
Feel free to sign my guestbook, and share your experience of my website or my work. Note: your email will not be made public, though if you share a link to your website that will be public.  I also want to add that I cannot reply to people’s messages here.  I’m really sorry about that!!

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583 entries.
Diane McAllister Diane McAllister from Northville wrote on February 15, 2023 at 10:35 am
Every few years I revisit my childhood trauma because of difficult Life triggers and the subsequent pain of my reactions. I found your channel a while back when researching the “borderline” features my family has been labeled with. I found you again this week along with trafficking survivor, Anneka Lucas. You’re on my Spotify play list now. I wish we could get you in the public school system to talk to kids about sexual abuse if that could ever be permitted. I’d also love to see a video on your perspective of 12 step programs, particularly Adult Children of Alcoholics, of which I’ve been in and out of for years with mixed feelings. Thank you for sharing your gifts
Regina Regina from Stade wrote on February 1, 2023 at 9:36 am
Hi Daniel. My friend posted a sheet with little every-day-challenges for February. The one of today is to write one person how much they mean to you. I definitely only know you from your content online, but throughout the past 5 years you have helped me so much with that. Especially becoming aware on how important the process of grieving and building the relationship to myself is for my healing journey. And reading that challenge question … I asked myself: who’s my safe space? And it’s your videos. I feel safe with your content and and want to express to you how much it means to me and how grateful I am for the work you are doing and sharing your path. Best regards, Regina
Emmanuella Contopoulou Emmanuella Contopoulou from London wrote on January 27, 2023 at 3:10 pm
Hi Daniel. I just saw the following joint interview of Gabor Mate and Daniel Mate ( and I could not stop thinking of all your youtube videos. I was wondering if you have seen it and if you would like to make any comments. You have made me question Alice Miller and now there is another Guru of childhood trauma that I admire, but something seems to happen when the guru is challenged by its own child... It would be really nice if you could reply.
Forest Forest wrote on January 3, 2023 at 6:43 am
Hello friend. I am also on Olanzapine. I found your songs on youtube and really enjoy them.
Elaine Beitelspacher Elaine Beitelspacher from Moorhead wrote on December 27, 2022 at 6:24 pm
I wish I could adequately express how much I appreciate your videos. They have been tremendously helpful and comforting to me. I can resonate with so much of what you have to say. You are a light in the darkness. Thank you for being you.
Hunter Hunter wrote on December 22, 2022 at 8:04 pm
I just finished watching your youtube video on the six reasons you quit therapy, and I wanted to give my gratitude. I've probably seen over 15 - 20 different therapists throughout my young adult life, and what you said in that video really validated most of the things that I found frustrating, if not sometimes infuriating about therapists in general. So it was nice to hear someone basically tell me that I'm not crazy to feel the way I feel when I immediately have to for instance, close myself off like I'm in a police interrogation when my therapist ask me if I have thoughts of suicide. And then they all ubiquitously gas light me about my fears of opening up about those thoughts and other things in my life while they sit behind 5 layers of psychological concrete walls. And then some of my family members, even as brain-dead as they are also gas light me about the same issues. So I just wanted to say thanks for validating how I feel and having the courage to use your own common sense in a world run by lunatics.
Katie Katie from Sacramento wrote on December 18, 2022 at 9:44 pm
Thank you for doing the work to show up authentically and speak the truth! Your videos have helped me both in terms of content and the spirit you exude. I hope you never stop being you and rocking the boat! Rock on!
Fila Kyle Fila Kyle from Prague wrote on December 10, 2022 at 9:40 pm
Hallo Daniel. And hello all guests here. Daniel. I realy liked your videos on Youtube. It got me as you talk differently about "Borderline Personality Disorder". I was told I have it many years ago. But I actualy just started to hate this kind od diagnose. It never explained anything, just it gave other people reason to bully me. And mostly psychiatrist doctors and also some very cruel therapeut I had. Like a sign on my head telling people what an idiot and uncooperative uncureable I am. I spent about 1 and half year in some Comunity Therapy. Where you live in a house with few same diagnosticed people and some therapeuts. It was metn to be cure and help. I made it to the end as very very few people who didnt run away. It turned out to be most horrible thing I had to go throw. I never emagined I could suffer so much. And It was for nothing! I just carry many wounds from that creazynes and feel like peronality my changed into something super small and lonely and ugly and super stupid. And now many doctors realy told me I fucked it up and it is my fault, get out! And much horrible things I had to listen about me. I wish It never happen to me. Only few people in medical enviroment I have found helpfull. And thay also didt say anything about this diagnose. Thanks Got! Thay just pointed out I have scrued up self confidence. And probbaly ADHD. And I realy was understanding it finaly. And actualy was happy I am not what thay were telling me. And whatever diagnose I have. Most ok psycholog I had said "I dont care about what doctors say, lets just call it Sensitive Flower. I was smiling and happy. Althow I am not cured or ok. I wish I start new life. I am moving from my girlfriend and hope to get some playce to live. I some years back realized I am transgender. It made me most happy. And loving my self again after many years. But i got bullied again. Becouse of this. From some people I trusted. That is why I am trying to live along new people. Also going to mental hospital now. I just canot want to live. Stuck. I wish to You all good people around you! Fila Kyle
Brief Signal Brief Signal wrote on November 29, 2022 at 9:14 am
Your honesty and openness has inspired me. Thank you.
