
Feel free to sign my guestbook, and share your experience of my website or my work. Note: your email will not be made public, though if you share a link to your website that will be public.  I also want to add that I cannot reply to people’s messages here.  I’m really sorry about that!!

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Bart Bart wrote on April 7, 2013 at 12:07 pm
It took 47.5 years to find truth. Along that journey was many near death experiences involving alcohol and drugs to mask the enormous pain of childhood trauma. Being labeled as having a \"chemical unbalance of the brain, ya right 🙂 \" I painstakingly continued to fit into the norm from 1989. Yes, as a Canadian, I was sent to Macon, Georiga ( Colisium Hosp.) for treatment for addictions, and eventually stayed another month for \"Family Issues\" I cried many rivers and broke a few chairs 🙂 during that treatment. But I left with the impression that I dealt with my childhood and if I remained a committed AA member , I would be on my way to a good life, eventhough I had to take some pills for my \"chemical unbalance brain , ya right 🙂 \".....Instead of walkin around with Vodka on my forehead, it was replaced with \"Bipolar\"......Long story short, I continued to struggl, relapse,hospital stays,loosing careers, long term sobiority, crawl through the house snibbling, etc, etc etc.....meanwhile not knowing that my issues were still unresolved. Was alone 11 days during 2012 Christmas wanting to jump the 17 storey balcony because of 20 years of brutal aniexity, I came across Danny boy :).......just to let u know, I am a Daniel also, but am called by my middle name Barton, Bart...but it was his sharing and ideals that help bring me to all truth within, 9 DAYS i went on a deep dark journey that I could not came , it came in a profound way that I thought I was gonna physically die, I broke out in big boils on my head and body that puss was flowing out, ewwwwww, but true....yes, i was crawling, fetal postion, pacing, for 9 days, slept when i could, ate when i could, and kept on youtube with Daniel for reassurance( fukkin neighbours must of thought Bart has really lost it, hehehe 🙂 )anywayssss, I made it, and found out it was my own mistakes I made along the way since 89 also(I have 3 beautiful daughters not with me and they know all about Childhood Trauma and the Healing Process) Through Macklers selflessness and own sharing of his life and ideals, gave me VALIDATION that I am not fukked up, I just had to work on some unresolved issues.......excuse me, it just poured out lol......have a good one ppl Bart 🙂
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 10:01 am
Hidden4love 3/22/2013 9:36:13 AM I don\'t think your crazy Daniel 🙂 I\'m watching your \"Childhood Trauma and the Process of Healing\" i found somewhere on youtube 🙂 It\'s super helpful. I really wanna heal from my truama, i\'ve been having truama and panic attacks for 3 yrs now. only watched 13 mins, but i suppose in a nut shell how to heal is accept how we feel, accept the pain and let it go. ^^ Stefanie denz 3/20/2013 7:10:59 PM Hi Daniel I just read your article as I am a fan of Alice Miller, and found your words quite intriguing. I am a nartist on a residency in Berlin, and am struck by how little females are represented internationally in the art world, realizing I have been in denial. I believe this is becuase it is a world that relies greatly on influence, and projected value as opposed to other professions where a person male or female can systematically fulfill the requirements by following rules-the ladder of academia and what not. Maybe I am in denial here too, but there does seem to be more female representation in medicine, sciences politics etc. So when I read your observations I can not help but see that Alice\'s trauma is mutliplied by her being female, and this is not something she really addresses. Or? One of our prime needs is to belong. As a woman you belong automatically as secondary, ancillary, and to challenge this is to lose one\'s place in society. In my experience we need to be seen, responded to and we fulfill what is required so that we have response. Her letter to the pope clearly shows that this role is being played out. She remains as so many other women as a victim in her own mind, for indeed the reflection back of something else is not there. Cheers Stefanie. Wendy 3/20/2013 12:59:45 PM Hi Daniel, it is awesome that you put this stuff out there. I\'ve been listening to your \'Childhood Trauma and The Process of Healing\' video, from 2011. It is so strengthening and helpful. What a life this is!! Bless you. Wendy Amy 3/18/2013 3:02:59 PM HI Daniel, I have been reading this site, and listening to your interviews and conversations on Amy Childs\' podcasts from a few years ago (just discovered these). I have been listening to Paul Levy, who wrote about Awakening in the Dream. As I have been listening, I keep thinking that, because you are doing similar work, and expressing similar things in your owns ways - if the two of you do not know each other, you might like to...thus, i introduce: Thank you for all of this good food for thought! M Reynolds 3/16/2013 7:30:46 PM Posts/comments individual write is sometimes more interesting and entertaining than the article that it is posted for. I had to inquire to the person who commented about the new Pope serving the poor: \"serve the poor: provide them with free birth control education and contraceptives. it\'ll be the gift that keeps on giving.\". I can\'t completely disagree with you. However, as a Catholic, gay, not the best childhood, but my parents did the best they could with what they knew, I would like to remain optimistic that Pope Francis will walk the talk - he already has. I do wonder why some couples or individuals, in some cases, have children - I say individuals because the other, whether female or male, is doing so for the purpose of sex and pleasure only - not caring one bit of the consequences of raising and taking care of a child(ren). From what I scanned on your website, your thoughts etc are very familiar to Iyanla Vanzant. MR Chicago, Illinois Bet 3/14/2013 3:15:42 PM Hello Daniel: I fell into a situation renting a room from strangers, and I feel the screaming, angry, loathing each other parents are affecting their 2 sons in a horrible way. The elder has so much rage toward his mother, he has begun to direct it at his younger smaller brother. Do I report this family to Child Welfare Services? I am moving out at the end of the month, do I wait until I am safely gone? I\'ve never been so conflicted, but your article helped me immensely. I know what I need to do... Claudia 3/8/2013 9:01:14 PM Hi Daniel! I just read you`re working on the translation of your documentaries, I would be interested in the Italian version, if you plan on having one. If not, I can help translating it! Take care! Claudia Maya 3/6/2013 7:24:04 AM Hi Daniel, just wanted to say thank you. bob zimmerman 3/2/2013 8:02:09 PM I have a daughter that was bullied in high school and in the last 7 years gained over 150lbs from antiphysic meds. Labled schiozophrenic. its been a nightmare. Thanks for your website. england_97 2/27/2013 5:26:53 AM Hi Daniel, As much as I love your work/essays - I have to say that I can\'t disagree more about your stance on meditation. As a child I was sexually abused for 3 years and went through a lot of psychical abuse from my parents in the form or beatings, and being locked up in an outdoor cellar. I have been through both psychotherapy and practiced vipassana meditation for the past 5 years. Although psychotherapy helped me a great deal... it failed to go to the root of the issue (which still lived deep in my psyche & body), after 2.5 years of psychotherapy I eventually took my 3rd 10-day Vipassana meditation course and ALL of the memories of my abuse finally came to the surface. It felt as though I was re-experiencing the entire thing. I\'ve read several articles since then about people with similar experiences. arjuna 2/26/2013 3:32:07 PM Hi Daniel, There is a lot on your website that I can relate to. Although personally I would not be as absolutist about some things as you are, I do think the absolutist view you take on things is a necessary part of the whole picture regarding trauma and the consequences of it. I take part however with your writing about dissociated people. Having suffered from dissociative problems myself, I can assure you that in no way this contributed to me feeling really safe or happy. In fact I found it so unbearable that I came close to ending my life because of it. I am not alone in this. If you look at the suffering that people with dissociative problems as severe as what was formerly known as Multiple Identity Disorder go through, as well as the suffering that people with milder forms of dissociative problems experience, you would know that dissociative problems can cause immense suffering. Yes, dissociation develops as an (unconscious) way to deal with traumatic situations and as such, it does serve a protective function. However, not without the very real possibility of creating enormous confusion, lack of control over one\'s life and immense suffering as it\'s consequences. vivian 2/20/2013 8:23:48 PM Dear Daniel, I am reading Alice Miller\'s work. Do you know of any therapists in North America who recognize and incorporate her theories in their work? Kind regards, Vivian deanna clayton-richardson 2/15/2013 8:52:27 AM excellent site thank you for your wisdom and awareness blessings Justin Paul O\'Brien 2/14/2013 8:43:20 PM 8137201247 I can\'t even think right now. I got a really bad head ache. I love your website though. Jenny 2/13/2013 4:32:50 PM Hi Daniel, Just been referred to you by a colleague. Wanted to send you this blog post I wrote last week. Happy to chat sometime. I run a teleseminar programme for my colleagues. Would be good to have a live conversation with you that others can listen to. Going to take a better look at your site. But feel a resonance already from home page. Best wishes Jenny (therapist - uk) anniechapman 2/7/2013 2:35:32 AM Hi Daniel, HUGE thanks for your wonderful videos. I am currently doing a Hikoi (protest walk) through the North Island of New Zealand re the issue of over-medication and lack of choice for mental health \"consumers\" in this country. I was able to borrow a copy of Healing Homes, watched it with a friend and was moved to tears by all that is shown and implied...the beauty of possibility and the tragedy of what is actually happening on the ground most everywhere... I would love to show excerpts from your docos at public meetings, but I am sorry my funds do not stretch to your public charging rate... would you consider selling the Finnish Open Dialogue at the private rate? I would have thought that this would be good for business ultimately in more people being exposed to your docos. Anyway, let me know what you think, warm regards, Annie Claudia 2/7/2013 1:52:45 AM Hi Daniel, I`m an Italian 33yo, I`m in the middle of a huge process of self-discovery, abuse memory recovery and self-healing (even if that`s a way too rational description of it, the real feeling more often than not is that I`m in deep s**t). I know this is the way because it sounds true to myself, it started in my childhood with some major psychosomatic symptoms, underestimated by my parents and totally inexplicable for traditional medicine, and went on until now, through the reading of Miller`s books (blessed woman!). Until now I`ve done all by myself, not finding any therapist contact/site/description I felt I could trust. But I`m starting to grow restless about the chance of being listened to by someone who doesn`t feel the need to alleviate or deny my pain and fear. I have so so much pain to let out... And the other problem I`m facing now is that I don`t have a job and I`m still so confused that I have no idea how to start about finding one. And the social/financial/rational pressures are part of my family problems, they just stick me deeper in every s**t I`ve been taught by my parents about how the world works. So, my question is, do you know any place in Europe, managed by people open and understanding towards this kind of process, that could allow me to do some work exchange/volunteering job in exchange for food and a bed for an indefinite period of time? Does a community/retreat/center like this even exists in the world? Thank you for your site, Daniel, you`ve been a great support in times of need! I wish you all the best in your life! Claudia Julie Huntington 2/4/2013 3:06:23 PM Thank you so much Dan Mackler. We have not met....but your making of these films has brought me to a new understanding in my life and the world. We need to be humans more often and share our humanness, mistakes can be made, life is lived, but keep an open mind, keep asking questions, keep trying to answer questions. Be. I am sharing your videos with others. Daniel Mackler 2/3/2013 7:12:58 PM Hello All! Good to hear from everyone. I answered some emails privately. But the public ones I\'ll answer here. Pat, you asked how hard it was for the Family Care Foundation to find host families... Well, I think it\'s not so much that it\'s hard to find host families, but finding really good ones! They advertise is local papers, and they also get referrals from other host families, and then the families go through a pretty intense interview process. I\'ve met most of their families and they\'re lovely people. Daniel Yvonne 1/30/2013 2:59:39 AM Dear Daniel, I have truly ENJOYED watching your videos and have forwarded them to friends. I also had a VERY abusive parent and traumatic childhood. Later, I tried traditional worthless \"therapy\" and it\'s too long and traumatic to go into here, suffice to say that I actually had to work on more healing issues from being traumatized by these \"therapists.\" I\'m over 40 now and I only wish that there was the Internet, and Youtube videos and amazon reviews right after my high school graduation to help me clear and heal my past. I really believe in my heart of hearts that it will be the awareness of the general public to the horrors of \"therapists\" and \"psychological drugs\" through authors/websites like yours that will turn this country around for the best! The average person does not really understand abuse and alternative treatments for their issues. I have worked hard through the years on my own personal healing in a very eclectic manner by talking with mentors/friends (who have also recovered from my same abuse issues), reading books, and metaphysical work like astrology, and psychic readings. Please continue writing your books and making videos. Thanks for everything.
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 10:00 am
Vinish Gupta 1/29/2013 12:11:52 AM Hi Daniel! Greetings from India! Thank you for your good work. I found substance and wisdom in many of the things you say and do... but there is more healing within that needs to take place for greater wisdom to grow. I invite you to take a week out to attend my workshop whenever you can (no I\'m not selling anything; in fact we\'d be happy to host your stay!): Best wishes. Vinish pete 1/28/2013 2:43:56 PM Daniel, i wrote u a message, but you didnt answer my question nor show it on your guestbook, i dont have email. please it was about picasso, and enlightment in people recovered from schizophrenia. Pat Dixon 1/26/2013 3:11:18 PM Hi Daniel. I\'ve been showing some of your videos to people who are open to different perspectives on \'mental illness\' an so-called schizophrenia, as a way of introducing some of my feelings about expanding \'inclusion\', supportive housing, etc. Healing Homes somewhat relates to my own evolving ideas about supportive neighbourhood volunteers, etc. I have a question. While you were there doing the interviewing, video work, etc., did the question come up of how difficult it might be to find supportive homes to \'host\' individuals in distress? So far, I\'m the only person I know who has welcomed a stranger into my home for awhile - with the exemption of \"boat people\" hosts in the early 80s. Do you have any thoughts to share on that? Thanks for all you do! Pat Laura 1/25/2013 1:12:39 PM Hi Daniel, I am Laura from Lithuania and I am writing with one for me important question. I was taking psychotherapy course with Darius Cikanavicius (Lithuania, Vilnius) and I was healed from schizophrenia in about two month. I had terrible time with this healing but healing it self was pleasant and worth to go trough this whole path to freedom 🙂 Now I am starting new life for me, without terrible personalities of my parents and with healed psychological problems. Because I was always willing to reach mental sick people heart and mind after I was dropping medicine my-self, so now I am willing to learn to heal my-self with psychotherapy. What would you suggest to do? I went through this healing my-self, so I know, how it works and the process, I am reading and watching tones of information. I can\'t afford studying abroad for me yet and I don\'t know, if it worth it? And I would love to work in some healing center as in Finland or Sweden as a student first of all and practitioner after. Is it possible and what would you suggest anyway in my situation. I am related with psycho things just because of my previous problems in life and I have Master diploma of architecture from past, so it is not related to my dream work, I write about here 🙂 I am 35 years old and I would love to change my life in this direction. I am waiting for your advice and I admire your work 🙂 sincerely, Laura S. p.s.: I thing that working in healing centers is more safe for clients, because after opening their emotional problems there are to much danger for their life and physical health, I went trough it, I know 🙂 Christina Kramer 1/23/2013 9:30:45 AM Dear Daniel - I just read your essay on Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. Very long story how I got there.....Well, it proves to me once again that as a true seeker you will find the \"\"right people\"\" on your way. \"\"Grope in the dark, through the false, through the groping, the door is found\"\"....and.after knocking on it, I even find there is no other door than \"\"the door(s) of perception\"\". Thank you for being you, I shall further explore your writings. Kind greetings from a Dutch lady (lived in NYC from 1963-68, still homesick). Christina dave byrd 1/22/2013 2:41:33 AM Mr. Maclker, I represent the Mental Health Consortium and we are thinking of sponsoring a film festival about recovery from mental illness and what its like to experience mental illness We are thinking of screening one or more of your documentaries. Would you be available to come to Gainesvile, Florida and give a presentation and answer questions after the films? We are in the planning stages and right now we are looking into possibilities. Sincerely, Dave Byrd daniel mackler 1/20/2013 1:29:47 AM greetings everyone! hi, i just read the last couple of months of guestbook posts, and answered some people (the ones who asked more private questions) privately. happy new year to you all -- and thank you!! ----daniel Heather Howes 1/19/2013 10:39:11 PM Hi Daniel, Wonderful website and work, I love it. Would you consider visiting New Zealand? A group of people would like to create a holistic m/h conference and I am looking for contributors. I have met Robert Whitaker and David Healy so will approach them and we would include the wonderful work of our own Maria Bradshaw Personally I am already a member of ISPS, a holistic m/h practitioner, hypnotherapist, life coach, survivor, writer and poet (poems are gifted/instructed to me when I am open). I have made a vow to be part of medicine less m/h, have just finished a degree and am starting out in terms of publishing and website etc. Here is the beginning of one of my many poems, its called The Madness Effect: The philosopher is stoned, he smoked his dope Now he is a crazy man with a rope Have you ever stopped and asked him why He wants out of here no matter what? Listen carefully, don’t see him as sick With all of your conditioning your skin is thick He will tell you his experience of life Has worn him down till there is nothing left. She is feeling raw, open, revealed, in sight Then God spoke to her and she got a fright It is this sight that squeezes your heart Threatens and disestablishes you. Now who is the crazy one? Just take a look at what you do Pills and poisons, shock and constraint Anything to bandage them, cover and hide. Would love to communicate further, kind regards, Heather Johanna Greeson 1/17/2013 1:37:28 AM Fascinating website! Our shared friend Mike Mirarchi told me about it. My husband & I also went to Swarthmore, graduated with Mike (\'97). But your name wasn\'t familiar to us. My husband Jeff is a clinical psychologist. Thanks for sharing your insight and experience! Johanna Pauline McKelvey 1/7/2013 11:40:02 PM Dear Daniel, Your example and your words give me so much hope and encouragement. Self-healing has been my lifework (still in progress) and before I die I hope to be able to contribute something more than I have been able to so far towards the liberation of other people (and the protection of their children) from the aftereffects of unloved childhoods. I will be using the inspiration of your and other people\'s work and achievements as support for my own goals and endeavours. My very best wishes and loving recognition to you. Liam 1/6/2013 8:43:10 PM I also think it would be a better name for Schizofrenic to be called Distorted Thoughts Disorder, since that is really all it is. Liam 1/6/2013 8:40:26 PM It\'s a great message you put out there & useful. I have watched your YouTube videos & have found them informative & in turn inspiring. Bart 1/6/2013 1:04:45 PM Daniel, Thanx so much for sharing, you were my last piece to breaking through on growing...I love u:) Misa Tsuruta 12/21/2012 10:12:16 AM Hi Daniel, Thank you for involving me in your translation project. It is very nice to be part of it because the world psychiatry is far from ideal - perhaps especially so in Japan where even people who can relatively easily recover with good therapy (depression, anxiety disorders) can be medicated for a prolonged time. Don\'t know what is the actuality but even more so for schizophrenic people. Plus, I am glad I can make use of some of my training and learning backgrounds in psychiatry. My life has been changed much since I was a clinical psychology student in NYC, so I kind of look back on those days with some nostalgia, cherishment, regrets... rather complex feelings. As your work becomes known in Japan (and elsewhere), there must be more reactions. I am curious how these films are received in the world. Riikka 12/5/2012 5:54:24 PM Thank you so much Anja 11/28/2012 1:03:52 AM Hello, Sorry - have to use your guestbook for asking something: I\'m from Germany and visit therapy for more than 4 years (twice a week!). On the one hand, a great thing is our health system paying this, but on the other hand I don\'t feel it is much use to me (even more dissapointing if you imagine me spending so much time there!). I even changed my psychologist once, but the current one feels quite similar. He hasn\'t even told me my diagnosis, although I asked more than once, but he just said this would just cause that I\'\'m kind of fixated on it. I\'m pretty sure to suffer from depression. Well, if I\'m wrong, it is in any event something serious, which makes life hard to handle and worse: keeps me stuck. I just thought: Well, instead of searching a new psychologist who is also useless, I stay with my current one, because talking to someone is better than nothing, but now after 4 years I\'m really done with wasting my time because it didn\'t get better. I\'m not on medication, because I\'m convinced this would only distort my emotional level, which I want to understand in it\'s \"original\" way! I unfortunately din\'t find any links on your page especially for \"depression\". I assue you are very busy. Whatever: If you read this and if it\'s ok to you, can you please recommend something to me..? A homepage, or book or whatever, which helps me to understand this depression-thing better without my psychologist?
