
Feel free to sign my guestbook, and share your experience of my website or my work. Note: your email will not be made public, though if you share a link to your website that will be public.  I also want to add that I cannot reply to people’s messages here.  I’m really sorry about that!!

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577 entries.
Amanda Wang Amanda Wang from Collegeville wrote on July 14, 2023 at 2:24 pm
Hey you might never see this, but I love your videos. I want to be a psychiatrist (not the kind that just prescribes drugs and forces diagnoses down people's throat) and I just wanted to know if you knew how to do this!
Shelley Spucces Shelley Spucces from Glendale wrote on July 13, 2023 at 5:39 pm
As a parent, I am humbly asking for help. I will try to be brief. I value and appreciate your important insights, which my 33-year old son introduced me to. I was a severely codependent mom, with an unstable and emotionally abusive husband, and 2 kids much younger than that first one. Believing I was caring for everyone and juggling everything well enough, in spite of my own illness and misery, I now realize that he endured profound feelings of neglect, abandonment, and betrayal because of the situation I allowed to continue. After several years in Codependents Anonymous, I am much more aware, independent, and healthy.....and working on making amends. My son has already broken from his stepfather. How do I convey to my son that I understand, acknowledge, and accept responsibility for what I allowed to occur, even though (for numerous reasons) I have not completely cut his stepfather out of my own life? I want to maintain a relationship with my son. I am grasping and grateful for any guidance.
JS JS from Brooklyn, NY wrote on July 13, 2023 at 2:15 pm
Daniel -- The profession lost a mensch when you left. Your videos have helped me so much. Could you tackle psychedelics? There's a lot of hype. I would trust your take!
Lelaya Syed Lelaya Syed from Birmingham wrote on July 8, 2023 at 2:25 am
Hi Daniel, Thank you for your beautiful you tube channel. I am learning so much. Also have you heared of rapid Transformational Therapy by Marisa Peer? I'm currently in training at the moment. It's such a beautiful Therapy. So life changing so transformative. Thank you for being out there and so open. You are phenomenonal! Lelaya
Daniel Johnston Daniel Johnston from Red Lake wrote on June 29, 2023 at 5:35 am
Congrats on 100,000 subs , you deserve , we deserve, peace bro
Roe Roe from Middletown wrote on June 27, 2023 at 10:16 pm
For some reason YouTube suggested your video. And I thought I'd hear a little bit. I liked that it wasn't a viral video and it wasn't big production. Well I've been hearing a lot of what you have to say and it makes me feel more at ease with who I am. I've been working on a memoir but it is more about the insight than the events of my life journey so far. I worried that I was sounding too negative about society or too 'notes from the underground' but hearing your consistent perspective and reading some of the comments has been empowering. I wonder if there are events or festivals that you have found free minded people who are grounded in acknowledging the world we live in without the safety goggles which defense mechanisms of delusions provide. Also that those types of gatherings are not a cult recruitment lol there's that.
Ana Ana wrote on June 27, 2023 at 12:55 pm
Hi Daniel, I am so glad that I’ve found you on youtube! The first video that I watched was about you quitting your job as a therapist, to be honest it scared me a little bit because I want to become a psychotherapist myself. I’m writhing this to thank you for just being on this planet:) You are really inspiring me to be a kind person. When I’m watching your videos I see your love for people and it brings me so much joy. Thank you!
m m from somewhere far wrote on June 27, 2023 at 9:26 am
Hi Daniel, I serendipitously discovered your youtube channel at exactly the right time in my life. Against overwhelming odds, and following incessant and brutal psychological sabotage on my mother's part, I've secured an incredible career opportunity in NYC and am in the process of moving across the world for that purpose. What struck me the most about your message is how I seemed to already know a good part of it, on some level, but I needed someone else to say it first. My sense of reality was so warped that I didn't have the confidence to trust my own perceptions (much like how you felt that your mother was trying to "screw you up"). So I failed to exercise good judgment in my relationships, as an adult, and was further traumatized as a result. But I took concrete decisions and I know it in my gut -- that very gut I long thought I'd lacked -- that I will never look back. Thank you for being a part of this experience. My life will never be the same. On another note, I learned from your videos that you live(d) in the city and am wondering if you can point me to any useful resources to support adults recovering from parental narcissistic abuse. I cycled through several meds and therapists for nearly a decade now, but I'd like to move away from all that. What I feel I truly need is to simply dialogue with other people with similar experiences. Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks again for everything.