Mason Biamonte Mason Biamonte from Washington DC wrote on November 24, 2022 at 9:07 pm
Thank you Daniel for your obstinate courage. I am currently reading "Breaking From Your Parents" during my breaking from my parents. Your words are exactly what I needed to here and are speaking loudly to my authentic, higher self. I've been making some progress on my addictive patterns thanks to your YouTube videos and this book.
Andrew Andrew from Kyiv wrote on November 24, 2022 at 2:51 pm
Hello Daniel! I am a big fan of your Blog. I beg you to help me with advice. My name is Andrew. I am 35 years old. I live in Ukraine. 8 years ago I was diagnosed with UC. I took medication for a very long time, but it did not work. This summer, I had to give up medicines due to problems with supplies to Ukraine. Now I'm trying to follow a specific diet and it helps me. But I have a VERY low iron level in my blood (anemia). All drugs that I tried cause terrible diarrhea, blood and exacerbation. Please tell me what methods, means or drugs helped you improve the level of iron in the blood? I would be very grateful for your help!
Dusty Dusty from Riyadh wrote on November 22, 2022 at 4:39 am
Hello I'd like to suggest a book, The Abyss of Madness by George E. Atwood. It's about new research to treat patients with severe psychological issues, in a humanitarian way. It also looks at the root causes of some disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. You can find a pdf of the first 4 chapters online for free I believe. I highly suggest reading it. Thank you,
Paul King Paul King from Mississauga, ON wrote on November 21, 2022 at 8:19 pm
Hi Daniel I have an article I wrote on my blog that, if you have time, could you read? I will understand if you don't have time. It is not often I get the inspiration to write an article on humility, but some videos (including yours, which I don't have the link to) mentioned enough about the topic that I was starting to have some ideas for an article. It is about a 9-10 minute read. I thought you would be interested, since I have watched enough of your videos and read an article at that I thought you would take an interest in it. Take heart, there is no advertising, tracking or any of that nonsense. I run this blog entirely at my own expense.
Mariah Mariah from Fullerton wrote on November 12, 2022 at 1:46 am
I’m glad you exist. 👏😀👍
Diana Diana wrote on November 11, 2022 at 9:46 am
Hi Daniel! I watched on of your videos and found it really inspiring. I'm grateful for what you are putting into the world and the work you are doing. I remembered the experience meeting you at a peer activism event in Great Barrington years ago! You have a bright light! I hope life is going well for you in these times.
Daniel Daniel wrote on November 10, 2022 at 7:40 am
Hi Daniel, My deepest gratitude for your views , angles , ideals on doing the work to grieve traumas . For myself, it opened me up to go deeper into my core . I have thanked you many times throughout the years . A heartfelt reflection on someone or something which nudges us back on the path to liberation . My healing is your healing . Peace
Anu Anu wrote on November 7, 2022 at 8:43 am
Hi Daniel, Your channel has helped me a lot, I just wanted to thank you for your work. If you don't mind the suggestion, I think you should upload clips of your work on TikTok, it would get a lot of traction and probably really boost your Patreon. Anyway just a thought but either way I'm really grateful to you for making Take These Broken Wings. Love, Anu
John Hoggett John Hoggett from Reading wrote on October 19, 2022 at 3:54 pm
If you were in the UK I would ask if you would like to make a film together. Not sure what about but it would be fun.
Ashley Ashley wrote on August 6, 2022 at 8:31 pm
Hi Daniel! Wow, you are so cool! I wonder if you may be the NTP Philosopher/Debater Myers Briggs personality? It is so good to meet you 😍
Adele Adele wrote on May 12, 2022 at 11:07 am
Hi Daniel, thank you for being so boldly and bravely uniquely and unapologeticaly you. Helps me a lot. Love your original ideas and content and the values you endorse. Gives me the strength to break away from the toxic ideas perpetuated in our culture and reclaim what's truly, authentically, wildly me. Please keep being you. 💛
Fyre Xara Fyre Xara from Miami wrote on May 7, 2022 at 4:58 pm
☀️❤️‍🔥🙏🏼💞✨ Beautiful Souls Murky darkness 🍀The light of ~ humor! lalalalaalala ! 🧑🏽‍🎓Culturally normed... 🌱Trauma informed 👹Spiritually formed Daniellllllll happy 4:52pm! Thank you you yeuuuu 🙏🏼Wishing YOU ALL ~ in the darkness! in the lightness! in the greyness! in the hotpinkness! A mooment of ~ 💞🙏🏼😉 What is real? Who am I? How do I express love? lalalalalala?
