  What’s wrong with you? You look like death warmed over!

                  Well that’s how I feel, only worse –


                  Oh, I saw that goon of “therapist”, you know, the pushy one always telling people to “own their stuff”?

                  Oh yeah, “the blowhard” – well what happened?

                  Nothing I said suited the jerk – when I was happy, they said I wasn’t “in touch with my feelings”, and when I was sad, they said I should “focus on the positive” –

                  Well that’s what you get with “therapists”, you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t, and either way you’re stuck paying their fuckin’ fee!

              • THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH –

                Science is the search for truth –
                Psychiatry thinks it’s science –
                But it’s not –
                It uses science to distract from the truth –
                And what is the truth?

                The impact of childhood trauma –

                • THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH –

                  Science is the search for truth –
                  Psychiatry thinks it’s a science, but it’s not –
                  It uses science to distract from truth –

                  And what is the truth?

                  The impact and resolution of childhood trauma –

            • WELL SUITED –

              It’s so exciting! My therapists tell me they conduct thought experiments! You know, for research and stuff. Doesn’t that sound grand?

              No! Can’t you see what they’re doing?!


              All they’re doing is “conducting” their despicable MIND GAMES – and don’t be a fool! They’ve undoubtedly been doing them on YOU all this time –

              Heavens no!!!

              “Heavens” yes!!! It’s all those jerks do, by golly, from sun up to sundown – but when you consider the type of people they are, it only makes sense –

              “Only makes sense”? What do you mean?

              It means they’re doing what comes naturally, you know, things suited to their manipulative personalities –

              You mean “therapists” have manipulative personalities?

              Do birds fly??? YES!!!

              Even the nice ones?

              Oh yeah, especially the “nice” ones – those are some of the worst, in fact –
              But don’t get too upset – just know it comes with the territory, and most are so dissociated they don’t even see what they’re doing or why the hell they’re doing it –

              You make it sound like they’re unwitting predators –

              THAT about sums it up –

            • MOUSE OR LOUSE???

              My goodness! You call yourself “the mouse that roared”, but you say such awful things about therapy and therapists! You’re not a mouse – you’re a RAT!!!

              Oh my goodness, imagine that! Sound like I’ve made someone unhappy, now doesn’t it! But don’t you worry, if it makes you feel better, you can go tell your “therapist” – I’m sure they’d agree – for a fee –

            • CLARIFICATIONS –

              What is “emotional distraction”?
              Something therapists indulge in to keep from focusing on themselves –

              What is “professional distinction”?
              Something obnoxious people (i.e. “therapists”) think makes their opinions matter more than others –

              What are “therapists”?
              A group of laughably pretentious people unable to distinguish between grandiosity and altruism –

              • CANCEL CULTURED –

                So what’s the difference between grandiosity and altruism?

                Well, with therapists, there’s no difference –

                No difference? How so??

                Because “therapists” EXPECT PAYMENT – which cancels out their claims of altruism, but proves their unconscious grandiosity –

              • CLARIFICATIONS –

                What is “emotional distraction”?
                Something therapists indulge in, (i.e. therapy), to keep from focusing on themselves –

                What is “professional distinction”?
                Something obnoxious people, (i.e. therapists), think makes their opinions matter more than others –

                And what are therapists?
                A group of laughably pretentious people unable to distinguish between altruism and grandiosity –

              • WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE???

                No one should finance someone’s ego trip –
                Which is essentially what’s going on in “therapy” –

                • WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE???

                  No one deserves to be paid an exorbitant amount of money – or ANY amount of money – for listening(?) to someone else –

                  NO ONE’S EARS ARE WORTH THAT MUCH –


                  One damn fool –
                  Flush with cash –
                  Ready to fund their ego trip called “therapy” –

              • READ THE ROOM –

                “Therapists” look at “clients” in two ways –
                1. As a feather in their cap –
                2. As money in their pocket –

                Those who claim otherwise are deluding themselves –

                AND TRYING TO DELUDE YOU –

                • Meaning of “read the room” –

                  to understand the emotions and thoughts of the people present –

                • BELIEVE IT OR NOT –

                  And as for your “getting better”,
                  “therapists” can take it or leave it –

                  But when it comes to grabbing their paycheck, they show no such ambivalence –

                  Because after all, business is business, right?

                • MEET AND GREET –

                  What do “therapists” think when they meet new “clients”?

                  They’re thrilled ‘cause they think they’ve got a live one –
                  And if you stick around long enough, you’ll prove them right –

                  So get ready to hightail it out of Dr. Dipshit’s office right quick before the damn fool has a chance to rope you in with one of their goddamn labels –
                  But here’s a better strategy –
                  DON’T GO IN THE FIRST PLACE –

                • GRAND DELUSIONS –

                  Psychiatric diagnoses are NOT scientific –

                  Because in the final analysis, what do they boil down to? SUBJECTIVE OPINION –
                  Doubt that?
                  Trace back and follow the logic from psyche diagnosis >> labels >> name-calling >> insults >> and what are you left with???
                  SUBJECTIVE OPINION –

                • GROW A BACKBONE –

                  Quit being a damn fool, paying someone to watch you cry –

                  THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR –

                  And if your friends aren’t interested in doing THAT, it’s time you started looking for new friends –

              MIND FUCKERS ONE AND ALL –

              The next time some idiot “psychiatrist” (or ANY type of “therapist”) says “lack insight”, you tell that lazy, lousy, life-sucking, self congratulatory PILL PUSHING MIND FUCKER to look in the mirror –

              AND YOU CAN BET IT’S CRACKED!!!


                The next time some idiot “psychiatrist” (or ANY type of “therapist”), says you “lack insight”, you tell that lazy, lousy, life-sucking, self congratulatory PILL PUSHING MIND FUCKER to look in the mirror –

                AND YOU CAN BET IT’S CRACKED!!!

