Although the subject matter I address on this website is intense, I sometimes write in a humorous tone. Here is a sampling…
- Deconstructing Psychiatric Diagnoses
- 34 Reasons to Circumcise Your Beloved Newborn Baby Boy
- What Makes a Psychoanalyst? — A Dialogue Between Patient and Analyst
- Children as Antidepressants: 17 Pros and 21 Cons
- 32 Reasons Why The “Schizophrenogenic Mother” Concept Is Incorrect
- Ten Ways to Be a Vague (Psychology) Writer
These topics are quite humorous! They all look interesting, now I’m wondering which one to start with?
“democracy” of corruption ???
you who was implemented the “democracy” of corruption to passing the negative effects of “global warming” now you must acting in the opposite direction removing the corruption what meens transforming your self to wolves in sheeps
eliminating corruption and applying the laws at each state
voi cei care a-ti implementat “democratia” coruptiei pentru a trece de efectele negative ale “incalzirii globale” acum trebuie sa actionati in sens invers inlaturind coruptia adica transformaindu-va din lupi in oi
i have no acces to my facebook will you put on your facebook?