
Feel free to sign my guestbook, and share your experience of my website or my work. Note: your email will not be made public, though if you share a link to your website that will be public.  I also want to add that I cannot reply to people’s messages here.  I’m really sorry about that!!

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573 entries.
Eliz Eliz wrote on April 1, 2014 at 12:23 am
Hi Daniel, I have just finished watching your video on YouTube. The childhood trauma one. Thank you. So much of it resonated deeply with me. I am an artist and your talk reminded me that years ago I came to a realisation that all of my work was about loss. It\'s said that an art practice is about spiralling around a mountain. You gradually get higher but you are continually going over the same ground. The payoff is that each round gets you a bit closer to an understanding of what you are doing. Same with therapy I think. Luckily, in art, it\'s an endless spiral so the view is always fresh. Therapy? I did love the images interspersed into the video. I see that you are a film maker so that figures. I also see that you live in one of my favourite places. Greetings from Sydney and I wish you contentment.
mara j mara j wrote on March 28, 2014 at 12:42 pm
aloha. wondering if there is anyway to watch the film if i don\'t have a dvd player. i have a laptop that no longer comes with a dvd/cd drive...thoughts? mara j
Pat Dixon Pat Dixon wrote on March 10, 2014 at 11:43 pm
When I read this article, and saw the video below, I immediately thought of you and your wonderful videos. If you weren\'t already aware of Geel, I\'m betting you\'ll find it interesting. I\'d sure love to see a Daniel Mackler video of this town. Incidentally, I\'ve shown some of your videos to at least a half dozen people and will continue.
Stevev Cpffey Stevev Cpffey wrote on March 3, 2014 at 12:12 pm
Hello Daniel, Your words are very encouraging and I find it very exciting to hear someone say this out loud. The awareness that we are living out this survival life of comforrting ourselves in order to avoid the truth about our childhood experiences is a breath of fresh air and I really appreciate your personal touch as you educate and enlighten people to this difficult truth. Steve Coffey
Rafael S Rafael S wrote on February 5, 2014 at 12:40 am
Hi Daniel, I have written in your guestbook a few months ago. Thank you for your youtube videos I found myself listening to you again trying to make sense of dealing with intense indescribable anguish of not being able to bond with others. I feel like a monster and started to believe that im innately evil. I loathe myself . Feel like my inner child is dead and false self completely took over. The emptiness hurts so much its even the words that I speak are not me. How do I get through this hell my willingness is shriveling??
cristina cristina wrote on February 3, 2014 at 2:38 pm
Hi, thank you for your music and lyrics. I\'m so grateful to you that I posted your song against DSM diagnosis on my page. Keep up the good work! Cheers C.c.
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on January 25, 2014 at 5:24 pm
hi anita - i\'ll send a backchannel email. greetings! daniel
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on January 25, 2014 at 5:23 pm
dear Metta--- i\'ll reply backchannel to your email -- and see if i can help you. i do know icarus folks, and also am willing to donate films, but shipping costs a lot!! maybe we can work something out about shipping! all the best to you! daniel
metta metta wrote on January 25, 2014 at 7:54 am
Dear Daniel, Greetings from the Davao, Philippines! My name is metta and I found out about your website, writings and documentaries through your youtube video called CHILDHOOD TRAUMA AND THE ART OF HEALING. It is very helpful and we are very grateful to have it as a resource for our plan to form a mental health collective/support group this year 2014. As for now we are in the process of studying or learning more about alternative approaches to various psychiatric issues. To be honest, our group is not expert and we don\'t have any experiences but we hope to be successful because this will be the first grassroots alternative/radical mental health collective in the Philippines. Another is that we want to ask you if there is a chance that you can donate any of your DVD or books helpful for our group? Besides, we also have a community library, so we also accept donations or resources as we are just poor activist trying to make solutions to many complex problems created by this madness-driving capitalist, patriarchal system. Another question is, do you have a friend or do you know someone from ICARUS Collective? They are also doing great actions dealing with mental health. Anyway, thanks for all your works and contribution! best wishes, metta
Tony Talacko Tony Talacko wrote on January 24, 2014 at 2:29 pm
Hi Daniel, So glad to find your site. I am a mental health professional and find that the current system of drugging clients and not providing healing to be against my morals and ethics. I\'m glad to know that there are others who seek a way to heal mental illness not just cover it up with \"Medications\". Peace, Love and Light, Tony p.s. captcha are a pain. 🙂
Anita McKone Anita McKone wrote on January 22, 2014 at 11:47 pm