                • What are “psychiatrists/therapists”?
                  Psycho-leeches out to make a buck –
                  FROM YOUR BAD LUCK –

                • MERCY ME –

                  What are“psychiatrists” and “therapists”?

                  Utterly and completely

                • I BEG YOUR PARDON –
                  What are “psychiatrists” and “therapists”?
                  Completely and utterly


              • KING CLEAR –

                Doctor! Doctor! What’s your diagnosis???
                Well, in my professional opinion they’re suffering from the common affliction known as, as –
                Depression? Bipolar? Personality Disorder?
                No, no, and no – it’s called BEING HUMAN –

                • POCKET FULL OF POSEY –

                  What bugs you most about “therapists”?

                  They’re a bunch of fuckin’ posers too damn sure of themselves –

                • What is “psychiatry”?

                  The uncompromising exercise of raw, brutal POWER and cruelty –

              • PLEASE BE SEATED?

                Quit sitting and listening to “therapists” and their bullshit –
                Their “therapy chair” is way too expensive –

                So before sitting down, just imagine that “therapist” taking a shit with a grin on their face as they wipe THEIR ass with YOUR check –

                • WHERE TO HEAD IN –

                  What do you tell people who don’t like your voice?
                  That I don’t give a damn and don’t like listening to them either and IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT DON’T LISTEN,
                  ya stupid motherfucker –

              • IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING –

                There are some people who build careers out of stating the obvious –

                Which goes to show that at a certain point, education makes your stupid, and technological advances just give you more toys to play with.

                The “science of trauma” serves as a perfect example –

                The fact that trauma affects you physically (including areas of the brain) should come as no surprise – or haven’t you heard stories about people who, after hearing bad news, lose their hair or drop dead of a heart attack, or others who literally die of a broken heart?
                Amazing, isn’t it….

                No one needs some idiot’s ooh la la “scientific proof” to state the already obvious –
                And in any case, I seriously doubt the usefulness of any such “proof” –

                And what are my qualifications?
                Oh, it’s just a little something called COMMON SENSE –

                • What are psychiatrists and therapists?

                  DIAGNOSTIC WHORES –

                  Define whore –
                  A person who is unscrupulous, especially one who compromises their principles for personal gain –
                  Anyone who is money-hungry –
                  A contemptible person –

              • HOW DARE YOU –

                The “therapist” –
                Where do you get off calling me a “high flyer”? I worked hard for my education and I really help people!

                Sure you do, sure you do…well, then tell me, “Dr.” Fuckedy-Fuck, do you charge a fee?

                What? What? What do you mean? Of course I do! And how DARE you!!

                Oh really, how dare I?
                HOW DARE YOU???

                • HOW DARE YOU?

                  Where do you get off calling me a “high flyer”? I worked hard for my degree and I really help people!

                  Sure you do, sure you do…well, then tell me, “Dr.” Fuckedy Fuck, do you charge a fee?

                  What? What? What do you mean?? Of course I do! and how DARE you???

                  How dare I?
                  HOW DARE YOU!!!

                • HOW DARE YOU?

                  The “therapist” –
                  Where do you get off saying I sell “psychological snake oil”?!! I worked hard for my education and I really help people!!

                  The sane individual –
                  Oh my goodness, Dr. Fuckedy Fuck, I’m sure do, but tell me, do you still charge a fee?

                  WHAT?! WHAT?! What do you mean “do I still charge a fee”?!! Are you insane?!! Of course I charge a fee! And how DARE you?!

                  Oh really, “how dare I”?
                  HOW DARE YOU???

              • KNOW THE DIFFERENCE –

                Why should psychiatry be demolished?

                Because life and living are creative endeavors, not scientific formulas –

                • THE SAME GAME –

                  What does it mean when you find yourself seeking the services of a therapist?

                  It means you most likely were cast as “the sick one” in your family, a role that made you the undeserving recipient of their negative projections –

                  So what do therapists do?

                  THE SAME THING –

              • I WANNA BE A THERAPIST!!!

                Really? Then you really DO need your head examined –

                No! No! I want to help people!

                I’m sure you do…but you don’t need to be “a therapist” to do that –

                But I’ll receive TRAINING in how to help people!

                Wait – wait – hold on – “training in how to help people” – and just WHAT do you mean by THAT??

                It means I’ll get a degree, and work in an office, and charge fees, and, and –

                And stop right there – you don’t need a “degree” to “help” anybody and those stupid courses oughtta teach people HOW TO HEAL THEMSELVES
                – and no one else!

              • IF THE SHOE FITS –

                The next time some stupid, mother-fucking, soul-sucking motherfucker of a “therapist” gives you one of their mother-fucking “diagnoses”, you tell that stupid motherfucker to walk a mile in YOUR SHOES, ya stupid motherfucker!!!

              • HOW DARE YOU?

                Where do you get off calling me a “high flyer”? I’ve worked hard for my degree and I help people!

                Sure you do, sure you do…. well, then tell me, “Dr” Fuckedy Fuck, do you charge a fee?

                What? What? What do you mean? Of course I do! and how dare you!!

                How dare I?
                HOW DARE YOU???

                • TRIPLE THREAT –

                  What are three things you stand to lose in “therapy”?