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:59 am
Lluís Martí Olfers 11/13/2012 10:11:42 PM Thank you for your very well explained clarifications on enlightement and dissociation. I am happy and surprised to meet somebody that doesn\'t profess as a guru but has a clear and honest mind about both terms. Your experience must have been difficult, but rewarding to you and to us. I guess music teaches you a lot. Best wishes and thank you again! Levy Arnold 11/6/2012 9:39:12 AM Hello, I\'m very much interested in open dialogue therapy. I\'m looking for stopping medicaments, (that I have been taking for 3 years.) I can\'t find any mail for the center in Finland. Could you help me in giving me a link or a way to join them? thanks to all, Arnold chakula 10/31/2012 1:18:33 PM Learned so much from you, I will be here often Jack 10/31/2012 11:48:45 AM Cool site, keep it up or I\'ll follow you around all day :3 Milly Macker 10/30/2012 5:17:14 PM Just wanted to say hi Ana Ochoa de Eribe 9/21/2012 11:50:56 AM Dear Daniel, Thank you for your energy and deep presence. I watched your video on \"Bullshit -Anti psychiatry and Anti medication and laughed as I know well all this to be true. I am a transpersonal psychotherapist and I have worked in \"the system\" and seen all that you describe in the video in a humorous way. We know how sad this is and how many people are affected by it. The reason I have been interested in the abuse performed in the psychiatric system is because I have a brother, who was labelled with schizophrenia in Spain when he was 15 or 16 years old. He has been in an out of the psychiatric hospital for many years (he is 48 years old now) and now is incapacitated. His last destination has been an old people’s home, where he now lives. He is on leponex for life. His prescription is fixed and even when he is out of the psychiatric hospital this medication has not been revised and is compulsory for him until he dies. I live in England so my communication with him is only by phone. I have to hear him talking about stomach pain, deep cold in his bones, feeling dizzy knowing well that these are all side effects of the clozapine. It looks as if what I can do for this particular situation is limited to talking to him once per week and sharing the love of a sister with him. However I would like to help prevent this situation for someone else and do anything I can to help people understand that following the psychiatric system leads to desempowerment and destruction. If you can think on any way in which I can help you get this message out there please count on me, or if you know any contacts that might be interested in doing something in this area and I could work with them. Thank you so much for caring for the people and the planet and showing up here for all of us. Lots of love and blessings. Ana moe 9/7/2012 4:19:50 AM Your essay begins with: \"I could just as easily start by asking why straight people are straight. Few ask this, because they consider the answer so obvious – “it’s human nature.” But what isn’t human nature for a human to do? Are chimpanzees suddenly not chimps or penguins not penguins when they engage in homosexual behavior (which they sometimes do)?\" \"Straight people\" is a label taken out of its context: \"morally straight\" people. Morals refer to right and wrong. Your reference to human nature is ill-defined as well and, as such, is not an answer to the question you pose. Your statement that since chimps or penguins sometimes engage in homosexual behavior does not make them less of a chimp or a penguin makes no sense. What they do sexually does not define their nature--what sexual behavior does display are normal and abnormal behavioral patterns. When abnormal behavioral patterns are apparent one typically searches for either external or internal problems. Most gay people chose to be gay usually because of trauma with the opposite sex. Heather 9/6/2012 7:03:44 AM Thank you. Joe Tein 9/3/2012 6:51:47 AM Hey Daniel, Nice to read about you ... I tracked down your web site after looking at the YouTube videos you sent me! I like the caring and respectful tone in those Finnish settings ... very different from the standard psychiatric hospitals I\'ve worked in, and I think the main difference is in the people who are running them. And no wonder I enjoy being a translator/interpreter/language teacher a lot more than working in mental health right now! I\'ll be in touch some more via email. Ciao for now 🙂 Erna 8/29/2012 9:51:48 PM hello daniel, i wrote here some months ago so far. i \"consume\" your essays and films for my personal help and because i want to work as psychologist. i just listened to your interview in madness radio and feel very inspired. i also read morton schatzman´s \"persecution in the familiy\". i start to think, that it´s no mystery about the reasons, why people show, what is called psychosis. i would like to ask you one question to this subject, which makes me questioning about whom you speak, when it is about the so called psychotic people. there is a discussion between psychiatrists, if some of the patients, who are called schizophrenic, are diagnosed wrong and if their disorder should better be \"dissociative identity disorder\" (former MPS). what do you think about that? James 8/29/2012 6:38:49 PM Just wanted to say hi crystine Hershberger 8/24/2012 8:43:50 AM D. Are you aware of the term \"political correctness\".. I know it\'s over used and all. But it may be the most simplistic way I can explain linguistic stigmatization to you ... If you have cancer: are you a \"canceric/cancerous\" If you have depression: are you a \"depressic/depressionistic\" If you have indigestion are you an \"indigestionic\" ? If you\'re of African/Austrialian liniage are you a \"Black\" or a \"Coloured\" ? If you\'re of East-Asian descent are you a \"Chinamen\" , \"Oriental\" or \"Slant-Eyed\" ? If you\'re smoking marijuana are one \"the drug doorers\" .... Or if you\'re, let\'s just say A HUMAN, and different from yourself or other regular people you see on a day to day basis; be it language, socio-economic, health, culture, religion, etc : do you refer to \"all of those\" as THEM, THE, A, AN, THOSE PEOPLE, as oppose to \"people who are\" \"people who have/people with\" ??? *** I apologize for the pissy-rantiness, but if you are truly a parody, you SHALL display my message. take care. Crystine Hershberger 8/24/2012 8:40:11 AM DISCLAIMER: I started writing this after reading like 7 of your 32 reasons... and I actually thought you were being serious, and followed some of the links. .... I then began to type a very loquacious response, mid-way through I realize that you were actually [HOPEFULLY] being sarcastic. Anywhom here\'s part of my response: _ I started out liking how you seemed to be gender unbiased... but then, you seemed to become \"scientifically/factually/imaginarily unbiased\". I have a few simple questions: A. Which addition of the DSM are you using? _ B: Where/what are your resources? I mean like REAL resources, peer-reviewed and shit? _ Iris 8/20/2012 11:51:48 PM Hello David. Just now I watched you on youtube and got so surprised, to find someone beside Alice Miller, who speaks out loud what I only dare to think. I hope you never let yourself be intimidated by unsuitable criticism. Your work is precious and I admire you for your courage. I am now at age 40, still struggling to express myself in any form, although it`s my deepest need. I look forward to explore your website( what I`m going to do as soon as I finished this). I am german, writing from Switzerland, please excuse possible language errors. Take care and continue..........The World Needs People Like You. All the best, Iris. rex 8/20/2012 7:08:05 PM just wanted to say hii...
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:58 am
Matthew Auciello 8/7/2012 12:42:35 PM Daniel, I have just purchased your DVD \"Take These Broken Wings,\" and I\'m very excited to see your work. I am also interested in your other films (can only afford one at the moment!). I am a (young) practicing therapist, deeply disturbed by psychiatry and what I have seen while working with \"severely mentally ill\" adults for the last several years. Reading some of your essays, it seems we have a lot in common regarding our feelings about healing and self-realization. I am grateful to have come across your site. I am also a believer in becoming reconnected with and re-enchanted by our Mother, the Earth (and I see such grave problems with our industrial way of life). I hope to one day have a large property (perhaps several hundred acres?), a \"family\" of practitioners and (alternature, natural) healers, and use the land and the self to bring about the Old ways of being. For now, I will have to slowly work my way out of the for-profit, pharmaceutically-driven world of \"social work,\" until I can plant my feet where they so desire to be: in warm, rich soil. Be Well. Matthew p.s. A few book recommendations: \"The Reenchantment of the World,\" by Morris Berman \"Where the Wasteland Ends,\" by Theodore Roszak \"Radical Ecopsychology,\" by Andy Fisher Brittany Windom 8/4/2012 7:25:24 PM Thank you so much Daniel! After my last straw last night trying to confront my mother about my childhood traumas (and hers), I realized that she will never truly understand until she grows on her own time. Thank you for showing me that only I can heal myself and I cannot rely on anyone else to do it for me. I am so happy that I found you on YouTube and decided to check out your wonderful website. You are doing so much good for the world. Blessings! James Kleifon 8/2/2012 9:11:13 PM Hello ! Really appreciating this website. Thanks again ! Dana Wilkins 8/2/2012 3:56:18 AM I disagree with the statement that a parent on mental illness would not be a good parent. I have Bipolar and raising my son for several years. I feel I am a better mom now than I was before my medication. His father is not in the picture. Janesea Wood 7/27/2012 12:32:11 PM Your website\'s left me in absolute awe, with plenty of food for thought, I can\'t say that I agree with you 100% on everything that\'s contained here though... Thank you so much Anjali 7/22/2012 5:01:50 AM Dear Daniel, I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing so much valuable insight. I also had a highly traumatic childhood full of sexual & physical abuse and I found your articles to be so full of truth and wisdom, and validated many of the thoughts that I\'ve had over the years (but never found anyone who understood or saw things the same way). I\'ve spend many years healing, meditating, and going to a therapist. Along with psychotherapy, I personally found vipassana meditation (even more than therapy in a lot of ways) to be tremendously helpful in releasing all my pent up emotions, and spiritual blocks. I highly recommend it. On another note, I read one of the books on your book list based on your amazon review \'a heart too long suppressed\' and found it to be entirely moving. People like you are truly making the world a better place. Blessings. alex 7/21/2012 5:10:32 PM I am curious what you think about foster care and adoption. I agree with you completely about not having children and working on your childhood trauma. However, although I\'m not considering foster care anytime in the near future, I am conflicted about how this fits with the reality of so many abused kids sitting in abusive foster homes. Is it better for them to be with people who don\'t even have any insight into trying to heal themselves- instead of with people who are fully engaged in self-healing? Abuse will obviously happen either way, but the child will have a much better chance. I think eventually (when I have enough $ and more healing done) I will stare into a mirror and call myself selfish for knowing there are many kids being abused but I am not courageous enough to help at least one out. It\'s already happening and I wonder how you feel about it. Thanks. Aaron 7/21/2012 3:11:00 PM You have a great message but I feel like most the stuff I hear is just Alice Millers words, with slight modifications. Robert S. 7/13/2012 9:32:55 PM Hi Daniel. I wrote you a few times back in \'09 on this guestbook. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and I was asking for advice. I was wondering if, since years has past, you have any new ideas in terms of recovery from schizophrenia? Furthermore, I believe I may have some new ideas to share with you which you may find effective in helping your patients who are diagnosed with schizophrenia, if you are interested. John 7/8/2012 3:34:44 AM Thanks for everything you\'ve shared! Naomi 7/5/2012 12:52:43 PM Hi, This has just re affirmed to me that I need to shape up some/ a lot of my ideas. I am looking into starting some blogs, if you are alright with it I would love to refer some people to your site. I think there is more need for knowledge and insight such as your\'s. The more it is circulated out there all the more likelihood for success in healing a world full of wounds, sadness and illness. I have just purchased your first book. Thank you so much! Pat Dixon 7/2/2012 1:46:15 PM I have been showing \"Take these...\" and \"Open....\" to friends, one couple at a time - then talk about it over dinner. I\'ve decided to add the \"Healing Home\" maybe -I\'ll watch it first 🙂 I hope you\'ll do more on successful alternative approaches, like the Finland case. I\'m working on an idea for creating community volunteer \'supportive teams\', as well as trying to influence changing attitudes toward mental illness. Your work will \"change the world\" faster than most approaches, I think. Thank you for what you do! Michael 6/24/2012 7:57:31 PM I am nor American or Briton, but i hope i will be understandable(my english may be not so good). I wonder what are you doing? Did you make some new projects? On youtube last film you uploaded was more than a year ago, the same as your webside. I hope you are still somewhere, but unfortunately u did not give any signs of life. I dont know you, but what you did and still(i hope) do is very important, for me personaly too(mainly). So, if you are somewhere there, give a sign of life. Ann Gonzalez 5/23/2012 7:30:05 PM Daniel, you are A-mazing! I\'m so glad I found your work from a tip at Rethinking Psychiatry Symposium this month. I am 58 but we could be twins--I agree with all your points. I too have been healing and Alice Miller, distancing from family, foregoing children and travel have all played the essential roles in being able to heal. I also have a wonderful husband who although wounded like everyone is able to heal himself and others through a kind of natural \"mindfulness\" he possesses. I will do all I can to promote your work. Thank you so much for your heroic efforts, Daniel! Kasey 5/21/2012 6:46:22 PM WOW! Just came across this and it\'s the very first time I feel that someone has hit the nail right on the head. As an incredibly self aware adult who is learning to work through many traumatic experiences that started at childhood, I couldn\'t agree with your opinion more! This process has been slow an painful! Trying to figure out why I feel the way I do and why I am the way I am, and then learning conquering it is such a daunting task, but your website is VERY helpful! I also appreciate that it to the point! THANK YOU! lain 5/20/2012 4:22:53 PM I was doing little checking on child abuse charges when parents were having an argument / fight. kids were in bed. things git little loud and woke up a child which in turn called 911 . ne. state court us trying to charge only one of the parents with child abuse. I think this is a little excessive. I understand nit fighting in front of kids. but so far we are not a perfect society. to charge a parent with felony child abuse when they have well behaved . good student. friendly kids. And gave a generally loving home is excessive and bullying behavior. no children were physically they no parent was physically hurt . things just git loud and there was a little pushing. Being loving . supportive parents who work hard and can\'t make ends best and things get verbal. are we teaching kids that you can\'t get loud and have ddisagreements without going yo mail. taking away the bread winner of the family for a squabbke us a little much .yes I agree kids need yo be safe and secure in their home but I also think parents do get pressured and Di have arguments . Laurie 5/16/2012 4:41:05 AM Hello Daniel, Thank you for all that you are sharing here. I am 47, have not had children, deciding long ago (at 29) to dedicate my resources and energy towards healing from trauma - a reality I could not bring myself to repeat onto a new generation. Sometimes I still lament, wishing that my path was different from this; but I understand the best choice I could make played out in my life. I have never read any thing like this. I followed a voice inside, a voice mostly unexpressed concerning what I really thought and felt (yes, speaking it makes people very uncomfortable); but I\'m now beginning to do this slowly. Thank you for this. Laurie
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:58 am
amanda thompson 5/9/2012 4:04:00 PM Dear Daniel, Thank you so much for speaking at the Salt Lake City Library on May 7, at the event sponsored by Empowerment Services! I want to let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed and was fascinated by your talk - I could have listened to you for several more hours and continued to ask questions. As a person myself who has been diagnosed with several diagnoses, and who has been on more medications than I care to remember (antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics), and who is currently on seven psychotropic medications, you inspired me to take the step that I have been wanting to take for some time, and finally get off off these harmful medications. Since I started the last couple of medications, I have gained 70 pounds, my blood pressure has gone up and I physically feel horrible. I feel like listening to you very well will add years to my life. I want you to know that I will continue to spread your message through Empowerment Services and will be contacting you in the near future about screening one of your films here in Salt Lake City. Thanks again and warm regards, Amanda Thompson, Empowerment Services Jeroen 5/7/2012 5:50:06 PM This letter can be read on Alice Miller’s website: Monday January 22, 2007 Dear Alice Miller, I would like to ask you if you think Mr. is right, namely that total exploration of my child history is possible (and therefore total healing), or if you are right, that total exploration is \'hubris\' ? J. W. AM: Usually, I don\'t respond to people who don’t really know my books and got confused by people who WANT to confuse them. But as you say you know my books and want to understand my meaning of the word hubris, I will try to respond. In your quotation, the word hubris is taken out off context. You can find the context in the DRAMA and read the whole text on your own. Around 1997, I heard of some people who became addicted to primals in the hope to eventually liberate themselves from their past and empty the \"pool of pain.\" They tried to do their best, they cried and cried, without any resolution. They felt not good enough if they didn\'t succeed in healing. At the same time they were unable to question even the cruelest behavior of their parents. To me, this was exactly the reason why they were blocked. I do think that you don\'t need to recall every traumatic event if you deeply felt the devastating effect that your mother\'s or father\'s hatred for you created in your soul. It is not only a hubris, but it doesn\'t make much sense to mistreat oneself. Of course, flashbacks may come again and again and will help us to understand our feelings (of the past and of today) once we are open to our feelings. You can find my concept of effective therapy in my recent articles on this website. Leslie 5/6/2012 4:21:23 PM David, I just found your website late last night and have spent the whole morning checking it out. I\'m amazed at the parallels between your own story and mine and just as Mikel (above), I have no formal college education but I have come to almost all of the same conclusions as you have. Until today, I was seriously considering that I might be the only one in the universe who had survived this depth of trauma long enough to get to those conclusions. You\'re an amazing person, and so courageous in your truth telling. Thank you so very much for being you! I feel on more tiny step closer to my own healing just by the feeling of validation I\'ve received from reading what you have here. 