Hi Daniel A second message, to say I\'ve been reading a number of your essays, and I watched your video on confronting parents, and listened to your \'bullshit\' song. I\'ve just been very moved reading your \'The Traumatised Are Safe\' essay. You are a very unusual person, in your capacity for fearless truth telling, even when this will mean triggering people into their fear, with possible nasty consequences for yourself. Although, as you clearly appreciate, what first appears nasty, inevitably is liberating, if it helps you to know the truth more deeply. I feel the same way you do about taking responsibility for healing myself, rather than passing on that burden to a next generation. And my husband has spent his life trying to work out how to help the children who already exist, rather than creating any of his \'own\'. I am hoping we can connect via email (though that obviously depends on your time and inclination). In addition to the docos I mentioned in my last email, I have a couple of long documents about my confrontation of my mother which you may be interested in (a nonviolent action involving a peaceful vigil supporting my request for financial reparation, which landed me in prison for over three months for conscientiously breaking a domestic violence restriction order, and resulted in me defending myself in front of a jury). It was an amazing experience - we felt and learned so much, about my parents, the legal system, humans generally, and, of course, myself. Having been through all that, I resonated with many of the points you made in your video. I like the way you tell people what to expect, but don\'t discourage them from doing it. Obviously, every person needs to deal with their parents according to their own situation and inclination, but it is so often the case that I have to go into a situation, even knowing intellectually what the likely outcome is, to really access the feelings deeply enough to come to a clear and powerful understanding that really changes my sense of self. Anyway, I\'d love to hear where you are up to with your own \'terrifying\' journey foward. Cheers; Anita
Anita McKone Anita McKone wrote on January 20, 2014 at 1:11 am
Hi Daniel, I\'m a nonviolent activist and independent psych researcher from Australia. Your site is really informative - I had a similar experience of having middle class parents and being supported academically, while suffering abuse that led to me having to end my relationship with them. I enjoyed your lively and insightful interview on Open Paradigm. Your anger (fully justified) at the current mainstream psych system is palpable, as is your commitment to change. Good on you for genuinely caring so much for yourself and others. Thought you might be interested in the following article: Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: and The Peoples Charter to Create a Nonviolent World: Lots of love; Anita
Erna Erna wrote on January 19, 2014 at 6:14 pm
i am glad that i broke contact with my parents. when i was together withs them in a room, it was THERE thoughts, beliefs and espacially there need for denial, what counted. i could not stay for some months constantly in contact with my personal feeling (or hopefully inner wisdom), as long as i was in contact with them. there are big problems with that decision of me too, but i would not know a better solution so far. i find it very well explained by you, how the emotional need of parents as well as the young adult having learned to be dependent on them makes the emotional healing impossible. There are surely many exeptions of this rule, but as i don´t belong to these exceptions - thank you for your videos, which encouraged me to this step.
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on December 25, 2013 at 10:14 pm
Hi Carol, Greetings! I\'ll reply backchannel -- but you can purchase it on this website under the DVDs (English) page with Paypal. All the best -- Daniel
Carol Koepp Carol Koepp wrote on December 25, 2013 at 3:10 pm
I would like information about purchasing a DVD copy of Take These Broken Wings. Thanks
Valerie Corzine Valerie Corzine wrote on November 26, 2013 at 1:12 am
Thank you so much for sharing your story and also all the work you do on documenting alternative treatments such as Open Dialogue and Healing Homes.
Felipe Lobo dos Santos Felipe Lobo dos Santos wrote on November 19, 2013 at 9:38 am
A beautiful work and very innovative. Something very important to have in mind (and in the body ...or this is the same)! Congratulations!
Madeleine Callebaut Madeleine Callebaut wrote on November 3, 2013 at 5:27 am
Hi Daniel. I have not read any of your work but I have seen your youtube clips. I am intrigued by this form of caring therapy and hope to access something similar in Australia. .... xif it exists. I am a young. Female and have been suffering at the hands of my doctor\'s for too long. I hate them and am at the point of relinquishing their care but its sad that I know its only a matter of time before they send the police to bring me in. I live in brisbane queensland Australia. If you have any contacts near where I live I would greatly appreciate the help. Thankyou very much. Maddy
Sepehr Sepehr wrote on November 2, 2013 at 7:34 pm
Dear Daniel, first of all, let me say I\'m truly grateful for your videos on YouTube, I watched all of them and a lot of them 2-3 times (and I probably will buy some of your books when I have more money). I\'m VERY attracted to \"finding my true self\", growth, healing from childhood trauma etc., and I do want to go this way. Unfortunately, I had a discouraging experience lately; it was when I moved to a different city, away from my parents and acquaintances. In the second night, I smoked some pot (never smoked it again since), when suddenly an intense anxiety came up, which was hard to endure, it stayed for days, till I decided to move back, because I felt so damn isolated, helpless.. it was just too much horror, and I feared that I now have lost my comfort forever.. Now I\'m again preparing to move, now to a nearer city... I see that coming again, and it will (I\'m still not completely free of it, after 2 month)... Now I\'m again full of willpower to go through this, but I know all this will vanish again when such a horror comes back.. It was like I was losing myself, I had nothing to hold on to, my usual phantasies, pleasures etc. vanished, replaced with anxiety, fear of losing happiness forever, ending up in suicide.. *sigh* I don\'t know what to write, I just hope you have any tips, you could provide any information, I don\'t know.. It\'s messy. With best regards, Sepehr
James Ashley Shea James Ashley Shea wrote on October 31, 2013 at 11:48 pm
Daniel, Have you seen the video yet?