                  Your privacy –
                  Your money –
                  You sanity –

            • GOTTA GET DEPROGRAM –

              Want to escape the Scourge of Psychiatry/Psychotherapy?
              Follow these steps:

              1. Don’t call them –
              2. Don’t see them –
              3. Don’t zoom them –
              4. Don’t read them –
              But do:
              1. Go online –
              2. Search self-therapy –
              3. Watch the movie “What About Bob” –
              4. Take it from there –

              But here’s two caveats:
              1. Avoid stereotypical “therapy” sites
              2. Be ready for people (typically “therapists”) to try and talk you out of it –

                • BITTER-SWEET –

                  The “therapist” –
                  I think you sound bitter –
                  Bitter? Bitter?? You BET I’m bitter!!! And what’s wrong with being “bitter”??? I guess THAT’S not on your bullshit “checklist”, or should I say your SHIT-LIST!!! So listen and learn, you asshole – feeling “bitter” is how a lot of people feel once they’ve wised up to the crap you’re pulling!! And my goodness – it’s part of the “process” (one of your favorite words), now isn’t it??? And listen to one more thing, you STUPID, SMUG, SELF-SATISFIED MOTHER-FUCKING, BLOOD-SUCKING BOZO – feeling “bitter” FEELS GREAT and it’s one of the BEST THINGS that’s happened to me as far as you and your bullshit “therapy” is concerned!!! And as for my being “bitter” — let’s see who’s “bitter” once I walk outta here for the last time without leaving you a fuckin’ check – which just so happens to be TODAY!!!

            • TIME TO GROW UP –

              What’s wrong with therapists?

              They’re people who’ve never outgrown the need to be right –

              Damn right –

            • A CATERED AFFAIR –

              People who use the “mental health industry” as their gravy train need to get the heck out of people’s lives. These “mental health professionals” are parasites who poison the common language with their garbage terminology with words like “depression”, “anxiety” and “narcissist” – which begs the question – what good comes from making up formal-sounding, medicalized labels that objectify people in a negative and electronically permanent way?
              And then these overconfident and ever-so-clever “mental health professionals” add insult to injury by defending their nasty habit of name-calling/sanitized mud-slinging by saying they’re “only being descriptive”. But this shows how completely and complacency oblivious they are to the harm they’re doing, which proves the following – therapists are grossly insensitive and blatantly egotistical people unable to see the truth which is that people’s feelings and behaviors are not “medical conditions” needing “treatment”, but are varied reactions to life’s difficult experiences, events and circumstances that need space, time, privacy and patience to heal on their own. People should avoid the clutches of “therapists”, unless they enjoy being pathologized by people paid to pathologize in order to cater to themselves –

              • MOUSE OR LOUSE???

                I think you’re a rotten person!
                You call yourself “the mouse that roared” while calling therapists and therapy such awful things! You’re not a mouse – you’re a RAT!!!

                Oh dear – sounds like I’ve made someone unhappy, now doesn’t it? Well don’t worry – if it makes you feel better, you can always tell your therapist –
                for a fee –


            What are “therapists” trained to do?

            To rationalize “therapy” and rationalize their reasons for being a “therapist” –

            • KISS UP? OR PISS UP?

              What happens when you don’t kiss up to “psychiatrists”?

              They get pissed off and give you another “diagnosis”-

            • OUT – LIARS AND TOWN CRYERS –

              What are therapists out to prove?

              That they’re ALWAYS RIGHT –
              And you’re ALWAYS WRONG –

              And they’re screaming it –
              ALL OVER TOWN –

              • VOLLEY FOLLY –

                What makes you say “therapists” haven’t grown up?

                Just that – “therapists” haven’t grown up –

                Okay – but HOW haven’t “therapists” grown up?

                “Therapists” are still on the playground, bullying kids and calling them names, only now they’ve got their “diagnoses” –

                Oh…so what you’re saying is, well adjusted people don’t grow up to be name callers –

                Yes, exactly –

                But WHY do “therapists” want to be name callers??

                Because they’re still children on the playground who don’t understand the folly of labeling others –

                • ARTISTIC VALUES –

                  What does it mean when therapists say therapy is an art?

                  It means they’re more interested in what THEY see than in what YOU say –

                  And what does it mean when therapists say they’re artists?

                  It means they think they’re better than the rest of us average slobs –


              What are “therapists” forever out to prove?
              That THEY’RE always right –
              And YOU’RE always wrong –

              And they’re into screaming it all over town (radio, tv, Internet) –

          • SHOTS FIRED –

            Gotta watch out for those “psych diagnoses” –
            What’s a “psych diagnosis”?
            It’s an MD-AHA – Medically Disguised Ad Hominem Attack –

            • FACE UP AND PHASE OUT –

              What’s the one thing most “therapists” can’t bring themselves to admit?

              That the world would get along just fine and even better without their ridiculous “DSM” –

              It’s something they refuse to believe because it would mean the end of their endless world-wide word-hustle as their “DSM” functions primarily to preserve their two most prized possessions: their egos and wallets –

              So what does that make most “therapists”?

              A sick and sorry group of overfed, overdressed and overpaid liars and crooks –

              • SPEAK YOUR MIND –

                What do most “therapists” and “psychiatrists” do to their “clients”?

                MUZZLE THEM!!!!!!!!!!

                • WHAT’S WRONG WITH “THERAPISTS”?

                  They misuse the power of words, gleefully and blatantly –

                  So what does that make “therapy”?

                  A nasty game of words –


            But there is no pudding.

            So whenever some “therapist” tries telling/selling you their “diagnoses” are scientific, ask them this question –
            What’s the proof?

            And without missing a beat, they’re rattling off their pablum of “studies and stats” that, in the grand scheme of things, means little to you –

            And if that doesn’t work, they’ll make a galling attempt appealing to your emotions –

            But if you want to get them off your back for good, just say you’ve lost your job, or filing for bankruptcy, or moving to the moon, and before you know it, you’re shown the door –

            And what does that prove???

            • PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS –

              What’s wrong with “therapists”?

              They live for problems –

              Seeing problems, talking problems –
              Eating, sleeping dreaming problems –
              Anything but solving problems –

              Because they live by the book of “problems” (DSM) –

              So what does this make “therapists”?
              ONE BIG PROBLEM –

                • TRIPLE THREATS –

                  What threatens “therapists”?

