
Feel free to sign my guestbook, and share your experience of my website or my work. Note: your email will not be made public, though if you share a link to your website that will be public.  I also want to add that I cannot reply to people’s messages here.  I’m really sorry about that!!

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573 entries.
Boriz Boriz wrote on September 28, 2014 at 10:28 am
Daniel - I watched your post on youtube and I wanted to thank you for having shared it. I could recognise, I could relate to made me happy. Inspirational. Thank(s). Keep liberating yourselves, it inspires me and gave me energy to continue my path towards liberation.
baruch shulem baruch shulem wrote on September 23, 2014 at 7:50 am
I just saw the movie open dialogue. i was both moved and excited. I have worked \'that way\' for the last twenty years. i am a trained (phd) therapist living in Jerusalem Israel. There is a book by a Finnish Psychiatrist name Ben Furman who writes in a simple clear english about this way of treating anyone. the book is called Solution Talk. (Norton 1992) note the date. i was in Finland and ran a workshop on the theme \"Just talking\". I have been a lone voice here in Israel about just talking to people. My inhouse research shows that on an average of 6-7 conversations (sessions) people report get better and can do the rest on their own. I work only with the walking wounded: Fear, anxiety, anger, trauma, loneliness, marital issues, etc. I teach a lot and would like a copy of open dialogue if at all possible. it is such a clear, open and moving picture of my work. WOW Have you ever been in Jerusalem? Consider yourself invite. I would like to send you a copy of my book The Jerusalem Formula: A religious alternative to psychotherapy. Send me an address Thank you baruch shulem
Bart Bart wrote on September 17, 2014 at 1:25 pm
Hi Daniel, thanks so much, again :), for your guidance ( truth), over the last couple of years . thanks for your selflessness and work to continue to get the message out . all the best in your journey. Bart ( Vancouver BC )
Lori Johnstone Lori Johnstone wrote on September 11, 2014 at 4:56 pm
Daniel, I believe we are on a similar path. From what I get from this, though, is that you are much further ahead of me in terms of recovery. Still, everything you mention here, speaks to me. Be on the look out for my memoir in the future, the working title is \"Born in May\". In the meantime, keep changing the world. We all need that.
Yahia Asrawi Yahia Asrawi wrote on August 29, 2014 at 11:12 am
Thank you all very much for your work. \"Take these Broken Wings\" film gave me hope, I wish it will keep inspiring me for a long time, I will watch it again every time I feel depressed. Before this movie I was confused about if I have a strong depression or some kind of schizophrenia, because I did a horrible things in the past, like living a lies, even a big lies, have weired, mythical, fictional, life and thoughts. Unfortunately these days I feel some what shame and embarrassing from things I did, because now I cured, also I get more experience in life, so when I look at my past I can see what\'s right and what\'s wrong in my behaviors or actions, but I know that I should pass these feelings, because I changed now and become another person. Thats all happened to me after tragedies and especially after a lot of bullying, bossy way of dealing with me when I was a child, from school, family...etc, unfortunately it\'s some thing normal in 3rd world countries. Psycho medicines helped me but I rethought about them, because they become a part of my life style, and most of the time I am not facing or dealing with my problems I just retaking my pills. Even the pharmacists who I used to buy my medicines from, they start telling me to stop and \"you took enough\", thats behavior make me think again about thees pills, because they earn money when I bye from them, so I thought that they are not necessary any more. Thanks for reading my message, every body welcome to contact me at my E-mail. Have a nice day.
debbie debbie wrote on August 27, 2014 at 1:35 pm
Where is there residential drug detoxification/rehabilitation for prescription anti-psychotics?
Linda Linda wrote on August 19, 2014 at 7:53 pm
Just finished your book about breaking ties. It was heaven sent. Thank you.
Jessica Gregg Jessica Gregg wrote on August 14, 2014 at 11:37 am
Hello Daniel, I just watched your you tube video on how to tell if your therapist is good. It was quite validating, and helpful to me as a psychotherapist. Many thanks and well wishes.