🙂 juliestoneham 5/3/2012 4:39:05 AM ps.. I sent this out The Advantages of Being Conventional The world loves the conventional. No one attacks you. No one hates you. No one criticizes you. No one rejects you. No one steps on your toes while at the same time accusing you of stepping on theirs. But the conventional are dead. They were long since routed out of the best of themselves. They were long since hated and criticized and civilized into soul-numbing defeat. They were long since divorced from the best their potential had to offer. Their now-loving parents once injected poison into their veins. This prepared them for life in the soft lane. This prepared them for conventional work, conventional relationships, conventional parenthood, conventional life expectancies, conventional nights of warm sleep, and conventional perspective. The sick take care of their own. But so do the healthy. The healthy freely share of their gifts. The healthy know greater truth, because they nurture their relationship with their deepest selves. The healthy don’t love you because you are dead. They healthy love you for your spark. The healthy are not your parents. Your parents love your placid success because it reminds them every day how good of a job they did in trimming off the sharp edges of your radical truth. Your deadness proves to them that they are worthwhile people, because they are dead too. Our world doesn’t need more conventional people. Our world is a mess, and we need a new breed of super-people to rise from the ashes of the old and truly call this stinking garbage dump of lies by its rightful name by Daniel Mackler julie stoneham 5/3/2012 4:30:08 AM I really really appriciate what I have read and heard from you on your website. I am graduating with my msw in 3 days at 52. I undertand what you say, as I have become an msw because of experience, yet am amazed at how few get it.... in the field.. I hope to make a difference, and yes, I already have. I have put my neck out there more than once.. but now as i enter the field as a proffesional, I see so much more than when I started.. I would like to talk to you if you have the time. I admire your work and your insight... Julie Linda harrison 5/2/2012 3:39:29 PM I first came across ur hilarious smell bullshit song on tube. I posted it straight to Peter Breggin via Facebook and they laughed and said u had been very helpful if not a little eccentric I. Getting all ur messages across. As a survivor of psychotropic meds.... Well still have a ways to go on the xanax (man is that stuff the bomb) I agree with all ur tube vids finally a voice for what I\'ve always Believed about the world being in a mess... The norm being sick n the dangers of getting stuck in therapy! I especially agree about ur views on not having kids... If u wanna read something tragic type in \" I hate being a mother\" via google... What comes up is \"I hate being a fucking mother\" n the monstrosities on that forum r hideous. I\'ll look into your friend Alice as she sounds great. I like realists hope to find ya on Facebook Linda yvonne 4/23/2012 10:10:09 AM Just saw your youtube \"Childhood Trauma and the Process of Healing (by Daniel Mackler)\" and totally happy in finding someone who has the same idea\'s an similar childhood and finding the same solution (inner search, keeping a dairly as a companion and explaining own dreams to understand the unconsiousness). Thanks for charing!! Kelly Jameson 4/17/2012 6:42:07 AM Our paths and where it has taken us are eerily similar, the difference though is in the expression. I have found the experience of spiritual non-duality to be of great importance to my own evolution. I reached this in part by living an asexual life as both genders exposing me to the extremes of yin(she) and yang(he) creating a fusion of both that resulted in needing neither. This was not a conscious intention but it was an inevitable one. If you are searching for something you may find it in the non-dualistic thinking of the East if you can avoid the trap that belief creates. Alulia Baca 4/7/2012 10:14:53 PM Hello Daniel! I found you on Mad In America and thought I would drop you a note. I was on neuroleptic meds for more than 30+ years. It was very stressful to get off of Abilify (my last med) but I did around 2.5 years ago. The changes were extremely positive for me except I began experiencing trauma because of betrayal, condemnation and people trying to force a pill down my throat with implications that I am evil. I finally had to cut my family almost totally off of me. My positive changes have been: 1) creativity greatly boosted, 2) I can cry now, 3) I feel like a woman instead of a zombie, 4) my vision has improved so much I have probably 20/20 or close, 5) I\'m much more active than I ever was, 6) my biological clock turned back as I look much younger now, 7) my mind is sharper, etc. Please don\'t send an email to me because I think my computer is hacked. Also, I can\'t get anyone in my home state to listen to me because I\'m sure they have been warned I\'m a \"nut\" case without meds. I was wrongfully evicted out of my home and was psychologically tortured in a detention center for one night as I was held there in my hometown for a hearing to be evaluated to see if I needed to be in a psych ward. My case is truly bizarre as I wondered for a few months mostly in Oklahoma and Missouri trying to find help and survive. I would love to speak to you about this personally. Thanks! Jennifer Kanary 4/6/2012 9:28:20 AM Dear Daniel, Thank you so much for making and sending the films. I received them yesterday and am halfway through. They are great! I look forward to quoting them in my research. As a filmmaker you might find the project Labyrinth Psychotica that I am working on interesting, it is a project in development that tries to understand, from an artistic perspective, what it is like to be psychotic. On of the aspects is \'The Wearable\'. It forms an augmented reality multimedia interactive cinema multipath \'game\' that is first experienced and then discussed. Here is a link to a draft of the first 7 mins: Hope you like it. In any case, cheers! Jennifer Kanary NL 4/1/2012 2:56:19 AM Accidentally came across your website while googling about trauma. Found your writing reflects a lot of what I\'ve been thinking, reading and my own journey of self discovery and healing. thanks so much. Nice to know that there are others out there who are on similar journeys. Love & peace. Linda 3/17/2012 2:27:32 AM You are truly speaking to me. I am a frightened and sad little child in a grown up (and old) body. I have wanted to heal from past trauma inflicted by my family members for a long time. I love your video The dangers of psychiatric medications. I have tried to live without them and invariably end up in the lock up. I know I need help and that the only one who can really do this is me. The saddest part is that I am also a Mom who has traumatized her child. I have not physically or sexually abused him. I admit that I was not a very good Mom. I will refer him to your website. I think that maybe he would be better off to be away from me geographically and emotionally. I am very concerned for his mental well being. Do you believe in hopeless cases? I do not. I wish you all the best. Wayne Lambright 3/10/2012 7:07:22 AM Thanks for speaking the truth for many. David Hopkins 3/5/2012 8:01:33 AM Hi Daniel, Hey thank you for making the film about Open Dialogue Therapy. What a great service you did going there and helping us to see for ourselves what is going on. Really appreciate that. I am excited to show other folks the dvd. You also sent it so quickly. I so enjoyed watching. It gave me more fuel in my hope burner. That is even brighter now. Cheerio David Jessica Lee Daley 2/23/2012 6:49:59 PM I stumbled upon your website while researching a project for a Psychology of Drugs and Human Behavior course. Found what I needed for my project (with appropriate credit cited) - thank you! But I\'ve found your essays and video series speaking far more loudly to my personal life, and coming at a much needed time, as I\'ve recently begun to struggle with parenting ... the advice I receive from other parents, pediatricians, etc. is so unhelpful and blase. \"It\'s just the terrible two\'s,\" I heard. But I couldn\'t shake the feeling that it\'s me - not him. He\'s a baby, his world is limited by only two years of life experience, so I kept thinking that if he\'s frustrated - it\'s because I\'m giving him a reason to be. I\'m not in tune to something he needs - not sure yet what specifically it is (it may be multiple things), but I am inspired to work harder to find out without becoming frustrated or exasperated back. Looking forward to the journey! Mikel Sims 2/21/2012 5:07:39 PM Daniel, I was astounded while reading your essay “ALICE MILLER IN A NUTSHELL: A BRIEF CRITIQUEâ” I only found out about Alice Miller today and stumbled upon your page by accident five minutes later. Your opinions and the expressions you voice of Alice’s resound deeply with me and project volumes of likeminded conclusions I have come to alone. I am an uneducated person academically and not a reader of books although I have reached exactly the same opinions you discussed about the inappropriateness of people having kids. (And others) I applaud you for having the courage to openly discuss what I believe to be a major downfall of society. Too many people are having children that should not be having children. Humans have evolved so far that they should have the intellect to resist the urge to procreate until their minds and souls are healthy enough to become perfect parents to their perfect babies. Congratulations Daniel and good luck.
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:57 am
Ingrid 2/21/2012 7:50:06 AM What I find really difficult is feeling rage for the abuse and neglect my parents inflicted on me ... because they were also harmed as children. How can I punish them, even in my mind, for something they had to endure in their own way in their own childhoods? I worked extremely hard not to perpetuate this inter-generational harm on my own now-adult children, and I think I was at least partially successful by always trying to be aware of their perspectives in any situation (but not always being able to respond entirely appropriately due to the harmed child inside me). I encourage them to notice my own failings as a parent, to become aware of the (deeply-regretted, unintentional, inevitable, unknown) harm inflicted on them by me, in order to heal from it and learn from it, and to be driven to seek better ways of creating a sound foundation for their own children\'s lives. I completely agree with Jeanne Duvall-Orr that \"going into a pit and climbing out are not the same as climbing a mountain\" in relation to the way in which you have used the term \'enlightenment\'. \"Enlightenment comes at the top of the mountain ... whereas, psychological recovery merely makes you fit to become a mountain climber.\" So absolutely true. Angel 2/15/2012 8:01:32 PM Thanks my friend, Im a SuperKid right now, and is because of telling the truth. Thanks for yours...:) Ann Rider 2/15/2012 5:29:08 PM Hi, Daniel! Hoped to see you at ISEPP, perhaps somewhere else along the line. Just ordering your two newest DVDs and can\'t wait to see them. Thanks for your continued courage in exposing what truly works for those us who were once wounded and now strive to heal. Peter Gerlach, MSW 2/7/2012 5:51:57 AM Hi - like you, I am an ACA and a (family systems) therapist interested in internal awareness. Please scasn my YouTube videos (\"gercacn\" channel) and my non-profit educational Web site It\'s about freeing your tyrue Self, and moire. RB 2/6/2012 2:24:44 PM I couldn\'t have found better information that I needed at a more perfect moment. Having had awful childhood trauma\'s, father an alcoholic and mother has a victim/martyr complex. My childhood was so volatile, hurtful and fragmented, I can barely think of it at times. To be honest, I don\'t know how I have come this far, I have had many moments of self destruction, but my will is strong. I can really relate to your essays, particularly the ones on sex and trauma. How true it is, that we yearn and crave and project fulfillment onto every potential love interest and partner. I have been doing this all my life, without realizing it. To truly heal, we must become connected fully with ourselves and not expect another person to provide this inner healing for us. it\'s all delusion, absolute self delusion. I plan to become celibate, that\'s how I stumbled onto your articles. Sex, relationships, love and the pursuit of them are a waste of energy David Elliott 1/27/2012 2:30:56 AM Yes! This is the way it is! If the USA ran it\'s government this honest we could have a free America. Almena 1/20/2012 12:14:07 AM A simple and itnelligent point, well made. Thanks! J. Miller 1/19/2012 2:30:43 PM Those for whom true love, defined well in \"The Road Less Traveled\", was defective in childhood may, of many options, be a perfectionist highly demanding of himself and those that he mistakes for the people that harmed him. Part of his recovery then is to address his set of values or view of what different accomplishments or tasks mean. A person in such pursuit has introspection and awareness that comes from long term relationship with an \"enlightened witness\". A deprived child does not know how to define a good parent/spouse/friend. Either he spots the abusive in a good light, or the imperfect in a negative. This black and white perspective; a standard that prevents acceptance of love and care. A friend may seem not to like her only for failure to call today - would be an example. Anyway my point put forward to consider is this; awareness of ones issues, ability to admit her wrong to others is more than the material of a great parent. she knows the importance of allowing her children to develop well. mostly this will NEVER provide that a great parent may in fact be perfect. Example: Friend of mine. His father - a stand up guy. Father has an issue; he must be unreasonably early to flights. But father knows that he is nuts. When his children and wife scream as one should at ungodly hours they are not met with manipulation or intimidation. To me that is a sign of a good parent. Regardless its just an example. The point is good parents dont need to flesh out all their issue. They need enlightenment honesty and enough progress to enable themselves to be wrong both when they catch the wrong and when others do. (abuse etc. is outside the scope of this comment) Stone 1/19/2012 10:52:49 AM That\'s way more clever than I was epxecitng. Thanks! Happy 1/19/2012 3:41:45 AM I never touhght I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling! Gabriel Raoust 1/16/2012 2:58:55 PM Thank you! Wendy Dixon 1/16/2012 1:36:24 AM Tried to buy your DVDs but paypal kept coming up with an error. Could you check this please? I want to purchase. Thanks. Ginger Yancey 1/14/2012 4:07:26 AM Hi Daniel, I love watching/listening to your videos and reading your writings. There is something very special, excuse me \"rare\", that you are bringing forth into this world. I too was traumatized as a child and it has had a profound effect on me, my health. I am realizing after a long journey through the spiritual labyrinth, that my real growth is returning to my traumatized child and facing my shadow head on. I was sad to see you stopped practicing but then I got it. You are keeping in step and flow with where your Spirit is guiding you for healing and authenticity. If we all would be so brave! I am glad to see you are continuing to put your messages out there some way some how.....I\'m sure it will continue to be gift. A hopeful friend, Ginger Yancey Tara Hill 1/12/2012 1:02:17 AM Your CD \"Songs from the Locked Ward\" is very helpful. I have been on this journey, have been TDO\'d (I saw a shrink = made me cry). I have taken many of the meds u describe. I now see a therapist and am much better. your songs are spot on! Thank You and God Bless Nadia Mahjoub 1/9/2012 7:33:36 PM I would very much like to order the dvd Open Dialogue, but I wonder if the dvd is techically \"watchable\" in Europe (do you have the Region 2 version of the DVD? USA = Region 1, Europe = Region 2) Greetings from Brussels, Belgium and congratulation on your work! dina poursanidou 1/7/2012 8:24:37 AM Hi, Daniel. just finished watching healing homes...i thought it was brilliant and very moving. i loved it dina Joe Newton 1/5/2012 4:08:10 AM Mr. Mackler, Great work! I also do social work and admire your practice. I work in Queens and would benefit (as would the people with whom I work) from a short discussion about helpful practitioners in the area and opportunities for future dialogue. Maybe you would present at the clubhouse where I work? Please email me and thank you for your consideration Joe Konstantina Poursanidou 1/4/2012 9:58:53 AM Dear Daniel many thanks for sending me the Healing Homes dvd. really looking forward to watching it. Have a joyful 2012 Cheers Dina MaÅ?gorzata 12/28/2011 1:39:58 AM Thank you for telling the truth. Best regards. MaÅ?gorzata 12/28/2011 1:38:39 AM Dear Mr. Mackler, I\'ve just found your videos on youtube and all I can say is ...they\'ve improved my mood 🙂 After experiencing some very ,very traumatic experiences in my life, getting my health ruined by psychiatrists (prescribing me tons of antidepressants instead of asking me about a reason of my depression!!!!), I dumped that \'conventional treatment\' and started to follow my own intuition. I found a great support group (NPD relationship survivals - wonderful people,by the way) and we all started to fight for living in truth. No more denial,no more dissociation. The results are impressive! What is even more interesting, we have never heard before about your theory. We just follow our inner need to face the truth. 🙂 IT WORKS! All you say is very wise. P.S. I\'m a Catholic. Your interpretation of Jesus words is absolutely correct. Pei 12/23/2011 7:59:57 AM Greetings from Beijing, China! What is your view on ACA, Adult Children of Alcoholics/dysfunction families? It is a 12 step program modelled after AA and Al-Anon. Email me if you come to China! Jeanne Duvall-Orr 12/19/2011 5:29:45 PM You are a remarkable man... willing to see the truth as it is. Thank-you for sharing your courage with all. I am, however, at odds with your use of the term \'enlightenment\'... at a stage that is better termed, psychological recovery. Going into a pit and climbing out are not the same as climbing a mountain. Enlightenment comes at the top of the mountain... whereas, psychological recovery merely makes you fit to become a mountain climber. Thomas Jespersen 12/18/2011 9:15:43 PM I am very interested in watching your documentaries. Instead of ordering the dvd I wonder if you would consider some \"pay-to-view-online\" system? Berit 12/10/2011 7:10:02 PM Reading your words on this page is probably the closest Ive come to seeing my own deepest held beliefs, that have been buried under heeps of denial most of my life, reflected by another human being. Thank you! Cee Louis 12/10/2011 11:05:40 AM From your article, \"What Constitutes Child Abuse\": \"For most parents I set the bar impossibly high because most parents have absolutely no business having children. On their deep emotional levels they can barely take care of themselves, and still ARE emotional children themselves.\" I agree with this 100%. I am so tired of witnessing people screaming (and often cursing wildly) at their children. If they\'re treating them like that in public, I can only imagine what happens behind closed doors. How dare anyone bring a life into this world and proceed to kill its spirit like that! And any living thing -- human or animal -- that you continually scream at will most certainly have its spirit crushed. Good reading. Thank you. Matthew Beckman 12/9/2011 8:30:57 AM Hello, I stumbled across your website today and it really brought my spirits up. I am a collage student and I get lost in the fake world of collage sometimes but it always feels the wonderful to take a look at who I really am sometimes and let out the emotions that we are to afraid to show people. Being honest with myself, and becoming who I want to be spiritually is hard when drugs alcohol and sex is around everywhere but thank you for your words of wisdom, it helped me get back on track. Sandra Stanley 12/1/2011 7:48:43 PM Greetings Daniel, Just a quick \'hang in there; keep going; you are SOOO needed and thanked (certainly by me and my Lil San!). Those who \"get it\" appreciate it; those who don\'t (yet) will, I\'m sure, at some point. There are, in all groups, the \"before\" people and the \"after\" people. Thank you for being a friend, Sandra Stanley mark 11/24/2011 2:06:42 AM schizophrenia is a catch all disease if they don\'t really have you diagnosed with some other mental illness they just pitch you in the schizophrenic pile. Consequently it is hard to decided if it is caused by some thing internal or external. I do appreciate the page and the 32 reasons. Samadha 11/13/2011 2:10:54 AM Yay, this is such an inspiration. It is refreshing and validating to read that another holds the same ideas about the road to enlightenment and the potential for cycle of oppression in the family system. I have taking these steps and been punished by family and publicly humiliated for my actions that have been medicalized, all being supposed proof of my insanity. I set out to fight this while deeply suicidal this time last year. Now that I am making some real progress my father has rejected me, my mother attacks me any time I am happy and my son was taken away from me because I am sick but his going has been a healthy move for him and though he hates me know I am so proud of him for embracing his passions. He does not want to be attacked like me so joins in the attacks, too bad but I know the son of Quaker George Fox hated his father. I must draw from within to heal the abuse I internalized, only I can do this work. Alex 11/12/2011 7:56:33 PM Ã? share a lot of your point of view. Good work. Even better that it comes also from a psychologist. Han Deibert 11/5/2011 3:21:59 PM Dear Daniel, Thank you for your warm and interesting emailcontact and especial your interesting documentaries about the projects in Finland and Sweden. We also in the Netherlands are on a quest for humananity in the Mental Health and the only way to achive that, is a paradigm shift. Hopefully our mailcontact will be also inspiring in the future, warm greatings Han Deibert, foundation Soteria the Netherlands. mishellerose 10/28/2011 5:21:33 PM Hooray for you!! Last night I discovered that what motivates me is enlightenment. So, this morning I googled motivated by enlightenment and Dissociation Mimics Enlightenment - Healing from Childhood Trauma showed up third on the list. Thank you for sharing your writings where I could find them. 🙂
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:56 am