                  The wisdom of the body –
                  The wisdom of the mind –
                  The wisdom of the heart –

          • STEP RIGHT UP –

            You’re not and never were a “diagnosis” –
            And neither is anyone else –
            So “treat” yourself by not listening to “therapy’s” Carnival Barkers –

            • TALKER STALKERS –

              What will “therapist’s” NEVER understand?

              The value in being alone –
              The wisdom of keeping to oneself –
              The beauty of silence –

          • SACRED COWARDS –

            Why are therapists so defensive about “therapy”?
            Because deep down, they know it’s an overrated, overpriced, oversold TROJAN HORSE –

          • POCKET FULL OF POSEY –

            What about “therapists” bugs you most?

            They’re a bunch of fuckin’ posers too damn sure of themselves –

            • What are Psychiatrists?
              There’s two types:
              AKAS’s – Ass Kissing Ass Sniffers –
              ASAK’s – Ass Sniffing Ass Kissers –
              They’re virtually the same –

          • STRIKE UP THE BAND –
            It’s time for (drumroll) DIAGNOSTIC BINGO!!!

            There was a Doc who was a Crock and FAKE-O was the name, oh!
            And LIAR is the name – NO!!!


            Why should psychiatry be demolished?

            Because life and living are creative endeavors, not scientific formulas –

            • HERO WORSHIPPED –

              Why is it a bad idea to see a “therapist”?

              Because therapists think THEY know you better than YOU know you, and this is because therapists are trained to think they know better than anyone who isn’t a therapist –

              But it’s also because therapists, no matter how thoughtful and considerate they may seem, have the following:

              Massive egos –
              Manipulative natures –
              Exploitive and greedy characters –
              And above all, harbor an intense but unconscious desire to be hero worshipped –
              All of which means therapists are to be avoided –

          • A BETTER PLACE?

            “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” –

            How untrue.
            Words can be some of the most hurtful things of all.

            But apparently, some people haven’t learned this.

            But they’ve managed to learn a few other things, like, for instance, how to hand out labels for a living with a smile on their face.

            Now tell me –
            How does that make the world a better place?

            • A BETTER PLACE?

              “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” –

              How untrue.

              Words are some of the most hurtful things of all.

              But apparently, some people haven’t learned this.

              But they have learned a few other things, like, for instance, how to hand out labels for a living with a smile on their face.

              Now I ask you –
              How does this make the world a better place?

          • A BETTER PLACE?

            “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”.

            How untrue.

            But apparently, some people haven’t learned this.

            But they have managed to learn a few other things, like, for instance, how to hand out labels for a living with a smile on their face.

            Now tell me –
            How does that make the world a better place?

          • IT STANDS TO REASON –

            You must have a good reason for not liking “psychiatric diagnoses”?

            I do have a good reason –

            And what would that be?

            They hurt people. Isn’t that a good enough reason?

          • THINGS IN COMMON –

            What do “Major Depressive Disorder”, BIPOLAR DISORDER, and “Personality Disorder” all have in common?

            Trauma, trauma, and more trauma –

          • GET THE DYNAMICS?

            What the hell!! All’s I said is I don’t like “therapy” and the motherfucker sticks me with a fuckin’ label and THEN launches into some speech about this shit called “vulnerability”!

            No shit? Well that’s a “therapist” for ya!
            Those jackasses just GOTTA use labels to put you down ‘cause they can’t get why you JUST DON’T LIKE THEIR DYNAMICS –

            • GET THE DYNAMICS –

              What the hell!! All’s I said is I don’t need “therapy” and the motherfucker sticks a label on me! And then launched into some dumb speech about some shit called “vulnerability” –

              No shit? Well that’s a “therapist” for ya – they gotta stick a label on ya ‘cause THEY CAN’T GET WHY you don’t like the dynamics!

            Ode To Psych Drugs sing-a-long
            (Please refer to the song “I Got No Drugs”)

            I Got no drugs to hold me down –
            To make me laugh or make me frown –
            I had drugs but now I’m free –
            There are no drugs in me!

            Hi-ho! the me-ri-o!
            It’s the only way for me
            I want the world to know
            It’s the the only place to be!

            I got no drugs, oh yes, I’m done –
            I’m not attached to anyone –
            “Docs” are drags, as you may know –
            It’s really time for them to go!

                • REALITY CHECK$$$

                  What’s a therapist’s favorite reality check?

                  One from your checkbook –

              • PREREQUISITES –

                What do you need to be a “therapist”?

                Half a brain and a whole lotta nerve –
                Not to mention a shitload of self delusion and a fair amount of carefully hidden grandiosity –

                • KID STUFFED

                  How do “therapists” “treat” their “clients”??

                  LIKE CHILDREN –

            • PEOPLE ADDICTS –

              It seems in order to get through life, a lot people stumble into one addiction after other, and “going to therapy” is just one more addiction. Indeed, “therapy” is frequently touted as not only “the best” answer, but as “the only” answer to any if not all life’s problems –

              But an important distinction needs to be made, and it’s this –

              “Clients” aren’t the only ones addicted to “therapy” –
              “Therapists” are the ones addicted to “therapy” MORE THAN ANYONE –

              But it’s nothing less than amazing how creative therapists have proven themselves to be in their invention of therapy at all – something so special, so uniquely artificial, so peculiarly one-sided, and so perversely “intimate”, (not to mention grotesquely expensive), it can literally make ones’ head spin –

              But being a “therapist” is just a socially acceptable way for socially aspirational (and unconsciously insecure) people to soothe (but not heal) their own unmet emotional needs while potentially meeting their financial obligations in a potentially lucrative way –