Katie Katie wrote on July 13, 2014 at 3:58 am
Hiya Daniel I found your writing after I stumbled across your critique of psychotherapy on YouTube. I must say, I find your videos compelling and they have given me much food for thought, as I am currently in therapy myself. Anyway, I am kinda curious about something. Your essays present a very hard-nosed viewpoint, yet when people comment on them your responses are thoughtful and reflective, if not downright caring! Why the disconnect? I could offer a couple of ideas but I\'d rather hear your reasons. I\'m curious! Thanks for your efforts Katie
just a geek diva just a geek diva wrote on July 4, 2014 at 4:18 am
I\'m just a self-help sort learning how to fix my issues. Just watched your video on youtube on critique of the profession. Very clear, very passionate, and very enlightening. Especially the bit on ageism and DSM diagnosis. I\'m glad I trusted my instinct about psychotherapists and continue to be cautious and picky. Thanks for your honesty and generosity. Power to you.
Chris Ferguson Chris Ferguson wrote on July 1, 2014 at 12:35 am
Came here through your YouTube channel and initially found you by typing in the the word, \"Therapy\", into the YouTube search engine. Very helpful website.
Ralph Bollweg Ralph Bollweg wrote on June 5, 2014 at 6:56 am
Very thought provoking films on schizophrenia. Have you ever thought of doing one on anxiety disorders? Freud couldn\'t solve the problem; CBT is even more of a psuedo science and it is accepted as the most prescribed method of treatment in the U.S. (sometimes the only prescribed method besides medications).
irma irma wrote on June 3, 2014 at 3:20 am
Hi Daniel im irma from Indonesia, im a student in psychology field. i have read some of ur essay, and thanks so much for ur writing, u are great! i wish i can see u oneday.. 🙂
Cristina Cristina wrote on June 1, 2014 at 12:43 am
Thank you sooooo much Daniel! For going to Laponia, doing us meet this amazing group of healing humans and society. Gives lots of confident to know they are there and you exist. So honest documentary and really necessary for everyone, not only affected or medical support people. Humane race can improve themselves! even me 😉 I known about your documentary through a forum of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Already bought, thank you for sharing generously but I decided to do an economical response, gratitude for your work. You made me really happy spreading knowledge and human care in front and back of the camera. And nice soundtrack! In my personal case, after 18 years fighting for healing (still, I get colds too), looking up for the stigma, rebuilding your live after each crisis, why those hard chemist treatments?: in Spain, under a psychosis you can\'t say no to medication, if so the answer is \"you are in a hospital, you have to be under pharmaceutical treatment\", you have no rights as a citizen...and no sick leave pay. But, surprise! my psychiatrist decided to take out medication of me one year ago. By now I was finding pretty alone, is a rare case yet here, no real support if you are not on pills, even from therapists specialized. But step by step, this will be a better world for those little growing into it now! Here things are going crazy with politics, they want to criminalize psychiatric disorders. Really sad. Here is a document to give you an idea (sorry, only spanish) Hopefully one day will thank you personally in NY or maybe Barcelona, chatting by the seaside. (I can use my hands and my expression improves in english) 🙂 Best regards! Really!
kevin tomlinson kevin tomlinson wrote on May 29, 2014 at 2:23 pm
Daniel, I have spent many hours looking at your films on open dialog in Finland, listening to your interviews on open paradigm project\'s site and more…you are doing some incredible work that is so important. I have a daughter who\'s struggled for over 20 years with bi-polar depression, helping to raise her daughter too…so I have some experience here as well…I\'m also a filmmaker and have set out with a friend to make a film about finding global perspective and solutions to our mental health crisis…We\'re still in production but have interviewed Robert Whitaker, Robert Thurman, will hall, dan fischer, gabor mate\' and many more…but your voice is missing from our film…We would love to start a dialog about getting you into our film…We\'re a Seattle based film team. Do you have any future plans to come out west this Spring/Summer? Would love a chance to get you in front of our camera. please let me know the best way to contact was a little hard finding an email here…Wishing you all the best, kevin tomlinson producer/director
Randki Randki wrote on May 23, 2014 at 5:49 am
great page, greetings
Judith Judith wrote on May 18, 2014 at 6:34 am
Hi. I got directed to your site after watching a video you shot on the MindFreedom International facebook page. Just wanna say great website and protest video.