Sally 10/25/2011 8:12:41 AM Just came across your website. Exploring it still but so agree with you about unrecognised child abuse. Children are such precious, malleable beings and they are often treated as second class citizens by their own parents. It is so conditioned and accepted - I even have to catch myself when I do it to my 5 year old and I am aware of it! Martin 10/18/2011 11:08:49 PM Daniel, I think you are deserving of great praise and admiration for your efforts. I too have come to many of the same conclusions you express in your writings, through many years of experience. I look forward to the day when I can be as open in expressing them as you are today. My father was diagnosed schizophrenic before I was ever conceived. In my life I have witnessed my older sister subjected to relentless emotional abuse by him with our mother facilitating this abuse by minimizing and covering up for him. My sister, as the years of abusiveness took their toll, suffered from anxiety. depression, OCD, and ultimately full blown schizo-affective disorder. She has suffered under psychiatric \"care\" with medication for over 25 years. I find myself quite alone in the extended family, as the only person who recognizes the profound importance, to us as a family, and the future of humanity, in coming to grips and fully airing the consequences of what has transpired and committing to ending its propagation. The \"old guard\" in the extended family will have none of it, past attempts to put a focus on it have been met with hostility and being walked out on. But the old guard won\'t last forever. I have survived the onslaught, emotionally battered, but spiritually intact thanks in large part to the 12-Step Program of Codependents Anonymous ( I fear retribution from the family and the long term consequences to myself, my sister, and to my potential to play a significant part in the great healing project humanity so desperately needs, should I imprudently speak out too publicly, too soon. Thanks for what you do, and keep the faith. Anne-Marie 10/17/2011 5:34:33 PM Hi! I just read your critique of Alice Miller and I totally agree! I am reading \"Thou Shalt Not Be Aware \" (well I believe this is the one but it\'s in french so I\'m not sure it\'s the same one). I read \"Prisonners of childhood\" and \"For your own good\" already. My therapist made me read her and I love it, even if this is so scary. When I read and realize how we repeat our patterns on our children, I realized like you said that it would be wrong to have children before being healed. I totally agree with what you said, that we should heal before having children, or we WILL repeat the abuses on our child. I don\'t have children, but I have cats and I realize that I repeat some patterns on them. I also repeat a lot of patterns on my boyfriend, and I can\'t have children before being healed because I know that my relationship with him won\'t survive. I have anxiety disorders when I am in couple only, and when I\'m not in couple I look to find a boyfriend to repeat the patterns all the time. I can\'t have children in these circomstances! Now it\'s so obvious to me! I believe everyone in the world needs to go see a therapist (with Alice\'s philosphy and yours) and heal themselves, right now! We should consult therapists like we go to the doctor for physical problems. About self-therapy, I haven\'t read your book and I just watched your first part video of self-therapy, but what I\'m wondering is: Isn\'t it dangerous to do a self-therapy without any outside help? I am doing a therapy witha therapist and we\'re working with PNL techniques and talking about Alice\'s theories, but sometimes it is so terrifying... like, I can have panic attacks sometimes, and I need someone to tell me I\'m not crazy and that I can trust, someone that can give me that compassion I never had in my childhood to go through my healing. I don\'t think I can do this alone. You believe we can do this alone? I\'ll continue reading and watching your stuff, thank you for sharing all of this. 🙂 Paul Boulton-Bland 10/15/2011 2:16:06 PM Thanks for making this site,I am currently writing about the buse I suffered as a child and the effect it has on my life now.Best wishes Paul Jailen 10/13/2011 12:21:21 PM #Which female professionals do you know out there to help work with women on their trauma issues? #My fear is recommending Somatics and CBT too early in the process or a professional, who in her own struggles with countertransference would unconsciously promote decompensation. #We are definitely going to stay away from hypnosis (like you mentioned), and over-fetishsizing the unconscious world, prior to stabilization of factual surroundings. #Laymen\'s terms for everyone here-I don\'t want to recommend someone who has too many unresolved problems to work with a traumatized woman just because she needs trust and stability to begin soon. Which women in the field have books you could recommend? #I realize that you are a man, and that perhaps your trauma was RA from a female \"role model\", esp. in light of this, she wants to know who you see would be a rational choice and why? #As an anecdote, I can think personally how men have been failed and in this world. P.S. The \"How to Love\" by Lil Wayne is how her life was/is going, and she needs a change. Thanks, J Marian 10/10/2011 2:16:51 PM Daniel, I, too, am working to heal childhood trauma and wish us both success in that effort. Do you know the Tao de Ching? (I like Stephen Mitchell\'s translation/interpretation.) I\'m guessing you will not take to it at first, but might over time. FWIW, I have experienced a Kundalini awakening, offering Grace for days at a time, which affirms for me every word in the Tao. Blessings on your journey... Garlena 10/10/2011 1:07:50 AM Hi Daniel, It is very obvious that there is a higher power working in your life and you are listening. I am on a journey based in faith, moving into new and exciting things. Working on my PhD as a Counselor Educator & Supervisor, focusing on what I can do to make a difference. I always look for the good in others and know whatever path I walk down God will bring people into my life to assist, encourage, motivate and love. Keep up the good work. Pat 10/7/2011 1:17:49 AM \"My goal, after all, is not just to heal myselfâ??but to change the whole world.\" I have no doubt you\'ll have a major influence. It\'s wonderful that you have the opportunity to explore the possibilities (esp. with all this varied experience behind you) - and your own potential further at a relatively young age. Wish I had started earlier (I\'m 70) but let\'s not waste a minute on regrets - or others\' not \'getting it\'.... Thanks for all you\'ve done so far! 🙂 J. T. Turner 10/6/2011 4:37:04 AM I was intrigued by your film \"Take These Broken Wings\" and produced a film myself called \"Crazy Art\" about three schizophrenics in California who use their art to help them cope with their symptoms, perhaps even take some steps on the road of recovery. If you want to find out more, check out Lorre Mendelson in Nashville,TN 9/17/2011 8:41:13 PM LOVED your song on the Wellness works site- very creative, best, Lorre Mendelson Katy Tomlinson 9/17/2011 2:34:55 PM Are you anti-abortion? I just read in your critique of Alice Miller that you say abortion is murder. I have had an abortion. You are in essence calling me a murderer. Are you a vegetarian? If not you are just as much a murderer as I am. meg chadwick 9/15/2011 4:00:29 AM I found your \'dissociation mimics enlightenment\' section very helpful, thankyou 🙂 You may be interested in the following site Goddard also produces music and has lots to say about psychiatry.... Regards, Meg Maximus Peperkamp 9/4/2011 3:03:05 AM Dear Daniel, thank you sharing your insight about Alice Miller. I would love to talk with you and share with you something I have found out. My skypename is limbicease I am a 4rd year Ph.D. psychology student and I think we have a lot in common. I look forward to hear from you. Katty 8/20/2011 3:25:55 AM This is way more helpful than atnyhnig else I\'ve looked at. Martin Camden 8/19/2011 9:53:40 PM All of your words could have come straight out of my mouth. I have recovered from \"bi-polar disorder\" through self-therapy and through teaching myself life skills. I think that we could both take each other to the next level. We really must have a conversation. +44 (0)20 3551 8688 Skype=optimaxim. Andrea 8/18/2011 12:19:02 AM What you have to say is true about childhood trauma. But, you do seem to have extremely high standards for parents such as a child strapped in a stroller is abuse. Do you have children of your own? How do you raise these children in your perfect world and still get all the chores done without a fuss? Sandra 8/16/2011 8:15:03 AM I basically completely agree that people should work on themselves a Lot before having children. i have two children and I have worked on myself Some, still in process, and I am doing it for them, because I want them to at some point be free. It is my hope, though the problem is even if one person clears out traumas, there are many people in a child\'s life. Only so much can be done at a time, at least for me. Though healing children and people and then raising healthy children is probably the absolutely BEST thing! I love it, I hope someday it is the new Norm! I am hopeful. One thing I wanted to suggest though, is that on the therapy level alone it is probably impossible to clear out all trauma, it is not a powerful enough method. i know this is a not accepted yet, but energy healing works, and can get to the trauma on its most subtle level. Even so it takes time and effort. But I think even with the most strict personal examination it is impossible to clear All the Trauma and not carry some to children!!!!!! As I said i am not clear yet, but I am still working on it. I recognize that, and I know I probably should have done better, I am sorry to my children for that. Michael Goldfield 8/14/2011 3:18:24 AM Daniel, you have a superb site. I would love to see you add a link to Thanks! You degenerate. 8/10/2011 4:29:44 PM Omg, you are so fucking retarded. I just read the article about Van Winkle. If you think science is not big of a proof about findings for personal trauma and inner sight is and thinking or whatever than you should make Winkle your guru because no one have lived more traumatizing thing than her. Omg, go suicide yourself and stop reading only pathetic american authors. Omg,omg. DionysusVictorious 8/10/2011 2:35:43 PM Life is a tragedy itself, those who seek to make it normal are fighting the roots of life itself and that\'s the only reason they are..sick...decadents. Affirm life as horrible as it is in it\'s deepest roots and relieve yourself from the pathetic lies of modern normality. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Michael Goldfield 8/10/2011 4:18:54 AM Loved your \"Brief Nutshell of your POV\" Katrina Masterson 8/10/2011 1:33:24 AM Hi Daniel, One of our Facebook members from Project NoSpank shared your link on our wall - he posted your short essay and you got a lot of \"likes.\" Your journey is commendable. You broke the intergenerational cycle of abuse and now you offer a path of healing for others. And your introspection is giving others permission to do the same. And, I like that you\'re marching to the tune of your own drummer. We grow and change over a lifetime so it makes perfect sense that your career path no longer fits you now. I\'m sorry for your painful, early path. But I\'m grateful for the insights you\'ve learned, and which you\'re sharing with others. I\'m writing my own survivor memoir and learning that contact with my family is becoming more and more difficult. It\'s ok. Your advice makes perfect sense and it\'s synchronistic I should find your website tonight. Thank you for your insight and guidance, here. I wish you the very best! Sincerely, Katrina Masterson Sandra Stanley 8/9/2011 9:40:59 PM I am an ally....:)) thx! san and \'lil san Stephen G. Boren 8/9/2011 5:37:09 PM Thanks for standing up and speaking out for many who can\'t speak for themselves. I find you ideas very interesting and agree with most all of them. I can\'t stand what Big Pharma is doing to, not only the American people, but what they\'re attempting to do all across the world. Such greed as theirs has never been witnessed before!
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:55 am
Neil S. 8/6/2011 10:48:53 PM While I have glimpsed at some of your video criticisms of Alice Miller and find some issue with them, the place you are coming from as a whole, writings, or videos or comments that you have made, comes from a place of consciousness and conscious emotional awareness. You preverbally, that is, beneath the radar of 95% of humanity\'s denial and obfuscation, appear to strive for honesty, truth and integrity of being which is profoundly rare, let alone rarely articulated from a place of conscious truth. Erna 7/31/2011 9:12:40 PM Hallo Daniel, i read your page for about half a year and look and listen to your videos on youtube. I find it higly interesting. Actually your videos on healing-process and the unhealthy binding to the family of origine are a great and very important help for me, because i finished kontact to some of my FOO not long ago. I need to be encouraged by these videos very much. Great, how you show the \"normal cruelness\" of the consequences of \"normal neurotic parenting\". Who WANTS to see the pain in the eyes of the child, will understand. To this subject only one critical point: maybe there are more people with \"very horrend\" childhood-traumata like sexual abuse, as it seems to be said in the video. Craig 7/27/2011 3:05:25 AM I beg to differ. Since mothers always take the blame for everything, they create an unreconcilable situation in the home, leading the children in their care to hallucinate to cope. Now, wasn\'t that easy? OK, how about schizophrenia goes away if left alone. It\'s treatment that locks it in. \"Cured\" isn\'t as lucrative to Big Pharma as \"treatable.\" And isn\'t it always medication AND therapy that\'s necessary? Of course, mothers are the cause of this,too. While attempting to show love by getting \"help\" for the kids, they invariably fall into this trap. If mothers would just stop loving their children, they would actually love them more. That was easy too, wasn\'t it? Now, here\'s the clincher. Mothers are 100% schizogenic to their kids, whether or not abandoned at birth. It passes down through the mothers\' DNA. Got it now? The old school thinking is always right, once you consider the context. Now that was really easy. Wendy Hestick 7/21/2011 1:06:11 PM What is DSM Wendal 7/20/2011 5:59:04 PM From your latest: \"We human beings are the problem. \" \"There are too many of us on the planet.\" yet you claim: \" I also love humanity\" What Tripe! carina 7/5/2011 2:46:32 PM one more thing, I like very much the post you have added about evidence for your ideas and knowledge, it is a bit (quite)different than the \"older\" ones, as I think. Well, to be continued... a hug from me Carina 7/5/2011 2:05:10 PM Hi Daniel. I have now read your web site again and still I find some things which I disagree with. Maybe not as a theoretical issue, but from a more practical and yes, humanistic point of wiev. There will be things to discuss when meeting next time, and yes, I still drink alcolhol and have a cigarette now and then. And yes, i am also wounded, but also healthy. And I agree with all of my heart that the earth would be such a better place if all of us loved each other and the others. So lets strive towards that... Daniel Mackler 7/2/2011 3:55:15 PM Greetings all! I just realized that I hadn\'t approved messages for this website in almost 8 months! TOTAL ERROR on my part -- the site is supposed to email me with pending posts, but didn\'t. So i just posted them all. THANK YOU for posting! I will answer all private questions with private emails, but it\'s better to email me directly if you want a question answered quickly: all the best, Daniel Jae Aisha Valente 6/30/2011 4:22:18 PM Hello there, i just wanted to say that i watched *Healing Homes*a few weeks ago with my boyfriend\'s mother and we both we were reallly moved to tears to watch this dvd,it really shows to show u that there is a lot work that has to be done in the states,i wish there was places like this in Mass,it would help a great deal and i wish u all the best and keep the great work!!!!! Nick 6/29/2011 9:56:53 AM Daniel, In light of your recent post I would like to add that the only times I truly question my journey, seek non-confrontational material and attack myself for reading what\'s on your website is when I am really trying hard to avoid some issues in my life rather than face them. I have to say that your website has helped guide me in a healthy direction. Deep down I connect with what you write and sincerely thank you for your honesty. I am more at peace with myself then ever before and I still have a long way to go. The best part is, I am really starting to enjoy the new whilst almost forgetting the old unconscious being I was. Although when I start seeking from without, rather than within, I am constantly reminded of that reality. A huge thanks for all that you are doing, Please keep it up, All the best, Nick LINDA BEAUDOIN 6/27/2011 10:45:53 AM Thank you for what you do. I am a survivor of incest and child abuse.I am an advocate for children rights currently seeking legislative legal reform on 5 laws to protect children. One law id to have children\'s entertainers licensed See I am an activist and a participant of the child abuse monument see I am the founder of 4 networks I hope you will log on to my advocacy social network I hope more people will take action and get involved Break the silence and be a voice for the children. Thank you for your great web site ! I can relate to what you talk about. My siblings have rejected me they refuse to have a connection with me and it appears that they do not want me to have any relations with their children What are they afraid of ? Truth is what it is all about. Sad the children pay such a high price for trauma survivors and child abuse. Ingrid Vaalund 6/24/2011 2:50:31 PM Thank you! I have\'nt read everything yet, but what I have read is with a huge sigh of relief of the \"I\'m not alone in thinking this\" kind. I have posted a link to \"Dissociation Mimics Enlightenment\" from my blog, and will be linking more of your articles soon, and quoting you liberally when I post an article on being symptom carriers for a sick society. Liam P 6/22/2011 7:22:01 PM Hi there, Just watched \'Take these broken wings\' and have only found it for sale from your site and not in the uk-I\'m based in Scotland. I\'d really like to see it\'s message advertised among the staff of the Lothlorien theraputic community where I am a resident as the paid staff here keep trying to force me to take my medication. As you were recently in Ireland-did you leave any copies there? Bea 6/20/2011 12:57:54 PM Dear Daniel, I read most of the parts you wrote about Alice Miller. You brought up some issues that I did also feel while reading her books (although I would not have been able to analyse it as clearly as this). It is really important to point out her limits, because this is a chance for development. But I do not totally agree with your arguments, especially one thing: You do write that children do not feel love towards their parents, they do need them. I would say that \"need\" is very important but especially if you are not corrupted by abuse one does feel directly towards a person and equally as an adult does feel something toward someone he/she is close to, it is the same for a child. There are feelings a human feels towards someone close and this can also be love. But as you know for yourself \"feelings\" are no static state which does not change and stays for days, but yes there is joy to be together and the feeling of being connected. And yes I do admit that it would be the very best do be \"enlighted\" before having children, but in many cases it is the children that give one the chance to be aware of the own abuse - yes I know you do describe this abuse, but to live together is a process and not being enlighted now does not mean not trying hard and getting there while causing less and less damage, because there are great therapys and wonderful therapists where one can act out the rage and fear or any other sort of unresolved feeling. Nevertheless: Thanks for your inspiring article!!!! Drew Arrington 6/16/2011 8:06:21 PM Hello Daniel. Came here to see what was what form someone posting on Friends of CWG forum site. I haven\'t read all of your stuff yet, but it basically agrees with my conclusions and what I have been working on. If you are interested, I have a video blog I started and you can find it on youtube by typing in deepthoughtvlog. I am posting all the time and am getting my thoughts squared for a book. Would love your comments and critiques. Elena 6/12/2011 5:31:19 PM There are many things that I do NOT know in this life, but I do know one; the countless adults/parents, who are totally clueless and unaware of the major impact they have on their own children. Their abilty to damage something that is considered to be one of life\'s most precious gifts. If every parent/adult could realize that -- our kids would be in a better place. To be made aware of what we created ... we misuse that same power in destroying them. Like the 5 year old who builds a tower with his blocks and then knocks it down. Deanna LaValle 6/8/2011 12:49:29 AM Hi Mr. Mackler. \'Tis a true joy to have found your works, as I do research into my mental illness and the various possibilities of treatment. A friend of mine would like to buy one of your movies, but is unwilling to pay by credit card via the internet. Would you be able to provide for me/her a phone number she might call in order to make her order? Thank you so much. God bless you. Deanna Jacinta 6/6/2011 8:43:54 PM Thanks for introducing me to Alice Miller! I have read \"Drama\" twice now and have several others. I love the \"Bullshit\" song too! That is so great! I am a basic level Social Worker and did case management for 10 years in public mental health along with being an avid reader and follower of Thomas Szasz, I can\'t agree with you more. Thanks for the hard work and I plan to order a copy of your book. David Lee 5/15/2011 8:59:05 PM Daniel, I have just finished viewing Healing Homes and Open Dialogue. My gut reaction is to agree with you, Robert Whittaker, and Tomas Szasz (that I exchanged letters in the era that required licking postage stamps.) I believe we have much in common. I also make films & dvds. In fact, just returned from a show of my work in NYC and have something of an international rep. After a stint of teaching filmmaking to under-grads and graduate students, some non-film work in early revolutionary Nicaragua convinced me to go to nursing school. Eventually going to Yale and hating it. But, my commitment has been to served the under-served in our inner cities and southern Africa. I was offered some really lucrative gigs in psych., but declined them for what damage I saw being done in the name of \"healing.\" However, emotional crisis and issues have been major elements in my practice. I really enjoyed your Bullshit on Youtube, but I only could get it in chunks. I tried your talk about infant trauma, but quit from the reception I was getting. (I may have to face up to the hardship of getting a new computer.) I will enjoy exchanging ideas with you by email, if you have the time and interest. I may have a few challenges that might be interesting to you. Your sound tracks tell me many things. One is that you have good taste and you listen to Mississippi John Hurt. ? joe kelly 5/9/2011 8:03:15 AM Dear Daniel I\'m interested in film making as a means to influencing the great British public about mental distress. I think there is an importanr PR job for service users.I\'ve seen you\'re movie \'Take these broken wings\' Can you advise me. Thanks Joe Elaine D. Sanders 5/7/2011 6:58:27 PM Wow! Thank you for this wonderful website! I understand and agree with everything you say here. Please check out my blog ( is written with the sole purpose of empowering sensitive rare souls who need support for breaking free from their FOOs as part of their healing journeys to finding their true selves. I would love to hear your professional input and any advice. Alice Miller was also pivotal for me in my own healing and in becoming an enlightened witness for others. I am also working on a book at the moment. Sending you my warmest wishes on your highly enlightened journey and on the success of your books and movie projects! I look forward to hearing from you soon. With love and light, Elaine