Shelly Shelly wrote on April 20, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Hey Daniel, hope you are doing well and enjoying your travels. I needed to say thanks for your videos. I watched some again last night and I’ve watched many over the last few years and they are always exactly what i need at that moment. I woke up feeling a lot better today because of it so thanks again. Look forward to seeing more without the awful despair that often brings me to you. Xx
Josh McLaughlin Josh McLaughlin from Phoenix wrote on March 30, 2022 at 7:48 pm
Hi, I just want to speak about my appreciation for your critique of psychotherapy youtube vid. I've watched it before entering grad school, again in bits and pieces during internship, and some more when I became employed post graduation. I also happened upon it again today. The reason I appreciate it is for how the message resonates with me. It touches on my views of diagnosis, relationships with clients and supervisors, and what is healing -- which has something to do with just being a good listener, understander, and artist. It helped, and continues to help me because it resonates with hunches I had about the field. It helps because it validates things I know about the field now after working in it. It helps because there's still more for me to learn, but I'm not going in blind. That gives me a sense of comfort! I go into the future as a therapist now with comfort and a desire to develop a view that's all my own! I can do that because your message contributed to my sense of empowerment as a professional. I feel empowered because I know I can have feel and think about the field what I will, without shame. That's so valuable to me. So, I appreciate everything it took for you to be able to share your critique. It added value to my life! I'm not sure if you're a God fearing man, but I am. And I'm grateful to God for the man he made in you! The best, Josh
Andrea Andrea wrote on March 29, 2022 at 8:16 am
Dear Daniel, thank you for everything that you share and discuss. It's such a pleasure listening to you speak and your videos are the best and most raw that I've seen on the internet. Your emotion, your honesty and your empathy flow through your words. I hope you will experience true joy for many years to come.
M.L M.L wrote on March 26, 2022 at 7:09 pm
Hello, Daniel! I think your essay on Frida is one best analysis maybe in the history of the psychotherapy! Do you have an email adress ? Best wishes
Luis Robayo Luis Robayo from Garden City wrote on March 15, 2022 at 12:47 am
Hi, Daniel: I’d like to thank you for impacting my life, because you had helped articulate the many things I felt — at one time or another. Your perspectives and experiences are second to none in evaluation. IF YOU COULD, I would like to know your thoughts on loyalty and respect, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to generate this fluency, despite me trying my best to be a good human being to the people I interact with. Be it business or personal, many people take and do without thinking about the other person (a common theme in my life). I’m having a tough time figuring out how to communicate and “demand” (used loosely) the respect I think I deserve, without coming across as an tyrant (to which I’m slowly shifting to).
Spencer Huang Spencer Huang from atlanta wrote on March 12, 2022 at 11:03 pm
Hello Daniel and Daniel's community! Thank you for making content that has helped me feel more real in the world. It seems to me like the world has recently exploded in complexity and with it has come a lot of arbitrary structure and pressure - some helpful but others quite harmful. When I watch Daniel's videos, I feel like many of these constructs melt away and I can connect with myself without fear of being broken or "wrong." For that I am really really grateful!
Anthony Migliorino Anthony Migliorino from Smithtown wrote on March 11, 2022 at 1:02 pm
Hello Daniel, thank you for all the work, time, and energy you put into raising awareness about childhood trauma. You have greatly helped me in becoming a better father and positively influencing my family. I would love to have you on Oak & Rock Fatherhood to discuss the often avoided subject of helping fathers parent peacefully.
Lisa Alastuey Lisa Alastuey from Houston wrote on February 6, 2022 at 10:29 am
Hi Daniel, I just wanted to say thank you for your channel and website. You have such great insight and content. I would love to interview you for my channel if you are open to it. Nonetheless, thank you for your authenticity and very important work. It is very much appreciated. All the best, Lisa
Diana Diana wrote on January 25, 2022 at 11:58 am
Hi Daniel, i left a comment on Youtube but it seems they always delete comments that contain links to any websites. In your recent video you mentioned your bad eye sight and I wanted to suggest you try contact lenses by Biofinity brand. They are very comfortable and can be worn for a whole month without taking them out at night! I even wear them longer as I don’t notice them at all. You can order from the UK website, no prescription required, fast delivery. I sent you some money on Venmo for the contacts 🙂