Here some of the essays I’ve written on that nebulous subject called “psychology.” I’ve written these over a period of years, starting in 2004. Many are quite short, and some are fairly long.
- Seven Mental Techniques to Let Our Abusive Parents Off the Hook
- People Live in Bubbles
- “The Education of Little Tree”: A Psychological Exploration of How a Racist Wrote a Great Anti-Racist Novel
- Is My Therapist Good or Not? (on
- Inner Child Mortality
- Two Categories of Crying
- Emotional Flowchart for My Creative Process
- Why don’t traumatized people take good care of themselves?
- Three Differences Between Therapy & Friendship
- Three Differences Between Therapists & Parents
- Dissatisfaction Is Mentally Healthy
- Dreams and Traumatic Experiences Are Flip Sides of the Same Coin
- Critique of Judith Herman’s Classic Book, “Trauma and Recovery”
- The Advantages of Being Conventional
- Every Rapist Was Himself Raped
- The Root Cause of Addiction
- Truth Is Not Subjective
- Three Ways to Make Amends
- Genetics Behind Psychopathology: A Convenient Excuse for Parents
- The Enlightened Person Balances Masculinity & Femininity
- The Essential Difference Between Animals and Humans
- The Truth About Spirituality
- What Lurks Behind Guilt
- Self-Defense: Only Valid if You Know Your SELF
- Suicide: The Ultimate Way to Avoid The Painful Truth
- Why People Are So Terrified of Death
- To Those Who Have Given Up Hope
- Why Live if We’re All Only Going to Die Anyway?
- What Makes a Healer?
- Psychotropic Medications Stunt Emotional Growth
- What Does High Functioning So Often Disguise?
- So What the Hell Is Narcissism Anyway?
- An Analysis of the Shadow Side of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
- (and written a few years later: Commentary on the aforementioned Fromm-Reichmann Essay)