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:54 am
Dr. Chu 5/7/2011 2:34:37 PM As a clinical psychologist and a survivor of child abuse, I appreciate Miller\'s work tremendously. Still, I too found her limitations in what you have mentioned in your writing. Thank you for sharing your thoguhts. p 4/27/2011 1:33:23 PM Very impressed of your efforts to cure schizophrenia without drugs. I am mildly surprised that a talent as young as yours has decided to move onward to other things! I trust you know best! I appreciate your past contributions, watching for more in the future wherever they may be. p 4/27/2011 1:28:17 PM Daniel, don\'t get me wrong, I\'m not trying to troll at all! I happen to disagree with maybe 50% of your content, well, what else is new? Maybe an opportunity for both to learn from each other. I\'m touched by your first paragraph of your \'about the writer\' page, I too am part of that large population of \'not so well cared for\' grown up kids. I wish you growth on your journey and perhaps some good conversations! If you have the patience or the time, have a look at, he\'s a historian who is popular everywhere except the USA, viz. listen to his \"From Guy Fawkes to 9/11...\" video at as it addresses scientific reductionism via Occam\'s razor. He also comments about Darwin, Galton, Malthus, all being either wrong, plagiarists, or paid lackies re the overpopulation debate. John Paul Gatto also touches on the real work we should be wary of by Darwin, The Descent of Man, but he\'s a New Yorker so you\'ve probably already heard of him. I think it\'s a cop-out to cite overpopulation as an excuse not to have kids (I didn\'t have the time to read your site, just guessing). p 4/27/2011 1:13:19 PM Did a fast read of your \"enlightenment/children\" essay. You don\'t really know what enlightenment is. Try visiting Toronto, there\'s a sifu who teaches enlightenment to students who can heal independent of distance and time. Sounds as nutty to me as it probably does to you. My best friend in high school is a student there, as hard nosed and skeptical as anyone you\'d meet (engineer, atheist, brilliant at his work) but he described to me how they obtain this enlightenment through very specific instruction. I\'d be happy to let your readers know how to find this little teaching institution but it\'s all done in Mandarin. I\'d imagine I\'ve just scratched the surface of \'enlightenment\' and I gather you can use that term any way you choose, but I think it\'s too loose to be useful or valid. p 4/27/2011 1:08:17 PM Adigo comments to your review of it were not convincing. You need a better map. For instance, I spoke to my uncle in 1985 when he was working with 4 NIH grants at the same time. He was 35 at the time. He said he\'d travel throughout the world and inspected a large number of alternative cures and treatments, ALL having nonsensical explanations or protocols; he said they worked but he could not explain how. Anyhow, he was in Time Magazine\'s \"America\'s Top Scientists\" cover story, I won\'t divulge who he is, since I don\'t know you well enough to pester him the way you argued in that comment thread. ina 4/24/2011 9:25:36 PM Wow...finally i heard someone speaking some of my thoughts and words for the first time. I wish I could turn my life into something with more sense...i felt many callings in my life, but didn\'t have the strength to follow through with anything and didn\'t overcome the obstacles yet. I didn\'t manage to learn anything properly in my life so far. I didn\'t have time to learn much or think about what I want because of troubles others caused me or I had I have some freedom and support for the first time and nothing seems to work. Your website was one of these signs in bad is good to see that I am not alone thinking common sense that does not fit with most people...even if they had a lot of painful experiences and are traumatised. Yet they don\'t want to face it, have all kinds of addictions and make others feel guilty and weird who try to sort out their traumas for themselves and the rest of the world. Everyone who managed to keep or find emotions will do that. I hope there will be more people like that too in the future. To me it seems being in the world means a lot of responsibility...tiering sometimes. Thank you for sharing your journey, you\'ve come so far. And inspire others. A Good Mother 4/19/2011 2:55:09 AM You should become a father before you start judging parents in such harsh ways...I used to talk like you before I became a mother. I was sexualy abused as a child but had a pretty ok family/parents. I simply cannot and do not feel towards my parents as you do towards yours and the way you judge other parents. I now give my kids as much of me as possible but I am sure not to your standard...which does not make me a bad parent. Colin Hughes 4/13/2011 11:02:03 AM If you ever took the trouble to examine the book Alcoholics Anonymous you nwould find that it has a Chapter entitled Spiritual Experience. At the bottom of the first page it says \"With few exceptions our members find that they have tapped an unsuspected INNER resource which they presently identify with THEIR OWN conception of a power greater than themselves\" It then goes on to say if you happen to be religious you can call it god. It really annoys me that people like yourself assume that all of the 12 Step fellowships are made up of \"God Botherers\" this is just not trueas you would find out if you took time to investigate. I am a recovered alcoholic of many, many years who doesn\'t believe in god of any sorts but through actually doing the steps I found my real self within me under many years of false beliefs, lies I was told etc and the steps are designed to facilitate this discovery!! Brenda Burningham 4/7/2011 2:07:02 AM Daniel : I do apologize I may have begun my first comment to you by using another name. This is another issue that has plagued my for many years. It was not meant as a slight. Brenda Burningham 4/7/2011 1:53:31 AM Nick : Just found your website, after being linked to your long and insightful critique of Alice Miller\'s thoughts as published in her books, translated to English for us. It\'s obvious that my own intellectual development (something that was very important to me) was hampered by my own unresolved childhood issues, for you voiced many of the responses and inconsistencies that I myself noted while reading her works, yet dismissed within myself by criticizing my own assessment as that of an amateur intellectual (because I did not have the credentials she had). So I have bookmarked your website and will explore it some more. Thank you! What the... 4/1/2011 6:31:29 PM Many parents go wrong with the approach...the childs needs outway everything else...this creates grown people that have a hightned sense of entitlement. We are all equal. the needs of the child do not outway the needs of the family. The needs of the family do not outway the needs of the community. James Richardson 3/27/2011 4:29:15 PM Excellent review on Stephen Mitchell\'s \"The Enlightened Mind\" book. Perceptive. Your comments on dissociation should be more widely expressed by others. And that much religious behaviors are nothing more than hypnosis. I find compartmentalization the main operator in educated religious folk I run across. It is amazing, as though there are several separate selves in there, which others have suggested is quite typical (Shah, Ornstein). That said, the topic has always been my favorite one , and I do like many of these sages\' suggestions in the book. I just read above in one of your guestbook comments \"The purpose of life is to depend on God and to glorify him.\" Uh, sure...that will improve the world for us all (not). God\'s Fan Club has not done a great overall job so far, IMO, no matter which god one picks. I am becoming more convinced each year that the materialists are correct. At any rate, you have a fine website. Len Lempa 3/4/2011 7:52:37 PM Hello. Just recently found this website. I am a social worker from Illinois and am currently working in a hospital setting. I am increasingly dissatisfied and frustrated with what passes for treatment here in the states. Just want to put out that some of us need to start coming together and creating programs modelled after the work that is happening in Finland and Sweden. We also have the models that Loren Mosher worked with at Soteria House back in the 1970s. Our system is so entrenched in the biomedical pharmaceutical institutional model that it is hard to imagine breaking out of it. If it can be done elsewhere though there is no reason change can\'t happen here. I am curious if there are places where people of a similar mindset may be able to meet up. Nick Arrizza M.D. 3/3/2011 5:45:50 PM You may find my work particularly resonant with much of what you speak of. If ever you wish to talk kindly let me know. Thanks Nick Arrizza M.D. K.Sarvela 2/25/2011 5:54:02 PM Thanks for your wonderful youtube clips of childhood traumas and healing processes. I would have like to order your booklet (Childhood Trauma and Enlightment) but your system did not accept my finnish telephone number. It told me that it is unvalid :). I sure would have liked to get it. I am a hypnotherapist and I have done my healing process by journaling using the method of ego state. I created an inner theater and went through retrospective and teleologial process after a chaotic life situation. I wrote everyday about 4-6 hours for oone year. Your book would have been so interesting! Androulla 2/15/2011 8:51:46 PM Daniel I\'ve just had a weekend fest-a-thon on your YouTube videos, which were very timely, much needed & gratefully received. I\'ve been through much & agree with pretty much 99% of what you say. So, am just saying \'thank you very much\' for taking the time to reach out and help others, like me. Kind regards Androulla, London, UK Cathy 2/13/2011 6:13:57 AM Daniel! I stumbled across your work on Youtube and couldn\'t stop listening. The words you speak touch my heart. I am overwhelmed. As an educator for 25 years and a mother of two grown sons, I understand your thoughts about going back to childhood issues. I wonder if you have touched on forgiveness for your parents\' mistakes as a part of your self-therapy. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to allow a person to heal deep wounds and to then take personal responsibility for one\'s own growth and enlightenment. Thank you very much for sharing your insights with the world... David Rouge 2/12/2011 5:44:01 PM Great to see you today. Will read up shortly.. Just wanted to let you know I am organizing a presentation at Good Shepherd Church by James Gilligan, a shrink/scholar in residence at NYU who studies/writes about violence. Hope you can come if you are still in New York. David
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:53 am
Agnes 2/10/2011 7:00:29 PM Waw! What an incredible video \"A vision of enlightenment\". Up until now, I thought I was crazy for thinking exactly like you described in the video. I am (partial) survivor of childhood abuse, and after my children were born, I have realized why I have so many limitations. I believe that most of the worldâ??s population (or at least North America) is still in their infant minds, unaware, completely selfish, and destructive by no other fault than the way they were brought up, and this goes back to how their parents were raised and how their parents parents were raised and so on. Daniel, you are absolutely right when you say that if everyone would just dealt with their issues, there would be no need for such tragedy. We are all so â??attachedâ? to one another, in the wrong way, meaning one drowns the other because there are not fulfilled (fully loved), and were we are lacking or not trusting ourselves, we as adults get angry (like the child kicks and screams when they have a tantrum), and start blaming others for our troubles rather than fixing our own limitations. I can go on and on, but I just want to say that you are doing a wonderful job spreading this word. You will have much resistance in your journey from others, if you have not already experienced it, but donâ??t give up. I will not give up either. I am frustrated and discussed by how our world is running but I guess that is where I still have a lot of my own fixing to do to be truly fulfilled by the parent in me, but once I get there, that anger, frustration will be replaced with complete understanding, and that is only when I can truly give to the world without drowning others. Thank you so very much for the video, it will reach people! Beth 2/7/2011 3:55:39 AM Nick, I absolutely loved finding your articles on truth. I connected with so much of what you included, especially in the suicide and high functioning writings. I am presently feeling so alone in my beliefs (truth) and have lost many very dear friends because the truths i speak of frighten them. They prefer to continue to live in denial. I stand in my own truth but it is becoming increasingly lonely as i heal. I, too, suffered childhood trauma - sexual abuse- and have been working on my healing for 12 years. Thank-you so much for your refreshingly honest writings. I wish i could share this site with someone - but i\'ve successfully scared them away........ Adelaida 1/31/2011 5:04:28 PM Hei Daniel, do I have your permission to translate in Romanian and post to my Facebook profile your \'15 debunked lies\' ? Of course, with the appropriate references? many thanks, & peace, Adelaida Tina 1/31/2011 3:48:05 PM It took me many years to come to terms with my parents\' indifference to me. The emotional scars stay with you. How I forgave them is by trying to understand that they had been conditioned by the culture they grew up in - authorities always know best, they\'re older so they\'re wiser - ha ha! What I find most difficult to bear is people who let their children cry and cry. The child\'s misery is real, do something!! What do you think? joe kelly 1/15/2011 12:33:09 PM Dear Danial I recieved my copy of \'Take these Broken Wings\' by post a few days ago. Many Thank I shall be showing it to friends and associates. I think it\'s a teriffic movie Marsha 1/14/2011 8:30:30 PM Pages 8 and 18 {the entries from Scarley and the two Peter(s)} say what I agree with. Some of your reasons against schizophrenia being caused by mothers were so bogus and sounded like you were making a complete joke of it all. Perhaps they didn\'t go as far to view the movie, like myself, so therefore wouldn\'t\'ve known that you actually support the theory that bad parenting can and does cause mental illnesses. And you acted like they must\'ve been confused or something. No, it was YOU that failed to explain. I thought about mentioning Sybil Dorsett, as I first read your (was it?) 32 reasons, however, when I went to your guestbook, I figured you out. You just like confusing people. Sitaboona 1/13/2011 12:03:48 PM interesting article. It is for this to you many thanks! Linda Greene 1/8/2011 5:29:53 PM I just stumbled upon your website and I feel so pleased to have found a kindred soul on the journey of self enlightenment. Please keep up the good are changing the world! Ana Reis 1/5/2011 12:13:44 PM Dear Irare: As well as you (so I understand) I have a huge respect for Alice Miller. It was the reading of hers books that opened me the possibility to start felling again. I got so used to endure pain and emptiness that I maintained myself in a robot not so good functional way of living. Unfortunately, as well as many people I started analyses whit a therapist who also never had their parents idealization sorted out. I was encouraged to try and see love out of my upbringing when I only could see selfishness and neglect. I also begin to realize that although the process of speaking about my feeling was helping me get in touch with my inner child, I was not receiving the empathy towards my truth. I m righting you to say that knowing that people like you are out there, makes me fell that is possible to continue my process towards self knowledge and self healing. On the contrary of most people Iâ??m not here to forgive anyone. I was hard enough for me to realize that indignation, ager and hurt were appropriate answers to my history and feelings. It was precisely the forcing towards forgiving that made me very very hill. I m just happy to hear you say that itâ??s ok to get away from our family, that itâ??s ok to be alone, that sex is just one of the multiples forms of getting some feeding. Sometimes I wander what was it like to new someone without the projections and traumas we carry. I donâ??t even think that we see ourselves or know ourselves, so how can we become partners, parents and adults? We are addicted to people and things that we think can (in a very twisted and poorly way) meet the needs we carry since childhood. Your existence gives me hope. I donâ??t want anything more than to know that Iâ??m not alone. Thank you. Ana Reis henrik 1/1/2011 2:50:00 PM Came across a mentioning of your name today, and was tempted to see more. What I have seen so far agree with my own mind. Your thougths on an overpopulated globe, especially so. But should the anglosaxons refrain from propagation while the asians and africans spawn offspring en masse? I am airing a thougth here, not asking for an answer (but anticipating to see one when it has ripened.) greg 1/1/2011 6:35:14 AM Will be interesting to see how you feel about all of this in the years to come! I believe you have a good deal of growing up to do. You sound very immature and overly idealistic. You must temper some of your idealism with a good dose of realism. We are no longer in the Garden of Eden. This is the real world and necessity demands its due!! You seem like a very sweet young man. Good Luck... joe kelly 12/28/2010 8:42:00 PM hi daniel i like your talk with will hall on madness radio. i am active in mh affairs in london uk. i think your work is really excellent. let me know if you are visiting london. cheers joe kelly Barbara Rogers 12/27/2010 10:25:10 PM Hi, Daniel, yesterday, I watched your fascinating documentary \"Take These Broken Wings,\" and I was very moved by it. The interviews provide invaluable information. The truth and the personalities of courageous people shine through them and make your documentary unique and powerful. Thank you for your great effort and this wonderful work of art and truth-telling. Sincerely, Barbara Rogers December 27, 2010 anna lacroix 12/22/2010 1:24:33 AM do you speak to your parents now Charli 12/18/2010 7:40:50 PM Forgiving my abuser has been an essential step in my recovery. Holding all of that hate and anger toward him was toxic. I fear that you are erroneously confusing forgiving an abuser with pardoning them. He will be judged and punished appropriately. My forgiving him in no way makes his responsibility for hurting me less. It only frees me and allows healing within my soul. charli 12/18/2010 7:31:01 PM As a child I was abused. The worst abuse was definatly perpetrated by my brother. He molested me for over ten years. My mother still swears she had no idea but all of the signs were there. They used shame as a tool to keep us in line. When shame didn\'t work they used violence. If violence didn\'t work they would deny us their love. They sheltered, clothed and fed us but every child they \"parented\" is completely messed up as an adult. Out of all of my siblings I am by far the healthiest. It has taken years of therapy and hard work. I still see a therapist and know I have a ton of work to do, probably for the rest of my life! I was twenty when my daughter was born. I was definately emotionally immature and I did want a baby to finally know unconditional love. Your theory that because of my own immature emotional state, selfish desire to be loved therefore brought my child into an abusive environment is way off base! Because of my daughter I got help. I protected her like a mother bear! I married a wonderful man and we had two boys. We raise our children with love, structure, boundaries and faith in Christ. My children are my motivation to live a healthy life. Dealing with the issues that incest causes takes a determination I wouldn\'t have if it weren\'t for my children! They make me want to do better, be better, get better and stay better! That healing wouldn\'t have begun without my selfish desire to know unconditional love. I am in no way a perfect parent but I must ask you sir, are you? Do you strive daily to be a better person for your children? In your assumptions you leave little room for any exception to your rules. Being a parent is the most wonderous experience and luckily it started from a selfish desire to know love. Dr Charles Parker 12/16/2010 10:39:11 AM The healing comes from those who understand - and leave no stones unturned. Healing does not come from, as some think, simply identifying the problem label and throwing meds at it. Stuck in the past, stuck anywhere, interestingly enough, can, and often does have biologically active roots that perpetuate the challenge of living every day - and the new brain science does offer a variety of practical solutions for those interested. cp
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:53 am