Bart Schouten Bart Schouten wrote on October 30, 2013 at 6:06 pm
I received your documentary \"Open Dialogue\". Watched it today. Very intriguing to see how those family therapists and doctors are baffled by your question \"are you personally at risk by not medicating?\" The only thing that is missing from the film is to interview some policy makers at the municipality level or perhaps the next-higher-up level of governance.
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on October 29, 2013 at 8:23 pm
Hi All -- thanks for commenting. John -- I\'m actually in Melbourne right now, and I\'ll write you a backchannel email. wishing you the best, Daniel
John John wrote on October 28, 2013 at 11:48 pm
Hi Daniel, are you coming to Melbourne, Australia this month? Cheers!
rafael stoklosa rafael stoklosa wrote on October 6, 2013 at 1:01 am
Hi Daniel, I am currently reading your book Toward Truth. It makes REAL sense. My whole life I have been existing through eyes of dissociation. A horrible never ending hell of nothingness if it wasn\'t for a brief collapse of the false self I was convinced that this existence was reality. The veil of illusion lifted I finally could SEE for the first time in my life. The internal voice was gone everything was in 3d. I felt true feelings not pretended ones. I was a part of everything . Next day it was gone hell returned I wanted to commit suicide as a result of this. One day of true living in 3 decades of living?. Your book is revolutionary. How separate I am from myself a walking zombie damaged a monster. The ego reminds me incessantly. An optimal life of a human is living thru the true self.
Simon Simon wrote on October 3, 2013 at 4:12 am
Just found your website having been reading Alice Miller for some time. Thank you.
teresa rudgley teresa rudgley wrote on October 2, 2013 at 12:26 am
Finding the road back to liberation from suffering is no mean feat, but once achieved i can see the individual can bring so much hope and love to many others. Its a life time work. Your clip on healing suffering shows much wisdom. How refreshing to see someone who is prepared to do the ultimate in hard work to be real and stay real. A message of hope. When i became a mother and watched that process of control unfold from all the adults around my children and even observing my own behavior, i know this negatively effected my children\'s unique spirit - my intuition knew what was right but circumstances impact us more profoundly than we can ever predict.
Claudette Claudette wrote on September 28, 2013 at 2:35 pm
Daniel, I am so glad to have been able to buy all four of your DVD\'s. You are doing good work and are a true inspiration. I am glad to have found your blog - I just read some of your writings about dreamwork and agree - I have done minimal dreamwork but find it fascinating. Dreams can be one way to deepen our understanding of ourselves. I have found miraculous physical and emotional healing through nutrition, supplementation, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology, and feel truly blessed in that sense. It is something I want to share with the entire world, but unfortunately, there are those who just don\'t want to believe that if it isn\'t in the form of an FDA approved prescription, it can\'t possibly work. How frustrating!! Thanks again.
Daniel Mackler Daniel Mackler wrote on September 25, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Hi everyone! I\'ve been responding to these guestbook messages backchannel. Thanks for posting!! all the best to you-------- Daniel
Alex Alex wrote on September 21, 2013 at 4:24 am
Hello Daniel, how are you? I am sorry,but my sister ordered the wrong DVD without german Subtitles,could she send you the DVD back? And trade it to a DVD with german Subtitles? It would be nice. The name of the DVD is \"Take these broken wings\". Greetings, Alex
sherry sherry wrote on September 11, 2013 at 7:58 pm
Your site is amazing.I would like some input from you on my troubled relationship with my mother,and I love the work you have here.I left most details on a comment under \"good enough mother\" blog entry.I would appreciate at least your thoughts on my situation.Anyways,thank you for the remarkable work.