              Now this would be a dandy arrangement if it weren’t for the sad fact therapists are just acting out their own repressed childhood traumas on people simply seeking a healthy way to heal their own –

              But the truth of the matter is that “therapists” are PEOPLE ADDICTS –
              They’re addicted to seeking and experiencing unhealthy (unhealthy on their part) human connection which only goes to prove the following:

              “Therapists” are addicted to being seen –
              “Therapists” are addicted to being heard –
              “Therapists” are addicted to being needed –
              Therapists” are addicted to being looked up to –
              Therapists are addicted to feeling admired –
              “Therapists” are addicted to feeling important –
              “Therapists” are addicted to being seen as “the expert” –
              “Therapists” are addicted to telling people what to do and how to live –
              “Therapists” are addicted to one-sided relationships where they call the shots –
              All of which means one thing –
              “Therapists” are addicted to POWER –
              Looking at it this way, it would seem the word “therapist” could take on a whole new meaning –
              A meaning that if widely known and widely accepted could mean the beginning of a healthier world –

              • ALL IS NOT LOST –

                And while many people share many of the same personality flaws/addictions experienced by therapists, the danger remains in the fact that therapists have authority to downgrade with labels, strip people’s rights and freedoms, and that therapy itself is a fundamentally false relationship built on flawed dynamics. No less appalling is the sad fact that therapists rarely if ever inform clients that therapy isn’t their only option.

                And as to how or why something so inherently skewed as therapy and therapists has managed to achieve and maintain such wide popularity only speaks to how dissociated and indoctrinated people allow themselves to be.

                But all is not lost. Less well known is the positive fact that many people when left to their own devices manage to find better and safer ways of healing with their privacy, dignity, and personal agency intact.

                • VISION CHECK –

                  Many people when left to their own devices find better and safer ways of healing than enduring the insulting, invasive, infantilizing, soul sucking “process” of “therapy”, and have therefore managed to keep their privacy, dignity, personal agency and pocketbooks intact.

                  So anyone saying they’re healed yet wants to be a therapist not only has a lot to learn but needs ask themselves just who in heck needs healing anyway, as such a desire essentially means they’re still seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope –

                  enduring the invasive and soul- sucking process known as “therapy” –

                • OPTIONALS –

                  And just what ARE people’s options to “dyadic psychotherapy”???

                  Well, there’s something called “self-therapy”, which is another way of saying “look within”, which essentially means becoming aware of not only your present feelings, but where those feelings may have come from, which most often is sometime in the distant past, the results hopefully being a greater understanding and appreciation for a newfound (or rediscovered) sense of self, which hopefully has a newfound ability to speak up for itself, and hopefully an ability to set boundaries with others to protect the newfound self.

                • NO JOKE –

                  Please name one option to consulting some joke of a therapist –

                  There’s something called self therapy, which is another way of saying “look within”, which essentially means becoming aware of your feelings and listening to those feelings, and then asking yourself where they may have come from, which is often from some time in your distant past, the results hopefully being a greater understanding and appreciation of who you are and how you want to live your life –

              • PEOPLE ADDICTS (con’t.)

                “Therapists” are addicted to getting attention –
                “Therapists” are addicted to getting approval –
                “Therapists” are addicted to being regarded as “right” –
                “Therapists” are addicted to handing out stigmatizing labels –
                “Therapists” are addicted to charging OUTRAGEOUS FEES for handing out stigmatizing labels –
                “Therapists” are addicted to having the last word –
                All of which explains “therapists” choice of “profession” – which speaks volumes of “therapists” basic immaturity and sense of entitlement –

                • PEOPLE ADDICTS (con’t) –

                  “Therapists” are addicted to being seen as “the authority” – which reveals their deep insecurity and basic immaturity –

                • PEOPLE ADDICTS –

                  “Therapists” are addicted to being hero worshipped by “clients”
                  (and anyone else they happen to know) –

          • PETRI DISHED –

            Hello! And how was your day?
            I don’t know…I’m still trying to figure it out…
            Well that certainly sounds confusing –
            Well that’s how I always feel after seeing that creep of a “therapist”…confused…you know?
            Oh, I know, all too well – but you’re not the first and you sure as hell won’t be the last –
            I know you’re right, but I keep going back hoping I’ll finally leave feeling more like a human being instead of an unwitting participant in some “therapist’s” creepy “thought experiment” –
            Well THAT’S something that’ll NEVER happen –
            Because that’s all their shit “therapy” amounts to, some creep of a “therapist’s” very long, very expensive, AND VERY CREEPY “thought experiment” –

            • Oh…I see….so what you’re saying is my creep of a “therapist” is manipulating me left, right and center?
              And every which way, for your every last dime –

                • GAG ORDERED –

                  How can you tell if someone’s a “therapist”?

                  By the gag-worthy words they use:


                  All gag-worthy psychobabble –

                  Define psychobabble –
                  Meaningless psychological jargon –
                  Trite or simplistic language derived from psychotherapy –

                • More Psychobabble –

                  “Make space”
                  “Own it”
                  “Take responsibility”
                  “Evidence based”

              • HERO WORSHIPPED –

                Why is it a bad idea to see a “therapist”?

                Because “therapists” are trained to think THEY know you better than YOU know you, and this because therapists are trained to think they know better than anyone who isn’t a “therapist” –

                But it’s also because therapists:
                Have massive egos –
                Have manipulative natures –
                Are exploitive and greedy –
                Harbor an intense but unconscious desire to be worshipped and seen as “the hero” –

                So what does all this mean?
                That it’s wise to steer clear of any and all “therapists” –

                • SAID A MOUTHFUL???

                  Hey – what’s wrong with you and “therapy” words anyway?