Juliano 12/15/2010 7:40:40 PM Hi Daniel I have just heard your interview you did with Madness radio. HOW can I communicate how it made me feel....? my whole organism wanted to cry with ecstasy. I am So inspired by you and your loving energy--not only for seeing right through the crap, but acting on that. I am not a down-like person though I can be as I am human. I do a lot of research and come up against a lot of dehumanization that makes my whole organism want to be sick, but you Daniel, and people like you restore my faith in humanity. Any more of this and YOU may be sick....LOL haha, but seriously I cannot express how you make me feel. SO INSPIRED I WANNA DANCE AND SICG AND LAUGH AND CRY Peace and Love Juliano mary 12/15/2010 9:41:17 AM am interested in listening to your music but cannot seem to do so. Is there some trick to listening that i am missing. Living in Ireland and am passionate about the whole area you are involved in. Have moved out mostly of conventional, institutional areas and carving a new niche which continues to benefit all. Have been a single parent for 20 years !! and do very very well considering. Mary Michele 12/8/2010 11:24:34 PM Hello, I am a 35 yr old female I just found out about your film \"take these broken wings\" I have been diagnoised with schizophrenia. I have been on and off medications(many different anti psyotics, all have horrible side effects) for years with some success at times other great failures. I perfer to hear my voices so often i will take a small dose of med to \"take the edge off\" other times I try to do it on my own. I have finally found a psychiatrist that is willing to support me regardless of I am on and off medicataion. I have a wonderful therapist that is not sold that i can be of medications but continues to work with me. I have currently been off medications a few months with minor problems but am slowly regaining my footing and going on with life. Its really encouraging to know there are others out there that have the same illness as me and have done it without medication espicaly when I have been told since diagnosis that I would be on an anti psyotic for the rest of my life. TS 12/8/2010 10:45:47 PM I know you and you know me, we have met before. We have seen each other on the streets talked with little words but much meaning, I apologize for not realizing who you were and for not knowing who I was. Although I know now that we will find each other again. There are so many people but so few souls. This world is covered with seeds but is starving for trees and water. We have all the time in the world to play with but little time to live it. I have been watching closer than I ever have before. I am awake now and ready to play this game of peace. We are so lucky to be here. We will have more fun than we ever had before. Itâ??s time to live our lives and not the lives of others. If you feel it you will be looking as I have been for you. Itâ??s lonely but there is hope. We can help others help themselves. You will meet me when I am down. I will meet you when you are hurt. When your car has broken down on the road I will be the one with tools. When you are lost I will be the one to hand you the map. There is only one way to meet each other and you know where to look. I wait in your memories and your dreams. If you have ever met me you will never stop looking for me. There is much to share; we will grow faster and stronger when we find each other. We were learning from our history as none have before us. We now wear a mask not to hide from who we are but from fear from others if they see our face. We were not born to play the role of statues but to be the ones to carve them. Suzi Wong 12/6/2010 11:06:08 PM I have been looking at your views on Alice Miller and as someone who has faced her own history (depths of my soul) I find your challenge of her rather Narcissistic. I totally get Hubris. I get the context and I feel you are the one confusing things. It seems like an infantile and pointless challenge. Why would you bother? What are you trying to prove? Have you faced your own history? This is the truth of how I feel after reading your piece. God Bless Suzi Eveline MacDougall 12/4/2010 10:01:08 PM I just watched \"Take These Broken Wings\" and I think your work holds so much essential hope. People like you help to save the world by speaking the truth about so many things. You are no doubt labelled by some \"misguided\", but I think you are the real deal. Thank you. Keep at it. I would guess you have changed lives, and will change many more. I don\'t believe in buying holiday gifts (I usually make my own) but this year, even though I am fairly low-income, I am purchasing your DVD for each member of my immediate family. Rock on. Colin Hughes 11/20/2010 11:34:40 AM Sorry that you\'ve never met a recovered alcoholic or really read the AA book if you had done you would have a different view of the 12 Steps and their outcome. I sincerely hope that you change your views especially as you seem to be about helping others. Stephen 11/19/2010 11:31:56 PM Hi, Is it possible to buy take these broken wings as a download? opeyemi parham, M.D. 11/14/2010 3:29:45 PM So good to met you, Daniel! I am spreading the word abut your DVD, and this website. We \"feral\" healers (having left the domesticated end of the spectrum and now thriving in the wild) should support each other. Check out my essay at my website, \"Why I stopped doctoring\" and this great new book \"Hope Beneth Our Feet\", in which I have an essay titled, \"Waking From Despair\": ( Sharon O\'Farrell 11/14/2010 11:30:55 AM Hi Daniel, I am a psychotherapist in Ireland and am also an adult survivor of trauma and abuse. I \'\'accidentally\'\' stumbled across your work here this morning and am reading all your essays with great interest. I\'ll be back in touch soon as I would like to connect with you to discuss some issues you have highlighted that I also see in my day to day life and work. Siobhan Ni Laighin 10/31/2010 5:05:14 AM Hi, I stumbled on your website after listening to an interview on Madness Radio (interview with Cathy Penny). At first glance I notice a few things that jump out at ended your therapist practice on my birthday earlier this year...... You\'ve just returned from Ireland (where I grew up and continue to visit annually)\'ve been influenced by Alice Miller (me too).....but mostly you see trauma in childhood where most people don\'t. I have some experience with madness (I\'ve been hospitalised twice, 7 years apart). I have a 9 year old son. We live in Seattle, mainly so I can be involved in a school community which considers childrens freedom something worth\'s a democratically run school where kids get the same vote as an adult, make the rules and choose how to spend their time. I have not yet delved into your written materials on the site but am looking forward to it during my coming hibernation over the winter months. If I\'m inspired, I\'ll write more comments. Siobhan Jorge 10/9/2010 10:13:20 AM Hi Daniel, im a 29 years olf guy from Spain, i found your youtube videos very useful, is like though you i can can see reflected parts of me that have never been seen in other person. I also have been journaling for many years, with a similar acttitude, and muy aims in life are similar as well.I have one question, as i see here in your web your degree is in biology, how could you be a terapist ? is legal there in american? which are your credentials for the patients? Parcel 10/3/2010 11:38:34 PM Hi Dan, I would like to thank you for explaining what I went thro and why, cos it all starts to make sense now. Thank you so much. I became a Christian in 1990 and only then did the healing process begin, and boy was it painfull! Its still going on now, and having to come to terms with the fact that my mother abused me, my father was never around to protect me, I never felt loved, living in many houses in various parts of the country and attending many schools ,growing up with someone who apparently is my brother, has been very traumatic. Only now am I starting to realise I went thro all this stuff for a purpose and thro it all, as healing follows, I can help others who may go thro similiar experiences. This is (I believe) so that God gets all the honor and the glory. Until I came to \"know\" the Lord, my life was a mess. Thanks Parcel Millie 10/1/2010 10:42:28 AM I read your ctitique of Judith Herman\'s book and I don\'t really agree with you. I\'ve experienced the extreme trauma that she\'s discussing and I find it unhelpful that so much work about surviving trauma is about less extreme situations. Maybe we need two different words. I can see that betrayal, disillusionment, lack of nurturing etc causes psychic wounding and affects individuals and society, but it can\'t be put into the same category as being subject to intense, deliberate and extreme trauma. They\'re different things. I also think the \"every rapist was himself raped\" argument is interesting but narrow. I\'m not sure it\'s only trauma that causes trauma. Lack of personal challenge/achievement and engagement leaves people open to indoctrination, depersonalisation, lienation and an exaggerated sense of entitlement. And your argument doesn\'t have a mirror image - not everyone who was raped becomes a rapist - so what does that mean for your statement? Daniel Mackler 9/25/2010 7:11:51 AM Hi all---thanks for the comments---I enjoy reading them. I was basically offline for a month, living in Ireland editing two new films, and have just returned to read the guestbook. About the father who takes a five year son to violent, graphic me that\'s just horrible, plain and simple. Terrible for the child, on who-know-how-many levels. Also, Nick wrote several very personal entries on this guestbook and later emailed me asking that I remove them, which I did---so I just wanted people to know that I\'m not arbitrarily removing people\'s entries!! It is very nice to read what people write---I very much appreciate it. Also, one of these days I\'m going to be adding more material to this website, and updating it more and more and more.... Soon, when I have the time! All the best, Daniel Rachel 9/25/2010 2:54:01 AM Daniel, your site is extremely interesting. What you talk about, i always knew and felt, raising my own children, but i could never explain it. Becoming a mother i realized how much a child depends on their parent, especially the state of mind they are in and the emotions they display. I can\'t believe more people don\'t realize this. I try so hard to remain aware of my childrens\' sensitivity to thier parents\' behavior. Thank u for sharing all your insight! I knew there were people like you out there.
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:46 am
Sandy Price 9/9/2010 10:01:17 PM I find this site very interesting and am a victim of child abuse myself. Quit my job uprooted my whole life to find i have been diagnosed with Mpd, no joke but what i find is missing in all of your comments and for that matter even in the documentary is the lack of God. Where is the forgivness and hope and respect of the parents who gave you life, it is your responsiblity to be happy to find happiness ,no one elses as you travell are you not using people for your own reasons, please think about this All of our lives are fragile. The purpose of life is to depend on God and to glorify him Candice 9/9/2010 2:18:05 PM Btw, Nick, if you ever introduce yourself to the forum discussion board, don\'t be afraid to really go into detail about your life, your past and childhood, the most honest and open people always seem to get the most responses and warm welcomes 🙂 Candice 9/9/2010 1:54:52 PM @ Nick hello, I live in Australia also 🙂 I know many people who are in a similar position to you! You can find them at should you be looking to reach out to someone at some stage, Stefan Molyneux, the host of the website runs a podcast show about a variety of topics; child abuse, family of origin (FOO), cutting contact with the FOO (also known as deFOO, many people at FDR have \'deFOOed\'), the government (mainly how its roots are in abusive childhoods), relationships of all kinds, stateless (nonviolent) societies (how they can be achieved through loving and caring for children), religion and atheism. many of the views are quite controversial because of how heavily they focus on the roots of many destructive things being in childhood. There\'s quite a strong community growing there with many who describe what you describe. You have my sympathies for seeing all the dreadful child abuse, I find it traumatic when I walk down the street and hear a parent threaten to smack a child, let alone be constantly surrounded by it! Candice 9/1/2010 2:03:18 PM @ Sue I am simply horrified to read that a man is taking his 5 year old son to watch such movies, I don\'t think you need to ask Mackler\'s opinion of this either to know what he will feel. This child is being completely traumatized by a cruel, sick and evil man, and at whatever lengths necessary this child needs to be taken to safety, and after he has been taken to safety whoever is caring for him must to help him heal from this trauma immediately. Mackler as far as I am aware does not have internet access atm. I was compelled to respond because of how awful this situation is. sue 8/30/2010 2:39:11 AM What do you feel about a father who takes his 5 yr old son to R rated movies that are very violent and graphic, My daughter and husband are separated. She and son live with us. He told my daughter that if she doesn\'t agree to certain things that he will start taking his son to worse movies. No divorce yet. It has been three years, but my daughter has been logging everything. Don\'t want to get into everything. Was not sure if this is going to show up on the site. Paulina 7/30/2010 2:12:59 PM Hi Curious, A person who says that parents are always trying their best is forgetting or doesn\'t have idea that a parent with active needs from his/her childhood is not even able to see the child (not even talking about doing any best for the child). It\'s not possible to do any good for a child when your needs from childhood are still \"flying in the air\" and you don\'t recognise them. What that person is saying is a normal excuse, nothing else. It doesn\'t matter if parents are or aren\'t trying their best, if someone is trying the best for you but this \"best\" is somethig you do not need at all and additionaly there are things that you actually need, does it matter that this someone is trying best for you? And parents will additionally demand their child to feel grateful to the end of his/her life for something that they usually did not need at all. curiousN 7/26/2010 6:30:15 PM Hi Pauline. I didn\'t and don\'t have any children. The two people I mentioned though both have children... Paulina 7/25/2010 9:22:14 PM Hi Curious, Now that I think of, I cannot say what would be my reaction to that book if I did not have a child, but I do so I cannot imagine passing by something like this. Did you have children at that time? curious n 7/25/2010 9:13:34 PM Hi Pauline hope you dont mind, but just wanted to say something on your converstion with Daniel. I remember reading The Drama of a Child over 20 years ago. I still have the original copy! But anyway I didn\'t love it, just thought it was ok. I re-read it a couple of years ago and it blew me away, as did her other books. I dont know why it didn\'t touch me the first time- maybe I was just so out of touch with myself that I could not have any empathy towards myself. At that time I thought my mum was perfect and I was the problem. A couple of people who I know (and who have been in therapy for years) have read her books and there differing reactions and comments are interesting-one say\'s she\'s too much on the childs side and forgets parents are trying there best, another says the book is amazing, yet sides with her mothers abusive behaviour disowning herself and her needs. I don\'t know if they choose to ignore or discount or minimalise, but certainly when I remember my reaction twenty years ago, or lack of it, I know there was no (conscious) decision to reject her teachings-on reflection and tragically I believe I was so traumatised that there was not much \'self\' to consciuosly do much. Thanks for an interesting thread Paulina 7/25/2010 5:41:24 PM Hi Daniel, thank you for your answer. It\'s not really that I think you blame Alice Miller. But let\'s say your mother understood the book completely (pretty much everyone does, right?), so why she kept on hurting you? Is it possible to \"know\" and not do nothing, is it possible to be so unbelivably cruel? I think this is the thing that is so extremely hard to face for child. I had a situation with my father 1,5 yrs ago that I still cannot go through. I told him once (finally) how severe my depression was, how I suffer each day, that I actually don\'t live my own life at all and told him that this is all beacuse of how they (my parents) were treating me in childhood. I have a brother that is 14 and still lives with them. I asked him to do something to help my brother not to suffer like me in future. And do you think he did anything? Unfortunately nothing. Completely nothing, like I haven\'t said anything to him.... And I still think it must have been something wrong with my explanation of my disease beacuse I cannot understand how can anyone be so cruel....(of course I understand it with my mind, but not with my emotions) I have given this example beacuse it seems to me very similar to you, the book and your mother. You prefer to say that the book was wrong not your mother so extremely cruel. The book helped me, it helped you, why wouldn\'t it help your mother??? And I do think telling anyone what to do or not do is abusive as opposed to informing or even suggesting. If you are abusive to abusive parents who do you think they will put their anger at? Their children? so are you really helping the children? Or you are only abusive the same way they are. Regards, Paulina Daniel Mackler 7/25/2010 1:58:33 PM Dear Paulina (previous commenter on this guestbook), Hmm... Interesting interpretation, but I don\'t agree. According to you I blame Alice Miller in lieu of blaming my mother. In reality I blame my mother far more strongly than I blame Alice Miller --- after all, Alice Miller has done nothing to hurt me. But regardless, I think my criticisms against Alice Miller\'s POV stand on their own two feet. To label my criticisms of Alice Miller as \"weird\" (or \"abusive\") suggests to me that you are having difficulty following their emotional logic, and, to a degree, are siding with the parent, not the child. I don\'t see it as abusive to tell abusive parents (even mildly abusive parents) that it was inappropriate for them to have had children, or to suggest that people with a propensity to abuse their children should not become parents. Thanks for the comment --- it got me thinking --- Daniel Paulina 7/25/2010 8:16:19 AM Honestly after what I read on your page I think you cannot face the fact that your mother read Alice Miller\'s book and did not do anything to help her child. She ignored the knowledge. She must have known she was hurting her child, yet she did nothing. And this is not the book\'s fault but your mother\'s. This was her choice. I am so aware of things going between me and my child after reading this book, I read it and made use of it, that means that everyone can do that, and if someone does not do this, it means the person does not want to use the knowledge. Pointless to blame Alice Miller and try to find some weird mistakes in her theory. Telling someone what they should or should not do (having children or not) is abusive I think. You can only inform them and have hope they understand. Regards, Paulina Daniel Mackler 7/23/2010 8:26:18 PM Thanks all for the kind comments. Sorry I have so little time to respond---I\'ve been on the road for months (filming a new documentary), and have only little bursts of time on the web. If someone wants to email directly you can do that too (my email is at the bottom of my homepage), and I\'ll try to respond---mostly briefly though, because a lot of time I\'m at internet cafes in the middle of nowhere, paying for time by the minute! Thanks again for commenting though---I love reading the comments (even the critical ones)---Daniel Emily 7/18/2010 6:11:57 AM Hi Daniel- I just watched \"The Time Traveler\'s Wife.\" It seemed to me to be a depiction of the dissociation that happens when trauma victims buried emotional memories are triggered. It even talks about how children of unhealed trauma victims can inherit the condition. And, of course, in the movie, they blame it on \"genes\" rather than Alice Miller-style theories of compulsive repetition in order to recover the memory. Just thought I\'d mention it in case you hadn\'t seen it. laz 7/10/2010 3:17:12 PM ...I think the most salient point in your writings is how our culture fails to nourish and support anyone who sets out on a path to find one\'s true self, its failings and wounds, and engages in the process of is a lonely quest, and despite our being separated by distance, it is a comfort to know that there are others out there who feel the same need for truth and Truth and despite all the cultural obstacles and temptations, carry on with such a search, which in the end, will not only enrich our lives but that culture which so disdains our quest... David French 7/2/2010 1:44:15 PM Hi Daniel, Is it possible to enter into a private dialogue with you via e-mail? Best wishes, David French
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:45 am