Mary Mary from Melbourne, Australia wrote on June 27, 2023 at 7:20 am
Dear Daniel, Discovered your videos today, and so appreciate you sharing your experiences and understandings. The mind is complex and not a source of peace. Fortunately, there is something MORE to us. WITHIN us. And it is GOOD and BEAUTIFUL and FULFILLING. It is our true SELF. There is a song - I am not the body Nor the mind I am not of this earth I am something divine That ‘I’ is what we seek in various ways. It is within us. To be EXPERIENCED. To KNOW. I am not a psychologist. Nor a truster in spirituality. My good wishes to You, Mary
Drew Drew wrote on June 27, 2023 at 3:01 am
Hi Daniel. I was wondering if you could make a video discussing more in depth how the media normalizes toxic relationships, abuse, and unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result of trauma. When I was a young girl I grew up with artists like Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande being very popular at school and developed a terrible self esteem due to feeling like my only worth was how sexually appealing I am to men. Check out some of their lyrics and music videos if you're not familiar, but I'm sure other artists with similar issues will come to mind. It would be interesting to know your thoughts on how material so easily available (and sometimes directly marketed) to younger audiences keeps trapped in shallow ideas about life and what will make us happy.
Laura D. Laura D. from Las Cruces wrote on June 25, 2023 at 9:21 pm
I am only now beginning to watch your videos and delve into your work. I can tell right off the bat that this is what I have been seeking for a very long time. I have always thought I am a terrible person for being an only child and wanting distance between myself and my parents.....but I can see I am not a bad person. I will be writing more as I dig further into your work. It's not even a coincidence that I'm studying for my master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Thank you for your candor and courage!!
Esther Hecker Esther Hecker from Longview wrote on June 25, 2023 at 12:16 pm
You sir are one in a million
Rafaela Rafaela from Sao Paulo, Brasil wrote on June 21, 2023 at 10:01 am
Having suffered several traumas, received multiple diagnosis and taken meds that never help, all i can say is how refreshing it is to see a (former) therapist be so honest and touch upon rarely discussed topics like you do! I never had a therapist i really connected with and it made me wish that , somehow, you were still working in the field. I have had very expensive therapists and they were even worse than cheaper ones. Now i cant afford much, and the fact that you wouls accept people who couldnt pay much, touched me really deep. sending love from Brasil 🌻
Sara Sara wrote on June 21, 2023 at 5:43 am
Hi Daniel, I am listening to your video titled "Why I Quit Being a Therapist -- Six Reasons by Daniel Mackler" and I am touched by your compassion (minute 15:50). I pray your tummy is a lot better now, but if it's not pretty please look into "grounding" or "earthing". This is basically putting your bare feet on earth. Sleep on a grounding mat. I hope this helps. Thank you for what have done for our brothers and sisters. Sara
HKVN HKVN from SF Bay Area wrote on June 20, 2023 at 8:37 pm
Thank you Daniel for your youtube work and sharing your journey. Just bought Breaking From Your Parents as that is the most important issue that I am dealing with right now (early 30's). It is incredibly tough too because they are ill. Sometimes, I imagine that I should just wait a few more years and hopefully be at peace. I guess we will see if my plans change after viewing and watching your video on it. I wish the best for you and other commenters.