                  Calm down – and please don’t pick a fight with me – there’s nothing’s wrong with me or “therapy” words – they’ve just been overused and misused by therapists who every so often get their heads and mouths full of a few too many and ruin it for everybody –

                  Oh I see – so it’s a case of misuse abuse –

                  Yes – now shall we call a truce?

                  Truce –

                  When you don’t bother to know and respect a word’s true meaning –

          • GIVEN TO EXCESS –

            Quit acting like a damn fool, paying some asshole to watch you cry –
            THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR, damnit to hell –
            And if your friends aren’t willing to do THAT, I suggest you start looking for new friends!

            But they say “therapists” aren’t friends, and that makes them better than friends!

            Oh yeah? And who’s been telling you THAT loada crap?

            The “therapists” –

            No kidding!! Whadya expect ‘em to say?!!

            I don’t know…they seem so sincere –

            Oh, they’re sincere alright, sincerely trying to come up with reasons to justify charging their goddamn fees!!!

              • NO THEY’RE NOT!!
                (Oh yes they are!)

                But my “therapists” aren’t stuck on themselves! They’re REAL! They say they conduct thought experiments, you know, for research and stuff –

                Yeah, right, “research and stuff”, “thought experiments”, okay – I think you mean mind games –

                Mind games?

                Yeah, mind games – that’s all those “thought experiments” are – a bunch of mind games –

                • WELL SUITED –

                  It’s so exciting! My “therapists” say they conduct thought experiments! Isn’t that grand!

                  Nope – that just means they’re into conducting glorified mind games, which only makes sense –

                  Makes sense? What do you mean?

                  It means they’re doing things suited to their manipulative personalities –

                  You mean they have manipulative personalities?

                  Nothing but –

          • VISION CHECK –

            Many people when left to their own devices often manage to find better and safer ways of healing than enduring the insulting, intrusive, infantilizing, soul sucking “process” of “psychotherapy” and have therefore managed to keep their privacy, dignity, personal agency as well as pocketbooks intact –

            So anyone saying they’re healed yet still wants to be a therapist not only has a lot to learn, but needs to ask themselves who the heck needs healing anyway, as such a desire essentially means they’re still seeing things through the long end of a telescope –

            • VISION CHECK –

              Many people when left to their own devices manage to find better and safer ways of healing than enduring the insulting, intrusive, infantilizing and soul sucking “process” of “psychotherapy”, therefore keeping their privacy, dignity, personal agency and pocketbooks intact –

              So anyone saying they’re healed yet still wants to be a therapist not only has a lot to learn, but needs to ask themselves just who in the heck needs healing anyway as such a desire essentially means they’re still seeing things through the WRONG END of a telescope –


            It should come as no surprise that many people find the very idea of confiding in a total stranger who not only demands payment but personal anonymity a decidedly disturbing prospect.

            Even more disturbing is the fact that “clinicians”/“therapists” use “psychiatric diagnoses”, which not only aren’t scientific in any realistically meaningful way, but are actually harmful. “Psychiatric diagnoses” are nothing more than narrow, negative labels most often chosen without considering an individual’s current and/or past circumstances, situations, events, and experiences (i.e. traumas). But whether or not this be the case, such labels permanently pigeonhole people to negative stereotypes which negatively affect not only their current self concept/confidence, but the trajectory of their futures lives. And such frustration becomes elevated to the level injustice when the “psychiatric community” wrongly asserts that such “disorders” are universally lifelong conditions.

            And most disturbing of all is the fact that little if any skepticism is ever used if anyone ever even bothers to question the validity and necessity of these so-called “psychiatric diagnoses”. Such a blatant lack of critical thinking only adds to “psychiatric diagnoses” already substantial lack of credibility. And finally, this lack of credibility is further enhanced because in the final analysis, these “diagnoses” are merely the result of someone’s cultural, subjective and therefore undeniably limited biased opinion.


              And no less an injustice is the outrageous fact that “psychiatric diagnoses” remain permanently on one’s medical record, even after “symptoms” have long since ceased to be –

            • FURTHERMORE –

              Emotional distress DOES NOT indicate “illness”.The wide range of emotional/psychological states and/or problematic personality patterns do NOT indicate “disease” or “disorder”.
              Such states indicate natural reactions to known and unknown emotional stresses/traumas, NONE of which should be dealt with as “medical” problems needing “medication” –

              • FURTHERMORE –

                Difficult emotional states, problematic personal habits or difficult personality patterns, or just general difficulties functioning in a demanding world DO NOT indicate “mental illness”, “biological disease”, or “psychiatric disorder”. Such difficulties are natural reactions to known and unknown emotional stresses/traumas, NONE of which should be dealt with as “medical” problems requiring “medication” or someone’s ill-informed and self-serving idea of “professional psychotherapy” –

                • FURTHERMORE –

                  Emotional distress, difficult personality patterns or habits, or just general difficulties handling life in a demanding world, DO NOT indicate “mental illness”, “disease” or “disorder”. These difficulties are natural reactions to known and unknown stresses/traumas, NONE of which should be dealt with as “medical” problems needing “medication” or someone’s ill-informed, self serving idea of “professional psychotherapy” –

          (Yet they’ve no pudding) –

          So whenever some damn Psychiatrist ever tries to tell you their “diagnoses” are “scientific”, just ask them one simple question –

          “WHERE’S THE PROOF???

          And they’ll come up empty-handed –

          But in their trademark condescending manner, they’ll verbally meander ‘round robin’s barn in yet another fruitless attempt to control the narrative and dupe the masses –


          Well, what DOES Psychiatry offer?
          A gloomy, doomsday future filled with diagnoses and drugs –

          So remember –
          It’s YOUR life to define – NOT THEIRS –

          • MOTIVATIONAL PSYCHIATRY – A 21st Century Invention –

            Psychiatry seeks to:
            1. Gain your trust
            2. Tell you your problems are chronic
            3. Talk you into ingesting their “medication” for THE REST OF YOU LIFE ———

            And what’s their motivation?

            PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT – for THEM!!!

            • What are Psychiatrists’ greatest fear?

              To be made IRRELEVANT –
              It’s something they already are, and already know –
              It’s the open secret among themselves –

              Sounds like The Wizard of Oz!

              You mean the The Wizard of Id –

              • Define “id” –

                the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs and desires –

                the impulsive (and unconscious) part of the psyche which responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs and desires –

                the set of uncoordinated, instinctual desires –

                the id remains infantile in its function throughout a person’s life and does not change with time or experience as it is not in touch with the external world –

                the id is not affected by reality, logic or the everyday world, as it operates within the unconscious part of the mind –

                the id operates on the pleasure principle (Freud 1920) which is the idea that every wishful impulse should be satisfied immediately, regardless of the consequences –

                the id engages in primary process thinking which is primitive, illogical, irrational and fantasy oriented. This form of process thinking HAS NO CONCEPT OF OBJECTIVE REALITY and is selfish and wishful in nature –

                Sound like any psychiatrist YOU’VE ever known???


            Psychiatrists are profoundly dissociated, which means their terrors are unconscious.
            Unconscious or not, their dissociation nevertheless leads to any number of profoundly damaging consequences – FOR THEIR “PATIENTS” –

            Psychiatry provides its “doctors” with a unique role – one that satisfies their compulsive drive to always be in control –
            In their dissociated state, they fall into the diabolical practice known as “projection” – the “what I can’t see in myself, I see in YOU” syndrome.
            In their dissociated state, psychiatrists act out their own unconscious traumas ON THEIR “PATIENTS” –
            and this explains their controlling and abusive attitudes, behaviors and treatments TOWARDS THEIR “PATIENTS” –
            It’s the only thing these professional goons ever really “practice” –

            Most psychiatrists believe (wrongly) that they’ve long ago faced such uncomfortable feelings – but their having chosen such a toxically power-centric line of work leads to a different conclusion.

            And dissociated or not, such states provide no adequate excuse for their cruel behaviors.

            And while there is no denying that psychiatrists are among the traumatized (like everyone else) , this does not make them in ANY WAY, at ANY TIME, deserving of ANYONE’S sympathies –

            • Psychiatrists’ own dissociation explains their abusive attitudes, behaviors and “TREATMENTS” towards their “patients” –

              But it’s no excuse – they’re still a pack of GDB’s – Greedy Delusional Bastards –

            • “Therapists” EXPLOIT PEOPLE’S MISERY –

              ANYONE who accepts payment of ANY kind for listening to someone’s troubles is guilty of EXPLOITING THEIR MISERY –


            But there’s no pudding –

            So whenever some “therapist” tries telling/selling you their diagnoses are “scientific”, ask them the following question –
            What’s their proof???

            And without missing a beat, they rattle off their pablum of “studies and stats” that, in the grand scheme of things, mean little to YOU –

            But seeing that doesn’t work, they’ll make a galling attempt to appeal to your emotions –

            So, if you want to get them off your back for good, say you’ve lost your job and filing for bankruptcy and before you know it, you’re shown the door –

            Now what does THAT prove???

          • FACT FINDINGS –

            I’m looking for research for my paper on psychiatry. Any suggestions?

            Here’s a few:

            1. Read “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
            2. Watch the “The Wizard of Oz”
            3. Watch the movie “What About Bob”
            3. And for a deeper dive, read “The Little Prince” –

            You’ll learn all you need to know –

            • FACT FINDERS –

              I’m looking for research for my paper on psychiatry –

              Try these:
              1. Read “The Emperor’s New Clothes”
              2. Watch “The Wizard of Oz”
              3. Watch the movie “What About Bob”
              4. And for a deeper dive read “The Little Prince”

              You’ll learn all you need to know –

          • WHAT ARE “THERAPISTS”?

            Controlling people unable to accept the fact that people react differently to life’s stresses –

        • BY ALL MEANS –

          If you believe in junk science,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you enjoy being misunderstood,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you like being insulted,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to be stereotyped, stigmatized and marginalized,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to be stuck in a codependent relationship (doctor/patient),
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to be pathologized and medicalized,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to be drugged and numb,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to lose your rights as a human being,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          If you want to lose your dignity,
          By all means, see a psychiatrist –

          BUT IF YOU’D RATHER BE –
          Self defining
          Self reliant
          Self respecting
          Label free
          Drug free
          Debt free

          Then by ANY and ALL means,
          (and its diagnostic offshoots) –

          • If you want to be objectified and commodified,
            BY ALL MEANS see the psychiatrists –

            You’ll make all THEIR dreams come true –

          • BY ALL MEANS –

            If you enjoy being disrespected,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be condescended to,
            By all means see a psychiatrist –

            If you want someone to TELL YOU WHAT YOU THINK AND FEEL,
            By all means see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be told HOW you “should” think and feel,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be a guinea pig/dumping ground for psychiatry’s latest poisons,
            By all means see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be chemically lobotomized,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be infantilized,
            By all means see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be underestimated,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be placed on a shelf and be told you’ll live nothing more than a half-life,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want the most private and painful details of your personal life to be bandied about by herds of self entitled professional control freaks,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to have your personal but easily recognizable private issues show up (without your knowledge or permission) in some psychiatric publication,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to “die” to yourself by taking part in the thinly veiled and painfully protracted version of physician assisted suicide known as psychiatry,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to pay for someone else’s “medical”/“diagnostic” mistakes,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            If you want to be seen and treated as less than human,
            By all means, see a psychiatrist –

            But if you’d rather be
            Self respecting
            Self defining
            Self reliant
            Self sufficient
            Label free
            Drug free
            Debt free
            By ANY and ALL means,
            AVOID psychiatry –