Patricia Humphreys 6/20/2010 7:46:40 PM Hi Daniel. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart and congratulate you on your documentary Take These Broken Wings. It was incredibly helpful to me and my daughter, who has recently been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. She has been told she has a hopeless brain disease and will need to take mind disabling medication for life, \"like insulin for diabetes.\" The ubiquitous medical model in North America is a hard thing to oppose. I think the public desperately needs to know more about the history of the treatment of mental illness, the amazingly optomistic long-term recovery rates of those who are not medicated, and the dubious benefits of (not to mention skyrocketing profit from) neuroleptic drugs. I hope that your film will receive much wider distribution. Many many thanks!~ P. Carrie 6/18/2010 8:32:03 PM I\'m so interested in your views Daniel. I\'m reading Toward Truth just now and would really like to know what you think about \'psychopathy\'. My very limited understanding of psychopaths is that they make some kind of decision, from their early and severe wounding, to only care about themself. I don\'t believe what they do IS that, I think, it might be part of what they believe. Isn\'t this kind of closing off from people a rejection of humanity? I think lots of supposedly non-psychopaths do this too. I wonder about the extent of the turning away from others that you advocate. It troubles me. Cheryl Jonas 6/10/2010 1:51:02 AM Hi Daniel. We met serendiptiously when you were filming at Windhorse. You and I drove over to a \"voices\" meeting and had a great conversation along the way.You gave me the name of a good alternative psychiatrist in Chicago and I am hoping you can re-send that information, since I can\'t find it. I hope your travels and the sites your are filming are being all that you hoped. Emily 5/29/2010 6:23:03 AM Hi Daniel- Thank you for your contribution of this website to these important issues. I like much of what you write. I am also someone who has remained childless (and celibate in recent years) trying to get clean of my traumatized past through therapy and a lot of reading, including Alice Miller. Two things I wanted to mention: 1. I found studying the broader social system of patriarchy (where men control the resources and compete with each other for them and are basically raised to ignore their emotions in furtherance of this \"heroism\" which often includes risking their lives, and where women become objectified and are valued only for fertility) enormously helpful in resolving some issues of why so many people have difficult childhoods. I would recommend Terry Real\'s book \"I Don\'t Want to Talk About It,\" any of Michael Kimmel\'s books, and Alan Johnson\'s book \"The Gender Knot.\" I am a woman and have been interested in trying to find a hetero man (perhaps a co-author) who might be interested in cooperatively looking at the contemporary issues associated with how patriarchy is sort-of unraveling to more equality of the sexes and how this relates to the possibility of reducing trauma in the culture. 2. You talk a lot about seeking perfection and purity. I am not sure that this is necessary? While having standards is important and you include some important standards in your various articles posted here, many of which I agreed with, I think sometimes a calling these standards \"good enough\" is a little easier to swallow? Isn\'t perfectionism a classic coping mechanism (almost an addiction in itself) for trauma survivors? Diane Craig 5/25/2010 6:36:01 AM Please take into consideration the following: Alcoholics Anonymous has helped hundreds of thousands of alcoholics recover from what seemed to be a hopeless situation and from which they were dying. I am one of those. And though I agree that the alcoholic could further their spiritual enlightenment, there are many, like myself who have discovered not only spiritual awakenings by working the 12 steps but enhancement through other self-help programs. Self-mastery is one by which I have found much discipline. But I would plead with you not to take anything away from AA by discouraging the alcoholic from going to seek the beginnings of what may be the best part of life, sobriety, and allow the alcoholic to take what they need and put the rest aside for future reference. You could be saving a life simply by stating the number of people who have found a hopeful beginning there. The book Alcoholics Anonymous states that they only touched the surface. This leaves the alcoholic plenty of room to seek enlightenment in whatever manner they see fit. Personally, I was raised in a loving home where I recieved lots of hugs and kisses and attention. It was just never enough. The very first time I drank, I lost all control over how much I was to drink that night. No one poured it down my throat, no one forced me to drink and we were not playing a card game. I just drank til all the booze was gone. Being alcoholic simply means that the person has lost the control to stop drinking and then they \"think\" they can control it next time. Please re-think what kind of influence you might be placing on the next would be alcoholic who reads your pages. You could be saving a life or detrimental to another. Rosas - 45 y.o. NYC resident 5/24/2010 5:25:30 AM Hello Daniel, great website. Also if not for your website links, I would still have not known of Alice Miller\'s passing just a month ago. I support your work and efforts and undoubtedly appreciate all that you have done and are doing. I need to spend more time reading and thinking on your site. Thanks again. curious n 5/18/2010 3:23:29 PM Hi I just wanted to share my deep saddness at Alice Miller\'s death. She was a great woman who dared to voice the unspeakable truth of the suffering many children have/had at the hands of their parents. The very hands of the people who were meant to love and protect their children. I hope she is resting in peace. The world is a sadder place without her. daxe 5/15/2010 8:07:47 PM Thanks for the \"Critique of Alice Miller\" youTube videos. I would lie to caution against your conclusion to not have children unless you have resolved all your issues. I haven\'t, and i do have two small children. I waited a long time (resolving many issues), but when would i ever know if i was done? Can you be sure about yours? Anyway, it was good for me to realize fully that my parents are children themselves. I almost want to say: parents are children and children are parents. You seem to seek such purity. That is dangerous. It is exactly what Hitler did, isn\'t it? Could you say when you are pure enough to have a child? Could you have told me not to? curious n 5/12/2010 4:14:17 PM Hi daniel, Thanks for being a sane mirror in an insane world. I agree with most things you write, however hearing how you have been able to work for the last 10 years, do music, make films, have some healthy relationships with supportive friends, highlights something for me... I do not want to make light of all your suffering in your child, however I would like to suggest some of us have been so traumatised that we have not been able to function in the world as you have clearly been able to. it is also extremly difficult if not impossible to cut from all romantic links, if the only relationship you have is your partner. And if leaving your partner, cuts you off from all human contact, then that is an isolation that no human being should have to expereince. I do not say it is a bad idea to cut off romantic relationships, but some people have been so traumatised that it would take years, if not their whole life before significant healing can take place. I need human contact and friendship even if it is distorted through the lense of my trauma! I want to end by saying thankyou for all your affirming work and revelations. I love your songs and in part they make me cry when I need to, get in touch with my anger to action things, but most of all they help in giving me the courage to know the work I am doing on myself is worthwhile, within a world that relates to me as unhealthy for daring to look at my childhood in such detail. It is mostly a lonely endeavour, so it is good and esential to have a mirror that reflects my struggles, and reflects much of my sensed truth. Daniel LeBlanc 5/11/2010 9:27:51 PM Hey, Daniel. I\'ve been enjoying you\'re videos and essays on here, in part because I may have finally met someone as bitter about their childhood as me! \"Mom\" was a manipulative control freak that had me as a servant-pet, and \"Dad\" was a workaholic, TV-aholic who barely spoke to me. I\'ve gone most of my my life untrustful of the world and most people, and I often regret having been born. I\'m currently trying to overcome the bitterness steaming from the realization of what has happened to me; have you worked past this yet? Also, I was wondering if you\'ve ever considered looking into Ayahuasca shamanism as a cataylst for growth and healing?? I\'m very interested in this approach and hope to make a trip out to Peru next year. Thanks, and keep up the evolving positive growth. Karen Caswell 4/25/2010 4:58:44 AM Hi Daniel. I just finished reading A Way Out of Madness and want to say THANK YOU in such a big way!!! Wow! Amazing, much needed book! I feel inspired and validated, not only as a newbie therapist, but as a person who can relate to so many of the experiences & challenges described in this book. I\'ve even shared one chapter with a support group I facilitate. Also, I truly appreciate your story and how accessible and open you allow yourself to the book and here on the website. It brought tears to my eyes many times...and simultaneously I feel overjoyed by the fact that you are in this world, touching other peoples\' lives. When you look inside I hope you love what you find! Many blessings ~K Ian 4/15/2010 6:28:43 AM Daniel, can I ask what methods of self-reflection you yourself used to get to where you are today? Perchance would it have been some form of Vipassana meditation? Also I\'d like to make the suggestion that you implement some sort of search function on your site, so those seeking specific passages can find them more readily. Glorioso 4/12/2010 1:20:10 AM Whew, that below was a tense moment. I came across your site as I was looking for more on Alice Miller. I was so sad about my family history, all the loses and survival guilt as I am the last one. My kids are doing really well and I have the time now to do the work I have always needed to do but did not have the time to do. Alice Miller\'s work makes the most sense in understanding how I experienced a really rough childhood. Being closer to her age than yours, I wonder if in some ways, I may have some of the same limitations. I have changed so much over the years as I met certain milestones in my life. I worked with families and their teenagers and had to walk a fine line on how I dealt with them. I found that work helped me understand some of the parents frustrations as well as the children. However, that could only take me so far in my own journey, of course and I know I have lots yet to uncover so am still interested in locating someone who uses the approach that helped you so much even if I do move beyond it (which I kind of doubt but...........) Glorioso 4/10/2010 9:09:07 PM Mom committed suicide. first brother died weighing a couple hundreds pounds over, second brother committed suicide. I became a social worker and have done a bit of childhood work but nothing this deep. Need to now at age 66, am not happy with state of internal state of affairs. Want to find a therapist that knows Ms. Millers work and can apply it. Help. Anastasia G. 3/23/2010 3:37:35 PM Hello Daniel and thank you so much for your videos (youtube) and your words. My na me is Anastasia i am an actress in Greece and i study psychodrama. i ve been doing all kinds of psychotherapy since the age of 21. It s been some days I started reading a book of Alice Miller having so many questions on my traumas and i steped by chance on your videos i just want to send a big thanks for your ideas,words,feelings. Your work will be a tool for me in my way of self therapy,,,,,i am in a moment where i change my life in lots of ways and its very important to find people and share my desires with....and my desire now is to be able to look inside and put in value all the elements of the inner self,,,,,,painful or not ,,,i decided that that s the only way ! again thank you so much ,, Anastasia Rich Hansen, M.D. 3/22/2010 9:01:07 PM What an impressive and amazing Youtubes of yours and Dr. Ross i\'ve just viewed for the first time today. Your web site is amazing. I\'ve been dealing with and treating schizophrenic people all of my seven decades of good living. ... i do wonder why you switched from practicing as a psychotherapist just this month. len 3/18/2010 11:10:46 PM Overpopulation is a myth, complete leftist propaganda. how many people are you willing to killl to save the Earth? Scarley 3/8/2010 10:51:59 PM I\'m a psychology student, and I just read your \'32 reasons why the Schizophrenogenic Mother is incorrect\' and to be perfectly honest, I\'m not entirely sure If you were aiming for humour, or just general off the wall wackiness. Some of your points are correct in a way, yet some of the other less \'blatant\' ones are incorrect. Daniel Mackler 3/5/2010 1:33:39 PM I want to thank everyone who has written on this guestbook! I love reading the comments---always good fuel for thought---and it\'s nice to get feedback too!! So appreciated! Also, this week I ended my psychotherapy practice---and began a new chapter of my life. Everything is changing for me, in a big way---all in a good direction, I hope! ---Daniel Daniel Mackler 3/5/2010 1:30:30 PM Hi Dan (Dan Philips), Good comments---thanks. I guess I should be more clear about why I linked to NAMI\'s definition of schizophrenia. NAMI is a backward, Big-Pharma-money-taking organization and yes, their definition of schizophrenia is very bad---surface and neurologically-oriented. I linked to it almost tongue-in-cheek to show how mainstream psychiatry views schizophrenia---in order to contrast with my point of view. But my error is that perhaps not everyone will understand that I explicitly attack NAMI\'s point of view and do not agree with it. (In fact, my movie directly criticizes NAMI.) So I should probably change the way I link if I give the wrong impression. Thanks for clueing me in---because others have probably wondered the same thing and just not told me. all the best, Daniel
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:44 am
Mary 3/5/2010 1:00:02 PM Thank you for sharing your insights into trauma and recovery. My own feelings about abuse, denial and the incompetence of many who practice therapy are validated when I read your essays. Good luck in your future endeavors. dan Philips 3/5/2010 9:19:33 AM To add to my last message. I feel that Millers description of Neurosis being the repression of the true self and phycosis as the eruption of early trauma (and the true self) in odd and distorted clues is it any wonder that someone can feel narcissistic rage at how they were treated and be condemned as mad by a society which still denies the abuse of childhood. The enlightened witness Miller describes is what the schizophrenic needs to help them unravell the confusion they are faced with. Odd clues that the young mind has used metaphor to describe the abuse need to be understood and not condemned as delusions and fantasy. To link to a defenition of this condition that states that the condition has nothing to do with parents does rather blow a hole in what you are trying to do with your website ie campaign for more honesty in condemning parents for the abuse they visit upon children. Dan Philips 3/5/2010 9:07:55 AM I have been a fan of Alice Miller and it was very interesting to read your essay on her work and I too have found her first three books very useful. I would argue that \"The Body Never Lies\" is also very powerful and helped me come to the realisation that i was sexually abused by an Uncle and my father when I was a child and had repressed it. I am still on a journey of self discovery and am finding it difficult to find a decent therapist in the UK. The UK especially seems incapable of dealing with childhood trauma and Parents role in this. The one thing i find a little confusing about your website is your link to the defenition of Schizophrenia. My cousin who i suspected was abused by my Uncle has this \"condition\". Alice Miller describes schizophrenia as confusion. Take a young person who cannot face the fact that a Parent has sexually abused them and are facing society saying this kind of thing is not true and a family who face great shame if they admit it and one has someone who is trapped between early trauma and the role expected of them. R.D.Laing\'s book Insanity, Madness and the Family has numerous examples of young women whose fathers abused them and even Laing could not see that though read this after Thow shalt not be aware and it jumps out. I feel that the defention you link too rather undermines your wish to fully explore one\'s childhood which is actually what a Schizophrenic is trying to do without anyone aware of what society denies. just a lad in malibu 2/27/2010 9:08:37 AM most of us know deep down that our parents are bumps on our personal journey, but few ever face it or transcend it...and so they continue this silent cycle. your writings reflect my own awareness - that a child or adult is not responsible for his/her mom\'s or dad\'s happiness. in a metaphysical sense, however, the rejection of one\'s parents is a metaphor for the rejection of life in a box - and this rejection of the safety of a physical world and its ties is essential to one\'s journey...a journey to one\'s soul within, which you have also expressed in different words. for this reason, i thank my parents for being ignorant, underdeveloped humans, for they gave me the opportunity to introspect and reject them. and in my metaphorical rejection of them, i rejected the bounds of a false existence. your words are brave, in a cowardly world. Michael 2/11/2010 1:50:42 AM Daniel, Your website has been a great aid to me in my reconciling of my childhood trauma, and I\'m very grateful to have discovered Alice Miller\'s work through you. Despite similar hypocrisy in terms of personal behavior with his family, I find R.D Laing to have incredible insight into the endemic violence against children that our civilization demands: \"From the moment of birth, when the stone - age baby confronts the twentieth century mother, the baby is subjected to these forces of violence, called love, as it\'s mother and father have been, and their mother and father before them. These forces are mostly concerned with destroying most of it\'s potentialities. The enterprise is on the whole successful. By the time new human being is 15 or so, we are left with a being like ourselves. A half - crazed creature, more or less adjusted to a mad world. This is normality in our present age. Love and violence, properly speaking , are polar opposites. Love lets the other be, but with affection and concern. Violence attempts to constrain the other\'s freedom, to force him to act in the way we desire, but with ultimate lack of concern, with indifference to the other\'s own existence of destiny. We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love.\" - \"The Politics of Experience\" CS 2/2/2010 7:02:45 AM Daniel, from your interview and appearance on; you are a thoroughly likeable fellow! I\'m very impressed with your courage, self knowledge, knowledge of psychology, willingness to challenge yourself and talk about taboo topics in such an open, frank, confident and reasonable manner. I\'ve learned a lot from you in a short time and the rich amount of deeply thought provoking material you\'ve created should keep challenging me for months if not years! All the best to you in the next phase of your career. And thank you so very much for sharing so much of yourself with the audience and community of FDR. CS Marcus 1/27/2010 12:16:38 AM Reason is no aim. Its just a fulfilment. Hope you understand the ironic breeze from the other side of the schizophrenic curtain. I think most psychiatrists would not understand nor believe a word that you promote. Me, I think its merely true. I also think its not that easy to find out as a sane person... Nice work...hope you continue to astonish people with your excellent work. Fred Gracely 1/23/2010 2:06:05 PM I\'m big on analogies, and I wrote a piece that I \"think\" will help people struggling with the concept of the \"truth of their history\" understand it. It\'s posted here: Love to hear thoughts about it. If you think it doesn\'t work, feel free to pull this post from your guest book. I\'d NEVER want to spread confusion instead of clarity. Thanks! Fred Amber 1/20/2010 3:01:32 AM I\'ve spent the last dozen years distancing myself from my parents geographically and emotionally but am STILL working to unravel the deep damage they\'ve done which prevents me from attaining, in your words, \"enlightenment.\" I stumbled on your YouTube channel and was inspired by your suggestions for self healing. I also appreciate the quiet, thoughtful style of your videos. Make more!!! Your channel led me to this site where I\'ve been enjoying your essays now. Thank you for articulating what many of us know to be TRUE from the evidence all around us, but are unable to put a finger on so precisely. You mentioned in some of your videos and essays that you get criticized for pointing out many fallacies of being conventional, especially when it comes to bringing more children into this world, so I just wanted to be one of those people who thanks you for it instead. What you\'re sharing here is very helpful and some of us really do appreciate it. Sebastian Ortiz 1/18/2010 11:09:10 AM Hey there! My name is Sebastian, I bumped into one of your videos which had been refered to in one of the boards. I thought it was very interesting. You might want to check out the website, it seems like quite a few people would like Stef to interview you. S. Loretta 1/17/2010 7:48:31 AM You seem to be both highly intelligent and insightful; yet, humbly aware of where you are at in your own stage of healing. From one psychotherapist to another, here is a great website relating to trauma that may prove useful to you or your clients. I know it has for me because the people who started this foundation also carry very little dissociation and denial around trauma. Best wishes on your path to even greater enlightenment! Daniel Mackler 1/16/2010 3:08:27 AM Hi all--- thanks for the nice feedback. JB---i\'ll check out your website. feel free to email me at dmackler58 at aol dot com ....all the best, daniel JB 1/15/2010 10:32:51 PM I started the first and only Schizophrenia Peer Program in Canada. I would like to talk with you. Jennifer 1/13/2010 2:54:21 AM How did you get so smart? Seriously, a voice of reason in the field of psychiatry. Thank you. Simon 1/11/2010 9:13:47 PM Great Site! bex 12/27/2009 10:46:15 AM Hey Daniel- have really enjoyed seeing your new essays on here- Bex Daniel Mackler 12/24/2009 4:28:04 AM THANK YOU Fred--- yes, so true---the rewards of doing this deep and painful inner work are beyond comparison: DEEP JOY! thank you for sharing this---i appreciate the feedback. i think we all need real feedback. the feedback from within our own selves is the key, but external feedback is so affirming too. i wish you a happy holiday season (assuming this is a holiday season for you)---Daniel Fred Gracely 12/24/2009 4:13:49 AM Thanks for sharing your insights and experience. I too am passionate about \"looking inside,\" and have come to a part of my path where the deep trauma of my childhood is raging to the surface. What is most surprising to me about this is the intensity of the feelings. When you write that neglect is torturous for a child, you couldn\'t be more right. The feelings I am now aware of having had and still being driven by in the present (although partially repressed until now) are beyond wildest imagination. What made it hard for me to connect with the truth of my history is the fact that there was nothing overtly \"wrong\" with my childhood, it was just deeply broken and painful in an \"average\" way. I was lonely and frustrated to a degree that would have any adult jumping off a cliff. What has also been amazing on this part of the path is that there is a counterpart to reconnecting with that suffering: feeling the bliss of the happy child. Just as the pain I felt then was deeper than an adult could typically fathom, so was the joy. Therein lies the promise of enlightenment, I believe -- clearing out the damage done to reconnect with the potential that once existed to be blissfully happy. While my heart told me this was what was going on, reading your beautiful words has brought a whole new confidence that I\'m heading in the right direction. I\'m deeply grateful for your work here. I hope that many people find your site and benefit from your words. Fred