Bence Bence from (Hungary) wrote on June 18, 2023 at 5:01 pm
500.! 🙂 Dear Daniel, I just found your YouTube channel - your content is very interesting! I like your videos, your ideas, your opinions, your deep thoughts!! One question: what do you think about psychedelics? Br, Bence
Jenny Rossi Jenny Rossi from Helsinki wrote on June 18, 2023 at 2:22 pm
Thank you for everything that you do.
Daniel Johnston Daniel Johnston from Red Lake wrote on June 17, 2023 at 7:15 am
glad to see the growth of your channel Daniel ... all the best
Trevor P., age 21 Trevor P., age 21 from Huntington West Virginia wrote on June 15, 2023 at 12:19 pm
I love you, so much. 🙂
Rudy Lawler Rudy Lawler wrote on June 14, 2023 at 10:45 pm
What are some solid way (or not often appreciated ways!) to help those in my life who provide therapeutic services, whether licensed or not? Thank you - I appreciate your work and time
ThisAccount ThisAccount wrote on June 13, 2023 at 2:17 pm
Thank you for sharing. I have a bit better perspective on my responsibility as a father for my children's childhood.
Natasha Natasha from Adelaide, Australia wrote on June 11, 2023 at 11:59 pm
You have a beautiful soul, thankyou so much for putting yourself out into the world, I've just discovered you upon my journey of going within in order to change and create the outer world, I love you 💖💕
Kathleen Cole Kathleen Cole from Washington, DC wrote on June 11, 2023 at 2:30 pm
I get it.
Claire Williams Claire Williams from Bristol wrote on June 7, 2023 at 7:56 am
You are Amazing Daniel. Love & Gratitude 🤩
Ewelina Ewelina from Norwich wrote on June 5, 2023 at 7:16 am
Hello Daniel, I really appreciate your videos. Could you one day do one on psychology of one-uppers? Especially in family settings? Also, parent favouritism of specific children? Many thanks, Ewelina.
Lina Lina wrote on June 4, 2023 at 1:32 am
Hi Daniel! Thank you so much for being yourself, recording your videos and writing and selling your books! It helps me somehow, just listening to a person like you, as much as it can help in the absence of therapy and good people around or connections. I've read "Five Weeks in China" and it was such a joyful encaptivating read! I also have another book to finish and I'm planning to read more of your books.
Nancy Nancy from Winona wrote on June 2, 2023 at 5:40 pm
Hi Daniel, Would you be able to do a video on the following topic. My brother is very verbally abusive and cold to his wife. Our parents raised us basically like livestock. I told her that I believe he treats her so badly because she must prove her love for him. If he treated her well and she loved him, that would prove nothing, but if he abuses her and she still loves him and does not abandon him, she must truly love him. It's the only way he can truly be sure. He will not put on what he sees as an act like he had to get a few morsels of "love" from our parents. In essence he is saying to our parents (and maybe himself) that they must have been wrong to not love him or think he was good enough because even at his worst, his wife still loves him. At his best, his parents did not, so he's not going to try that tactic again. It's a win-win for him because even if she leaves him, he will be able to blame it on the abuse, not on him being unlovable, and he can keep on denying his childhood trauma and pain.
Alafair Alafair from Orange County, Calif wrote on June 2, 2023 at 4:27 pm
You are so good at putting everything I think and feel into words. One of my new favorite people! Alafair xo
Sea Sea from Honolulu wrote on May 31, 2023 at 9:33 pm
I appreciate your existence Daniel. You remind me so much of Peter K. Gerlach. In ways where your purpose lets me know that despite my emptiness, I still have myself.
S S from London wrote on May 31, 2023 at 10:46 am
Thank you for your video on "they did their best." The detail was very productive for me. Moreover. I've recently begun working with a certain fast-growing therapuetic sector where the phrase is a platitude. It's sometimes followed by, "once you've properly done this work [and even "have an open heart"] then you'll understand." Which feels dismissive at best. But I'm only just starting out. So I'm really glad to refer to you.