            • If you want to be humiliated and downgraded,
              By all means, see a psychiatrist –

              If you want to be treated like a child,
              By all means, see a psychiatrist –

              If you want to be gawked at and talked at while on display at a psychiatric “hospital”,
              By all means, see a psychiatrist –

              • If you want to be chemically and emotionally raped,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you enjoy playing the fool,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want someone to feed off your troubles in the name of “medicine”,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be seen as “less than”,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be seen as not enough,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to become a stranger to yourself,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want your life to lose its true meaning,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to live in a chemical fog,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be “observed” like an animal in a zoo,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be “treated” like chump change,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want your life to be reduced to “solving” a chemical equation,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want to be psychiatry’s tool,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                If you want your problems to be someone’s payday,
                By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                • If you enjoy being a victim,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you want to be reduced to a “diagnosis”,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you want to be psychiatry’s lapdog,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                • If you want to meet someone more disconnected than yourself,
                  By all means, sees a psychiatrist –

                • If you want someone to stoke your fears for their advantage,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you want to lose faith in yourself,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you want to fuel someone’s out of control ego,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                • If you enjoy being gaslighted,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                  If you enjoy cognitive dissonance,
                  By all means, see a psychiatrist –

                • ALL IN A DAY’S WORK –
                  What are “therapists”?

                  People who get paid for breaking the Golden Rule –

              • WITHOUT A DOUBT –

                Why in the world do you so dislike dyadic psychotherapy and psychotherapists?

                Because it’s an artificial relationship based on a power imbalance that favors the clinician over the client and is established and maintained through financial means. I fail to see how these dynamics can create anything resembling a healthy relationship.

                A power imbalance by its very nature creates a dependence in clients that is intensified by therapists who are trained to view themselves as the experts rather than their clients. Dynamics like these can lead to clients getting stuck living out a therapist’s narrative rather than following their own inclinations, intuition and instincts. And while these dynamics are by no means limited to dyadic psychotherapy, society’s relentless promotion of dyadic psychotherapy as the ideal furthers this dependence.

                Another drawback is the mistaken notion that the benefits of dyadic psychotherapy are the sole province of dyadic psychotherapy. Add to this the undeniable fact that therapists stand to benefit both financially and professionally from their irresponsible spreading of this wholly erroneous information.

                And although discouraging, it seems therapists have great success promoting themselves more than anything else, as their genius for creating needs where none previously existed coincides beautifully with satisfying their own. Their ability to simultaneously fashion two such brilliant manifestations can only be described as truly remarkable. Yet in spite of their resourcefulness, therapists fail to see that clients are better served knowing that dyadic psychotherapy is by no means their only viable option. And in any case, it seems therapists’ reluctance and/or refusal to inform clients of such vital information can only be attributed to the fact that therapists have a financial incentive for maintaining their status quo, which only proves their motives are selfish.

                And of this I have no doubts –

                • NAKED TRUTHS –

                  What are “therapists” too cowardly to admit, too weak to withstand, and ultimately just too stupid to ever even begin to appreciate?

                  BRUTAL HONESTY –
                  Something sorely lacking in any so-called “training” they ever received, which means it’s something they’re unlikely to ever be willing to engage with meaningfully on their own –

                • BOOK HOOKED –

                  What are most “therapists” TOO GREEDY to ever give up?

                  Their DSM –

                • EMOTIONALLY DISTURBING –

                  It should come as no surprise that many people find the very idea of confiding in a total stranger (who not only demands payment but complete personal anonymity) a disturbing prospect.

                  But even more disturbing is the fact that these so-called “clinicians” use “psychiatric diagnoses”, which not only aren’t “scientific” in any realistically meaningful way, but are actually and actively harmful. These “psychiatric diagnoses” amount to nothing more than narrow and negative definitions/evaluations which permanently pigeonhole people to negative stereotypes which negatively affect not only their self-concept/confidence, but the very trajectory of their very lives.

                  And not nearly enough skepticism is ever used if ever questioning the value or necessity of these so-called “psychiatric “diagnoses”
                  and/or “clinical evaluations”, which is disturbing because in the final analysis, any of these so-called “instruments”
                  (i.e. “diagnoses”, “therapeutic modalities”
                  (i.e. “dyadic psychotherapy”, or “psychotherapeutic” “treatments” of any kind), are merely the inarguably QUESTIONABLE results of someone’s inarguably CULTURAL and inarguably SUBJECTIVE BIAS –

                • THIRD EYE BLIND –

                  Many people, if only left to their own devices, are capable of finding better and safer ways of healing than subjecting themselves to the intrusive, invalidating, infantilizing and ultimately soul sucking “process” of “dyadic psychotherapy”, the avoidance of which allows them to protect not only their privacy, but their dignity, personal agency and pocketbooks from the undoubtedly half-assed “interventions” of some undoubtedly half-assed “therapist”.

                  So anyone saying they’re “healed” but stills to be a “therapist” has a lot to learn, and needs to ask themselves who in the heck needs healing anyway, because having such desires only means they’re still seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope –

              • GAME OF HEARTS –

                Oh! I just met the most wonderful therapist today and I know they’re good because they said being a therapist was always in their heart, and I can tell they’ve a BIG one –

                Well how nice, but did you ever stop to think that – just maybe – their heads might be twice as big and their fees ten times bigger???

                No, I guess not…

                Well, then I think it’s time you ask yourself WHAT KIND OF HEART DOES THAT???

                • NO JOKE –

                  Could you please name an option to consulting some joke of a therapist –

                  There’s something called self therapy, which is another way of saying “look within”, which essentially means becoming aware of your feelings and where they may have come from, which is often some time in the distant past, the results hopefully being a greater understanding and appreciation of who you are and how you want to live your life.