Andrea Santos Andrea Santos wrote on May 12, 2014 at 1:54 pm
Dear Daniel, I am a MFT in San Diego and a doctoral student with the Taos Institute where Sheila McNamee is my advisor. I would appreciate an opportunity to be connected to you, to have a conversation with you, to get to know more about your work. I am inspired by your videos and watching them has galvanized something in me. I hold many private ideas/wonderings about mental health/illness that have a similar texture to what you say/write/share and I have been looking for ways to give them voice and purpose. I don\'t know what is possible for you right now as I am certain you are busy. I am just embarking on making sense of what this all is for me, so I am trusting that whenever it is that we connect it will be precisely the right time. Thank you for your work, for the hope, Andrea
Erna Erna wrote on May 6, 2014 at 4:50 pm
I would like to translate your videos \"Suicide - the trap...\" and \"Confronting Parents ...\" into german language. Could you use some help like a translation for giving these films german subtitles? And would you enjoy that?
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on April 30, 2014 at 8:07 am
thanks for all the messages!! i read them all and will reply to those with private questions backchannel!! THANKS AGAIN!!!!! daniel p.s. gustaf: martin miller\'s book is only available in german at this time. i think he\'s still working on getting a publishing deal to have it translated into english......
Gustaf Lundh Gustaf Lundh wrote on April 30, 2014 at 5:30 am
Hi Daniel We\'ve been having contact at Youtube in the Autumn. I\'m from Gothenburg, now living in Stockholm. You\'ve been a great inspiration the last half year. I\'ve been in to self-therapy and coherence therapy, also reading a lot. I admire your openeness and self-reflective perspectives, also that you are a person in the field that really puts the things you talk about on your self. For what I\'ve experienced it is really a rare thing that the person talking on the conference, seminarie or whatever is putting all the terms, theories, thoughts, fears and clouds on the person him/herself and their own background. I\'ve just purchades your two latest books - breaking with your parents and the book about truth. For me in Sweden it has been really hard getting therapeutic help from the open care. In Stockholm the psychiatric system are really fucked up, good descent, honest help is rare. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and medicine is POPULAR as hell. In Norway it is different. And also in Happaranda regarding the Open Dialogue you\'ve shown in your documentary. I have a big map at home regarding receipts, papers from the care here - now it has gone so far that I\'ve searched financial help from funds to be able to afford a good descent person that I can develop trust and a true honest self. We\'ll see how it goes. So thank you for that. The interview with you from Self Anthoplogy is fantastic. Question: Do you know where I can get Martin Millers book about his mother Alice? Can\'t find it anywhere. I\'m talking about \"The True Drama of the Gifted Child\" and a biography of Alice - cant remember the name of the first one. If you come to Stockholm - LET ME KNOW! I\'ve got a blog now regarding adult attachment and intimacy problems - also talking about the importance to nuance the word \"trauma\" and what it means to people who\'ve been experiencing trauma. The view of Trauma in Sweden are really rigid and one-dimensional. Unfortf this blog is in swedish though at the moment. Hope to here from you Best regards Gustaf Lundh Stockholm
Gely Guirau Gely Guirau wrote on April 27, 2014 at 5:57 am
a year ago, thanks to a psychiatrist friend, Jacob discovered Seikkula and with Daniel. I kept looking, reading, looking around, making things to understand before barely understood my work as a psychologist in mental health. Now I feel better, calmer and my work with me, because I am learning that there are people with visions and understandings that I gratify me. My way is not easy but now I feel less alone. Thank you Daniel and all other. Gely. Spain
neil miller neil miller wrote on April 19, 2014 at 9:05 pm
With more love then I know how to express.
Raimund ALBERT Raimund ALBERT wrote on April 16, 2014 at 8:59 am
Hello all together! It is very nice that there is such a project, which operates successfully on such a long period. For two years, we are working on a project that has similar approaches. It is extremely difficult to establish in Germany something. It must be financed in some way. You can read on the website that we have already tried a lot. We are encouraged by your commendable work to read and see. You work with respect and love for your clients. Very impressively! It is nice that your project is financed by the state and is integrated into the psychiatric system. Also we make it to be so. We would love to get in touch with you or visit you. Sincerely yours Raimund ALBERT (Manager) http://www.lö
Edrick Edrick wrote on April 14, 2014 at 4:20 pm
Hey Daniel It was nice meeting you today. I watched your movie \"Coming off Psych Drugs\" It is really fascinating. I never realized there was this group of people who are really struggling silently and who have no voice. The response must be huge. Thanks for putting it out there. Edrick
J J wrote on April 13, 2014 at 1:56 pm
I am not sure why I am writing here. I guess it\'s an effort to calm and quiet my mind an soul. I have been in therapy for awhile now. A journey I never intended to start really and had no idea where it would go. To be a grown woman, a wife, and a mother and face my demons of abuse, neglect, self destruction, and realize for the first time how cleanly I seperated myself from those events. I find I am at a place now where the rose colored glasses I have used for hindsight are cracked and no longer provide such a positive view and yet I remember that View so clearly. I am an intellectual being and I find myself searching for answers. Answers to questions I really don\'t want to ask. I stumbled into this site and for what it worth. I found a momentary solace in the fact that someone somewhere has devoted their life to helping us out of the shadows.