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:44 am
Daniel Mackler 12/14/2009 1:19:17 PM Hi Nora---here\'s part 2! I just called paypal and they helped me change some of my preferences, so it SHOULD work now if you try again to purchase the DVD. If, however, there is still a problem, I also asked them for the telephone number for Paypal in Australia, so if you wish you call them you can. it\'s: 282239500 . Also, if it doesn\'t work again they said you can get the specific error message and email it to me, and I\'ll call paypal and sort it out. My email is . I hope this helps!!! all the best, Daniel (in NYC) Daniel Mackler 12/14/2009 12:56:38 PM Hi Nora...hmm...very odd, but not the first time this has happened. Paypal has some weird stuff about it, and sometimes gets \"testy\" for reasons I don\'t quite understand. Just so you know, though, I have shipped the DVD to Australia several times after Australian folks bought it with Paypal, though---so there ARE ways of making it work, somehow! (Also, it plays nicely on the Australian all-region DVD players!) I\'ll see what I can do to figure it out!! Frustrating inconvenience, though!!! (We\'ll get it to work somehow, though!) All the best, Daniel Nora Gainey Watts 12/14/2009 8:11:24 AM How come i can\'t get your DVD here in Australia?? HELP!!!! Paypal refuses to ship it here. I have a DVD player that plays region 1 DVDs too!! Daniel Mackler 12/12/2009 2:08:43 PM Thanks for the feedback, Maureen---SO glad you find the self-therapy book useful!! We worked hard on the book---and actually I am using it myself, too, in my own self-therapy. I\'ll also pass on your feedback to Fred, my co-author. all the best, Daniel Maureen Harkness 12/12/2009 11:12:50 AM Hi Daniel Thank you for booklet \'From Trauma To Enlightment :Self Therapy in 12 steps\'. It is amazing and helps so much to make sense of the process Ive been stumbling through. In some ways Im at stage 7 as Im embroiled in grieving but Im going to go back to stage one for the sake of clarity,which youre booklet gives. Very emotional experience to find a book and website like this Thanks again Daniel Mackler 11/30/2009 7:16:25 PM Hi M, I suppose I could sell the PDF or Word version of the text---but gosh, the booklet looks so nice!!! (Just a personal opinion from someone who loves holding a book\'s actual physical copy in my hands.) Thanks for the comment--- Daniel M 11/30/2009 6:21:05 PM You could offer your books *for sale* in PDF or some other electronic format. Some people like to read on the computer rather than a book. Daniel Mackler 11/29/2009 2:05:19 AM Hi all---Thanks for the comments---much appreciated. To Larry and Bob: glad you\'ve been enjoying the videos. The problem with sharing the Self-Therapy book for free is that Fred Timm and I put in a significant financial investment (significant for us, that is!). I try to put as much up for free as I can afford though---in my writings and in the YouTube videos. ERG, I feel torn, but at this point I need to sell it. Thanks for the kind words, though---Daniel Larry 11/28/2009 9:35:48 PM I second Bob\'s interest in a pdf version of your book \"From Trauma to Enlightenment\". Like him, I\'ve watched several of your videos. I\'ve also read many of the article on this site. I\'d like a copy of your book, but would prefer an electronic version. A Word or rtf or html document would be even better than pdf for my purposes. bob 11/21/2009 7:30:02 PM I\'ve been watching your youtube videos and found them very helpful. Now I\'m interested in your book \"FROM TRAUMA TO ENLIGHTENMENT\". Could you make it available in pdf format? David Patterson 11/17/2009 8:36:45 AM Amazing stuff here! :O) love the songs... really enjoy reading your perspective and hearing your experiences, so positive and uplifting. Just what I needed to hear, I will buy some of your cd\'s/mp3\'s soon :O), much much respect, Dave :O) Ed Altwies 11/15/2009 6:33:07 AM Been listening to you CD. I love the songs \"I Don\'t Want Your Diagnoses\", \"They Told Me My Problem is Genetic\", \"I Went to The Shrink\". Poignant. Powerful. Maestro 11/14/2009 1:47:43 AM Thank you so much! Exactly what I needed to read while going through what I\'m going through with my family. Keep going, the room for progress is always infinite, just like the Universe!:) Thank you again and good luck! james gaugler 11/7/2009 5:19:48 AM animals do not always act logically. humans retain animal behavior and exhibit it. We can mindlessly project our expectations onto the environment. This is fact. If you feel depressed and alone, you wish for someone to call out your name to break the loneliness. Wish hard enough, and you will hear it! We have the dangerous power to see past our own reality. I have no doubt schizophrenia is psychological and curable Daniel Mackler 10/30/2009 1:02:24 PM Hi Marg---if you email me ( I can probably connect you with folks in Australia who knows more about where to get good local support. I have connections in a few Australian cities (and just two weeks ago met a radical psychiatrist from Darwin), and they know folks in other places. Thanks for the kind words! -Daniel M. Marg 10/30/2009 8:30:36 AM Would you know of any supportive help in Australia my son had a psychotic break 18 months ago. Luckily I typed the magic words into google Hearing voices and all this encouraging information was available. My son is off medication now, getting to sleep is the problem Zopiclone sleeping tablets seem to be the only answer at present. My son now attends a Hearing voices group. I thank you for your DVD\" Take These Broken Wings\", showing this to others certainly changes their perspective Thank you so much Daniel Jane Slater 10/10/2009 11:08:21 PM Terrific website Daniel. Untangling oneself from the past but enduring lies and traumas of one\'s childhood is important work. Thanks for your courageous work. Daniel Mackler 9/25/2009 7:53:50 PM Robert---hmm, about tapering meds, I really, unfortunately, am not the one to ask. I don\'t even give that kind of advice to people I work with professionally---because it\'s beyond the scope of my license. On the other hand, there are a lot of resources on peer support for this sort of thing---people who have been through it themselves---for instance, Gianna Kali\'s blog Beyond Meds. And Will Hall\'s paper on The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming off Psychiatric Medication. I think it\'s on the web. But ideally you\'d be able to taper in tandem with a psychiatrist---and a therapist too. That\'s what I would recommend. It\'s safest. Just my two cents. Sorry I can\'t be of more help on this one. Yours, Daniel Robert Sturgis 9/25/2009 9:47:32 AM Hey Daniel. I have a question for you: Do you think it is safe to be taking five pills per day each at 50 mgs, and stop taking one at a time. It would be for a month period that each one is eliminated. I ask because my psychiatrist is unwilling to work with me at eliminating my pills (She thinks I need them), so I need to take it into my own hands. I am just wondering if you think dropping down by a pill each month is safe. Thank you. lauren spiro 9/8/2009 10:21:13 PM Daniel, thank you for producing this exquisite, thought-provoking film. I showed it to a dozen people today and will email information and clips of it to hundreds of folks in a few minutes. I will put it as a resource on my work website, You deserve a documentary award!!! and much more. I will do what I can to help sales. I too, have recovered from what is labeled \'schizophrenia\'. Thank you, lauren spiro Daniel Mackler 9/6/2009 1:03:49 AM thanks Susan and Rachael for your kind entries. glad my writing speaks to you. i\'m working on a big youtube project right now where i\'m putting a lot of the ideas from this site into video form---tough work, stressful, lots of self-doubt...which usually means that the work has value! (i hope!!!) thanks again for the feedback, daniel rachael 9/5/2009 10:11:16 PM Hi. I have just discovered this site, while trying to get helpful information relating to a stressful time I am going through. This site has been so helpful in validating me. I have just printed out the piece, \"everyone is his own hated minority\" and put it up on my wall. A beautiful piece. I was surprised to see your picture. With your wisdom, I thought you\'d be much older. I am going to visit your other site. Thank you for this site, which will help open eyes. Susan Catherine Keter 8/26/2009 5:13:18 PM I am happy that I found this website. You are doing great work. I remember when I was seeking therapy after being diagnosed with depression and I could not find a good therapist. I could not find a therapist who understood childhood trauma, especially when there was no major incident of abuse to report. I truly appreciate the work you are doing. Keep it up. There are many people out there who need the services of a good psychotherapist.
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:42 am
Daniel Mackler 7/21/2009 6:55:24 PM Robert, Sorry I didn\'t see this guestbook entry till today---sometimes it takes a little while for them to post. I don\'t know a psychiatrist with a similar philosophy in San Jose, but Ira Steinman is a psychiatrist in San Francisco ( ) and he holds to a similar philosophy. He might know someone in San Jose... All the best, Daniel M. Makoto Horiuchi 7/21/2009 5:19:20 PM Dr. Micheal Drexler here at the San Francisco VA Medical Center would like to purchase your DVD. However, you or your company is not listed in the CCR Central Contractor Registration for the Federal Govt. Do ou have a DBA? If not I must register you in the CCR. I will need your Tax ID and Duns #. Thanks Makoto Horiuchi Makoto Horiuchi Psychological Services â?? Program Asst (116B) 4150 Clement St. San Francisco, CA 94121 Phone: 415 750-2004 Email: Robert 7/11/2009 5:29:38 AM Would you happen to know of any psychiatrists in San Jose with a similar belief system of recovery from Schizophrenia? daniel mackler 7/3/2009 1:57:19 PM Robert, very glad to hear it!! i just re-read three of the best outcome studies for schizophrenia (courtenay harding\'s, harrow and jobe\'s, and the WHO\'s studies, by jablensky---all cited in the documentary, and all available on the website, and they are very heartening. i hope lots of people read them. they show JUST how possible and even common full recovery without meds can be...--daniel Robert Sturgis 7/3/2009 9:34:40 AM Awesome. Thanks for your reply. Great documentary btw. Enjoyed it a lot. btw, my schizophrenia has gotten a lot better recently for some reason. daniel mackler 6/10/2009 1:21:37 PM Peter, Great article by Bert Karon. Thanks for sharing it. It\'s very similar to much of what he says in my film. I cite this very article in a book I just finished---and am in strong agreement with it. It is consistent with what I have observed as a therapist. I am confused, however, by why you think I wouldn\'t agree with it. You state that I \"ignore any evidence contrary to [my] belief that parenting has no effect on the development of schizophrenia.\" I\'d be the LAST one to state that \"parenting has no effect on the development of schizophrenia.\" I think poor parenting---particularly abusive parenting (which of course all poor parenting ultimately is)---is the PRIMARY cause of schizophrenia. I hope that makes my point of view on the etiology of schizophrenia clear. All the best, Daniel Mackler peter cork 6/10/2009 12:03:34 PM (1994). Psychoanalytic Psychology, 11:47-61 Bertram P. Karon and Anmarie J. Widener \"...therapists who treat schizophrenics generally report a parenting interaction different from that usual to neurotic patients (although there are cases where relevant noxious life events have nothing to do with parents; in other cases, both parents and child are tragic victims of bad or absent professional advice). Communication deviance, measured from parental interaction, the Rorschach Inkblot Test (Rorschach, 1932), and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; Murray, 1943) has been found to characterize parents and adoptive parents of schizophrenics. Expressed emotion (intrusive hostility) of parents increases rehospitalization. Genetic factors, at most, represent increased vulnerability\" [but, vulnerability is NOT causation]. \"Pathogenesis, based on clinical observations, is measured from the TAT and is defined as the degree to which the parent, when there is a potential conflict between the needs of the child and the needs of the parent, unconsciously acts in terms of the parent\'s needs without regard to the potentially conflicting needs of the child. Pathogenic parents, as well as their children, are victims in the same way that any patient who suffers psychological symptoms based on unconscious factors is a victim and not a culprit. In a series of studies, mothers of normals averaged 35% pathogenic. Mothers of schizophrenics averaged 65% pathogenic. Fathers of schizophrenics are nearly as high. Most convincing are clinical observations.\" --make sure you ignore any evidence contrary to your belief that parenting has no effect on the development of schizophrenia. That\'s known as \"confirmation bias,\" and it\'s particularly bad science. Daniel Mackler 6/9/2009 3:03:53 AM To Peter Henry: What an odd message you left... Is it my movie you\'re commenting on or somebody else\'s?? My movie traces the roots of schizophrenia to problems in childhood and trauma in the family system---and I\'ve taken heat for that from the biological psychiatry folks!!---and I TOTALLY dismiss the chemical imbalance theory. So I have absolutely no idea from where you\'re deriving your criticisms of my film... To recap: my film says the exact opposite of what you think it says. Daniel Mackler Peter Henry 6/9/2009 2:49:07 AM Your dismissal of any effect a mother\'s parenting has in contributing to schizophrenia is very telling. It\'s a complete sham, and your blind faith in a biochemical etilogy for what is so misunderstood as a \"disease\" only shows you have very little understanding of human behavior while you conform to a biopsychiatric model of abnormal behavior. Gee. How conventionally misleading. Glad I ran into your lies. daniel mackler 6/2/2009 1:16:49 PM good questions, robert. it seems there are many factors influencing whether or not a person will recover. some the movie addresses directly are whether or not the person stays on psychiatric drugs long-term---and if they do, it significantly diminishes their likelihood of making a full recovery. other factors (i talk about some of these in my interview at the end of the film, and some come up during the film): good social support, good housing, good diet, healthy exercise, taking distance from family of origin, working (volunteer even), having meaningful activities to do, friendship, and yes, good therapy too can be invaluable. just as a personal observation as a therapist, i have also observed that people who live with their parents tend to do have a much harder time recovering. also, people who drink and do drugs tend not to do as well---just a personal observation. also, getting good healthy, consistent sleep every night seems to be vital. Robert Sturgis 6/2/2009 4:40:48 AM Hey Daniel. I just saw your documentary \"Take These Broken Wings.\" I was wondering, being a schizophrenic, what are the differences between the people who recover from schizophrenia and those who don\'t. I noticed that the two interviewees both had good therapists, and they both pursued constructive activities.
guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook guestbook entries imported from previous guestbook wrote on March 28, 2013 at 9:38 am
Georgia 4/20/2009 7:14:18 PM Daniel, I have just downloaded your albums. I love your gentle delivery and the uncompromising boldness of the words of your songs. How simple, honest, and uplifting the message is, and what courage to commit to such a path of deep healing. I am reading your essays and feeling so touched by what you have to say. You have definitely inspired me to think more deeply and to be more fearless on my own path. Thank you for sharing your journey. Paul Cheminais 4/10/2009 11:38:28 AM Thank you for the Film & this web site. I watched the film the other night - I was already very familiar with the people & ideas in it. It bought up a lot of feelings for me. I haven\'t had the opportunities for such a med free recovery - I have been forced & made dependant on meds; against my will; for the past 20 years. I have managed to get to a low dose of one med (an anti psychotic). I have tried so hard to get med free - but have been unsuccessful. There is unfortunately not enough of the \'right\' kind of help in my life for a med free recovery. People need to be pointing out that \'The Emperor isn\'t wearing any clothes\' in regards to orthodox/mainstream psychiatry & the bio chemical model - it is long since time people stopped believing in lies around \'mental illness\' & that people stopped ignoring & denying the truth - that people can & do completely recover; from even the most severe of \'mental illness\'. This DVD & site is hope that one day we can have the humane & best treatment for those suffering mental distress. Thanks again. Pat Williams 4/10/2009 11:29:51 AM I liked your site. kathleen 3/26/2009 10:07:49 PM I\'d like to see the movie, sounds interesting. Have you heard of R.D. Liang. There is a film he did in the 70\'s call Asylum, you might enjoy it. Very interesting. Daniel Mackler 2/26/2009 4:05:29 PM Hi everyone! Thanks for the nice comments! I\'ll reply to a few of the questions: 1) On ordering films internationally: Yes, you can do this if you have paypal, and I\'ll ship the film internationally. I have done this several times already. Some people, however, tell me that their paypal doesn\'t work internationally, for some reason. If that is the case email me at and we\'ll try to find another way to work it out. 2) Ordering my music CDs: Yes, two of my CDs are out, and I\'ll be selling them through this website very soon! So many things to do, so little time!! -Daniel Jesper 2/26/2009 2:08:06 PM Hi Daniel, is it possible to buy \'Take these broken wings\' if you are living outside USA? It does not seem that way... Kind regards Bex 2/23/2009 11:36:14 AM Hi Daniel - when are we going to be able to order your cd\'s from here? Delores M. Jankovich 2/21/2009 7:18:40 PM I have just found your webite and ordered your DVD. Alice Miller is also my favorite writer in the area of psychology. I am only about one-fourth into the essay on her work and will finish it soon. Thank you for your work and writing this essay. I am a social woker in Kansas. I will write more later. Thank you for bringing hope to the world. Delores josephine anderson 2/18/2009 4:46:18 AM i knew elnora. from 1963-64 i was a research technician at nyu, under her supervision. she was very nice and i learned a lot from her. she was not intimidated by the important doctors around her. she once said she would rather hang out with truck drivers. Eva 2/16/2009 1:32:28 PM I love your DVD. Your message is very inspiring and interesting, especially since I am a clinical social work student. I used to believe that medication was the way for mental illness...This is turning my worldview upside down...and I like it! Thank you! Kathena Bryant 2/4/2009 10:26:15 PM I love your dvd, and your songs too, which I hope you will post here. You are a bright light shining on the ignorance so people can see and move on. Cate Johns 2/3/2009 2:38:23 PM Perhaps you need to specify the kind of degree that a potential parent should have. Some degrees, from some colleges or universities are worthless (fine art, ceramics, tourism, leisure, marketing, etc). Also in the UK at least, there are many Univerisities that will take students with very low grades. In an ideal world it should only be parents who have been through a rigorous degree programme at a top notch university who should be allowed to procreate. Imagine, if your philosophy had been in place, you would not have to suffer a President like Obama! marko 1/19/2009 4:08:35 PM Great job! Keep up the good work! Love your articles! Gianna 1/15/2009 6:24:09 AM Dear Daniel, I\'ve highlighted your video on my blog. I lifted some stuff off your site...I\'m assuming it\'s probably okay as I\'m promoting your film... let me know otherwise... your work looks fascinating...your articles courageous. Saying things no one wants to hear. good for you. please see my website: peace to you. Kaleo 12/13/2008 12:36:15 AM Hi Daniel, Great to see your new site and all the amazing work you have been doing. Would love to read more about your film and find a way to get it shown in my neck of the woods. Take care - Gilad S. 12/13/2008 12:22:35 AM It is said humans have the innate ability to recognize beauty. That\'s what I recognize here. all the best g Bex 12/11/2008 8:59:25 AM The new website is looking great and is a true testament to all the hardwork and dedication it must have taken! What a powerful and comprehensive (perfect word Fred!) guide to thinking about ourselves and the world we live in and what we need to address before enlightenment is possible!- An Inspiration! Clare 11/30/2008 7:55:05 PM I love your new site Daniel. Such a comprehensive collection of wisdom generously shared with the world. I constantly share your essays with friends, colleagues, and clients. Keep writing. C rob 11/29/2008 2:39:35 AM i really connected with some of the writing here. thanks. Fred 11/22/2008 1:34:51 AM This is a very comprehensive website ... spelling out a world view that could turn the course of the world from its self-destruction if people applied the wisdom laid out here. Kudos and thanks to Daniel Mackler