Steve Coffey Steve Coffey wrote on April 12, 2014 at 12:52 pm
Hello Daniel Your work is so wonderfully insightful and supportive. offering people something very real. And I agree with the person here who says what a tremdous thing you are doing by offfering access to people for free. Bravo! This helpfuil to me in so many ways....... I
EF EF wrote on April 10, 2014 at 10:27 pm
Hi Daniel, Thank you for doing what you do. As a parent of a son with a mental illness, sometimes it is so scary and feeling hopeless during this journey of recovery for our son. Some days are really hard to believe there is a chance of recovery and you fear the only outcome will be jail, homelessness or death. Looking at your videos on you tube have been a definate thread to hold onto in this darkness. You are making a difference for many of us. As a mother, I hope my son will be able to read your books someday and watch your videos and know there are people that understand and support him. Unfortunately, he is not there yet. My son has the diagnosis of schizophrenia. He is 29 yrs old tomorrow. Before this darkness overtook him, he had graduated college and was so compassionate and full of life. He studied Global Cultures in school and chose to work and volunteer on social justice issues and advocacy to help better the lifes of his fellow humans. The irony of his current situation is there is very little social structure to help him. He has been dealing with this illness for the past 3 almost 4 years. As a family we have learned alot. Like many families, we are shocked and disapointed at \" the system\" . The reality is there isn\'t any system to help our son. It has become a piece meal regiment we are trying to offer him. After the initial hospitalization at a well known university,which consisted of a 3 day hold and 7 additional days to start his medication, we met with the Doctor for 45 min and given the \" hopeless message\" and were sent on our way to figure it all out. This was the beginning of our education on this illness. We wondered how could such a devasting illness be given such minimum attention by the medical doctors. 10 days and off you go....and we found in several more hospitatlizations it was even less time... 3 - 6 days max...just enough to start the meds. The meds have not been an option for our son. He read up on the side effects and he already had a healthy distrust of big pharma and the billion dollar business before he got sick. Now3 years later, he is working with Dr Michael Lesser of Berkely Ca, an orthomolecular psychiatrist. It works some, but not enough. The convenetional psychiatrist recommended by the hospital actually refused to work with him unless he remained \" med compliant\". We are searching for all possible avenues to help him. We live in the Los Angeles area and we are trying to connect with a therapist that will work with him and accept where is at. I am sure you get many request for referrals and may not be able to accommodate the requests. If you do have any contacts or ideas on how to help us on this journey with our son, it would be appreciated. Again thank you for your dedication and support for those that need the most help.
Elizabeth A. Richter Elizabeth A. Richter wrote on April 8, 2014 at 4:39 pm
I have enjoyed reading some of the essays and comments on this website! I just was alerted on facebook that you are going to be allowing the distribution of your films for free. That is a tremendous risk and I admire you for stepping out like that. I hope to get back and visit again and read more. Thanks for all the encouragement and interesting essays which will give me lots to think about.
Raj Raj wrote on April 5, 2014 at 8:22 pm
Hi Daniel, I have been watching and listening to your youtube channel in recent months. I find the videos posted to be empathic to the child abuse to which I was subject. After listening to the audio version of \"The Drama of the Gifted Child\", I ordered the book from Amazon and am awaiting it\'s arrival. I am currently a college student living on my own, and I believe that I am in the depression phase of healing from the past traumas. I am finding myself in solitude often, and am noticing that I am very rigid about keeping things clean, and perfectly folding laundry and doing chores to the point where they become exhaustive and emotionally taxing. I find myself wanting to put that same exhaustive energy into my schoolwork. I don\'t know if this is some residue of the type of abuse I suffered. In the spirit of taking responsibility for my own healing, I feel that finishing my education is vital for financial independence from my taxing relations with my family. But I am very exhausted often, and was wondering if you had any insight into that. Pardon me if my question is vague. Thanks!